Pool Party Mayhem in McKinney
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Re: Pool Party Mayhem in McKinney
http://theconservativetreehouse.com/201 ... bdivision/
I don't really read "conservative" blogs that often, but this one is pretty accurate. It includes some of the tweets, video, and timeline. I still have screenshots from some of the people involved. They aren't printable, but maybe I'll post a link for them if they become more relevant. I don't think anyone on here is buying what these kids are selling.
I don't really read "conservative" blogs that often, but this one is pretty accurate. It includes some of the tweets, video, and timeline. I still have screenshots from some of the people involved. They aren't printable, but maybe I'll post a link for them if they become more relevant. I don't think anyone on here is buying what these kids are selling.
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Re: Pool Party Mayhem in McKinney
Some of you seem to think this has been made about race because of well, race. But you would be wrong. Its being made about race for the same reason that the other incidents were made about race. This is all political, designed to shore up the base of the Democrat Party for coming elections, especially POTUS. They have taken a shellacking in the polls on Federal, state, and local levels across the nation (other than POTUS) the last three election cycles. They are desperate to do whatever it takes to get their voters out to the polls. If you don't understand that the bulk of the mass news media is on their side, then you haven't been paying attention. I'm sorry for all the decent folks, of whatever race, in that neighborhood, that are going to be used as pawns in a dirty political game. Some people will do anything to hold, or gain power, no matter who it hurts.
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Re: Pool Party Mayhem in McKinney
Did you see any parents of these "children" on duty that night?Rrash wrote:From what I saw, there were simply no female officers on duty that night. I think every available unit responded, including FD. I am sure if there was an available female officer, she would have responded.RPBrown wrote:I just heard an interview on the radio with what was supposed to be the girls father. He is already playing the race card. Also complaining that there were no female officers as first responders sent.
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Re: Pool Party Mayhem in McKinney
The MSM is desperately trying to provoke racial conflict. It's too early to tell how successful they're going to be, but so far it looks like they haven't gotten the kind of conflagration they're seeking.mojo84 wrote:Rrash wrote:Sadly, this neighborhood is the battleground. Ridiculous. Nobody here wants this. The neighborhood, while diverse, is fairly united that the media has spun this, its not about race, and we can't tolerate this kind of behavior.mojo84 wrote:Seems the police and race issue has been promoted to the point we have a powder keg on our hands. Everything that can be done to convert our country into a third world country is being done.
Unfortunately, it looks like your neighborhood drew the short straw. I suspect this is another version of the flash mob and you guys are part of ground zero. Be careful.
What's really sad is that race probably wasn't an issue until outsiders decided to make it one. Race baiters sling the bait and some are real quick to take it.
"Journalism, n. A job for people who flunked out of STEM courses, enjoy making up stories, and have no detectable integrity or morals."
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Re: Pool Party Mayhem in McKinney
K.Mooneyham wrote:Some of you seem to think this has been made about race because of well, race. But you would be wrong. Its being made about race for the same reason that the other incidents were made about race. This is all political, designed to shore up the base of the Democrat Party for coming elections, especially POTUS. They have taken a shellacking in the polls on Federal, state, and local levels across the nation (other than POTUS) the last three election cycles. They are desperate to do whatever it takes to get their voters out to the polls. If you don't understand that the bulk of the mass news media is on their side, then you haven't been paying attention. I'm sorry for all the decent folks, of whatever race, in that neighborhood, that are going to be used as pawns in a dirty political game. Some people will do anything to hold, or gain power, no matter who it hurts.
There is another motivation at work here too....stigmatize the police in such a way that they will be hesitant to take action in future altercations. That will leave citizens to fend for themselves, as in Baltimore. The hope of the provocateurs is that this will force direct racial confrontation and escalation. It's a win-win for the media scum because if the police act, they can be attacked as racist, and if they don't act they're still racist, but there is a greater chance of escalation and more serious racial conflict. The old divide and conquer routine is very strong with the cultural Marxists running the show these days.
"Journalism, n. A job for people who flunked out of STEM courses, enjoy making up stories, and have no detectable integrity or morals."
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From the WeaponsMan blog, weaponsman.com
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Re: Pool Party Mayhem in McKinney
It's been interesting to watch this unfold in the media AFTER reading the OP's firsthand account here.
What I still find stunning (although not surprising) is how hard the media is trying to make this about race. To shape the story instead of uncover the truth. Again, not a surprise as much as a disappointment.
What I still find stunning (although not surprising) is how hard the media is trying to make this about race. To shape the story instead of uncover the truth. Again, not a surprise as much as a disappointment.
I am not a lawyer. This is NOT legal advice.!
Nothing tempers idealism quite like the cold bath of reality.... SQLGeek
Nothing tempers idealism quite like the cold bath of reality.... SQLGeek
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Re: Pool Party Mayhem in McKinney
If any group needs to be rounded up and sent to Gitmo under the authority of the Patriot Act it's the members of our MSM. Their 5th columnist subversion has done more damage to the country and continues to do more to undermine Constitutional government than all "terrorist" actions combined.RoyGBiv wrote:It's been interesting to watch this unfold in the media AFTER reading the OP's firsthand account here.
What I still find stunning (although not surprising) is how hard the media is trying to make this about race. To shape the story instead of uncover the truth. Again, not a surprise as much as a disappointment.

"Journalism, n. A job for people who flunked out of STEM courses, enjoy making up stories, and have no detectable integrity or morals."
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From the WeaponsMan blog, weaponsman.com
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Re: Pool Party Mayhem in McKinney
The saddest part of all this is how there are more and more well spoken wise black men standing up and saying this race baiting and progressive enabling is the problem and is resulting in more damage to the black community than traditional white against black racism the progressive haters keep promoting. The police officers are just the pawns in this.
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Re: Pool Party Mayhem in McKinney
Race was never an issue in it until it got picked up by the media. The neighborhood did a great job communicating about it on our Facebook page, and people had differing of opinions concerning parenting, police work, etc., but nobody made it about race. The race thing became an issue once the media started reporting it.mojo84 wrote:Unfortunately, it looks like your neighborhood drew the short straw. I suspect this is another version of the flash mob and you guys are part of ground zero. Be careful.
What's really sad is that race probably wasn't an issue until outsiders decided to make it one. Race baiters sling the bait and some are real quick to take it.
Even then, the overwhelming consensus among neighbors of all races is that this still has nothing to do with race.
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Re: Pool Party Mayhem in McKinney
That made me LOL. Thanks guys.aaangel wrote:like! button pressed! i told my wife, as soon as the kid goes to college.....motorhome!Oldgringo wrote:It can not, and will not, happen to me and Mrs. Oldgringo in our neighborhood.aaangel wrote:it can happen to anyone of us here! so sorry for what's happening in your neighborhood Rrash. keep safe!
Re: Pool Party Mayhem in McKinney
It doesn't appear that the protests are over. Anyone heard how prepared McKinney Police are prepared?
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Re: Pool Party Mayhem in McKinney
Oldgringo wrote:Did you see any parents of these "children" on duty that night?Rrash wrote:From what I saw, there were simply no female officers on duty that night. I think every available unit responded, including FD. I am sure if there was an available female officer, she would have responded.RPBrown wrote:I just heard an interview on the radio with what was supposed to be the girls father. He is already playing the race card. Also complaining that there were no female officers as first responders sent.
There were no parents anywhere until the police started calling them to pick up their kids. Most of these kids didn't even live anywhere around Craig Ranch - they were just responding to the Twitter posts and showing up to a party. They likely had no idea the pool was private. From that angle, I can understand why there were no parents (your 16-17 year old is invited to a pool party, cool!), and I can somewhat understand the frustration of having to come and pick them up. What was sad, however, is that the parents were yelling at the cops instead of their children. Obviously, we don't know what was said in the cars on the ride home, so maybe the kids got it too. Either way, I would have liked to see the parents a little more understanding and respectful to the cops and the homeowners who helped take care of their kids while in handcuffs.
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Re: Pool Party Mayhem in McKinney
http://legalinsurrection.com/2015/06/vi ... ore-130115
Same intelligent rational analysis as during the Zimmerman trial --by a prominent self-defense attorney.
Same intelligent rational analysis as during the Zimmerman trial --by a prominent self-defense attorney.
I watched the video expectantly for the claimed police misconduct.
One would think from Twitter comments regarding McKinney that the police dropped uninvited onto a placid pool party of little children to wreak havoc on the festivities.
Is that what really happened? Is that even vaguely credible?
At this point Casebolt notes that Bectom has refused to comply with multiple lawful orders to disperse. These multiple efforts to encourage compliance with verbal commands having proven ineffective, he appropriately increases his use of force to physically compel compliance.
It is this portion of the video that the Progressive left appears to find most mind-blowing.
The only explanation for this is that they are so entirely ignorant of the role of police in society that they don’t understand that the police are authorized by that society to use force to compel compliance with lawful orders.
And while many, even those who typically support the police, may find observing a uniformed officer use physical force on a non-compliant bikini girl, the fact that a use of force may appear distasteful does not make that use of force unlawful.
In fact, Casebolt is entirely within the law in his use of non-deadly force to compel compliance with lawful commands.
And Bectom is entirely outside the law in her immediate and sustained physical resistance to the officer’s lawful use of force. She is, literally, committing a crime in doing so.
.My advice? If you don’t want a cop to point his pistol at you, don’t rush him while he’s subduing a suspect.
Indeed, the two male attackers should count themselves fortunate that Casebolt was so slow on the trigger. With his attackers at that close proximity he would have been entirely warranted in shooting them both
In a nutshell then:
Unlawful acts by the Casebolt?
Unlawful acts by the various members of the crowd?
Refusal to comply with lawful police orders, by the whole non-compliant mob.
Resisting, by Dajerria Bectom
Simple assault, by Bectom’s friend who encroached on Casebolt subduing Bectom
Aggravated assault, by each of the males who rushed at the officer while he was subduing Bectom
That’s about it for now. We will, of course, keep you advised as new facts (and falsehoods) emerge.
"Journalism, n. A job for people who flunked out of STEM courses, enjoy making up stories, and have no detectable integrity or morals."
From the WeaponsMan blog, weaponsman.com
From the WeaponsMan blog, weaponsman.com
Re: Pool Party Mayhem in McKinney
dito, that's what I thought upon watching this expanded video. The officer was amped up on adrenaline. The other officers where working the crowed. 20/20 hindsight but it'd been better if one of them had taken command.jmra wrote:I watched the video but did not read the article. My impression of the video:
I saw an officer working the crowd calmly explaining what they needed everyone to do. Then this hothead comes running up yelling at everyone and pushing people around. The other officers are working to maintain calm and order while this guy is yelling profanities and barking orders.
Throughout my professional careers I have been taught to deesculate situations. That is exactly what the officers were doing before the hothead got everybody riled up. I don't believe anything the hothead did rose to the level of brutality, but I do believe this video should be used as training tool showing officers what not to do when trying to manage a crowd.
IMHO this officer was liability in this situation. Anyone who believes otherwise please explain to me why none of the other officers were behaving in the same manner.
Re: Pool Party Mayhem in McKinney
ok that explains why the other officers didn't take command.Rrash wrote:The hothead was the supervisor, also the 1st officer on the scene. That might explain his amped up demeanor while the others seemed to just let him go nuts. Keep in mind 10 more units were in route, as were the fire dept and EMT.
I agree the guy could have simmered down, but I don't think his actions were malicious. Nobody was injured except for the one man who ran from the cops. I think they hit him with pepper spray when he resisted off camera.