Ted Cruz not voting?

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Re: Ted Cruz not voting?


Post by Rex B »

I just re-read this Texas Monthly article from 2013. Still worth reading.

http://www.texasmonthly.com/story/who-is-ted-cruz" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Ted Cruz not voting?


Post by misterlarry »

I believe that Ted Cruz will make mincemeat out of all comers during any debate he participates in. He is in it to win it and picked today to announce his candidacy because it is the 5th anniversary of Obamacare being passed. I cannot even vote here in the USA but I am putting all my support behind Ted Cruz and win or lose, I will be able to say that I did everything that I could do as a legal permanent resident of the USA to help him defend the US Constitution.
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Re: Ted Cruz not voting?


Post by psijac »

If a primary was today I would vote for Scott Walker. He's from an executive level office, he's not as libertarian as Cruz or Rand, but he still managed to stand up to the unions and pass reform, which makes him more politically savvy
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Re: Ted Cruz not voting?


Post by Jason K »

jmra wrote: Reagan also had the benifit of being a CA favorite which allowed him to carry both CA and TX. Not only will Cruz not carry CA, he might not carry Texas in the primary depending on who decides to run.
Only person who might run that could actually threaten Cruz in Texas would be Rand Paul....and they seem cut from the same cloth.

....or do you really think Rick Perry has a ghost of a chance this time? :roll:

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Re: Ted Cruz not voting?


Post by Cedar Park Dad »

psijac wrote:If a primary was today I would vote for Scott Walker. He's from an executive level office, he's not as libertarian as Cruz or Rand, but he still managed to stand up to the unions and pass reform, which makes him more politically savvy
Mark my words (and I'm getting off topic) the Republican ticket will be Walker for Pres and Rubio for Vice Pres.
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Re: Ted Cruz not voting?


Post by VMI77 »

JSThane wrote:
Rex B wrote:Not surprising. I don't think he can win, but he's got my vote.
They said that about Reagan, too.

I think this is predicated on the notion that America wants a "moderate" for President, a notion that the LSM propagates every four years, because they know moderate Republicans (usually) get trounced. Unfortunately, pundits and "party leaders" usually buy into it, which gives it a sense of undeserved legitimacy.
We're well past the Reagan era. Things were not as controlled and rigged back then as they are now. There is no way the current GOP will allow Cruz to be the nominee. If he shows any chance of winning they will sabotage him at every turn, rig primaries, and do anything necessary to ensure he doesn't get the nomination, no matter what the voters want. On the national level, the GOP is a dead elephant.
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Re: Ted Cruz not voting?


Post by Rex B »

Here is the site that sends me my updates.

https://www.govtrack.us/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Nice clean email with only information, no spam, no graphics - just the facts, Ma'am.

Almost all the results for Cruz say "Not voting"

As much as I like Ted, I do have a bit of a problem with a representative not doing the job we sent them to do, in order to work at getting the next job. I know if I had taken off work to apply for another job, my boss would not have paid me, and probably would have fired me.

Right now, I think the best ticket is a Walker-Cruz team. Walker has the executive creds, and Cruz is the attack dog.
Sort of like Obama & Biden..... No, wait "rlol"
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Re: Ted Cruz not voting?


Post by mojo84 »

Rex B wrote:Here is the site that sends me my updates.

https://www.govtrack.us/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Nice clean email with only information, no spam, no graphics - just the facts, Ma'am.

Almost all the results for Cruz say "Not voting"

As much as I like Ted, I do have a bit of a problem with a representative not doing the job we sent them to do, in order to work at getting the next job. I know if I had taken off work to apply for another job, my boss would not have paid me, and probably would have fired me.

Right now, I think the best ticket is a Walker-Cruz team. Walker has the executive creds, and Cruz is the attack dog.
Sort of like Obama & Biden..... No, wait "rlol"
I think this would be an awesome option.
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Re: Ted Cruz not voting?


Post by mtnthundr2 »

Rex B wrote:Here is the site that sends me my updates.

https://www.govtrack.us/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Nice clean email with only information, no spam, no graphics - just the facts, Ma'am.
Thanks Rex, this is a great resource, I'm going to sign up for alerts and updates.
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Re: Ted Cruz not voting?


Post by Jason K »

Rex B wrote:Here is the site that sends me my updates.

https://www.govtrack.us/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Nice clean email with only information, no spam, no graphics - just the facts, Ma'am.

Almost all the results for Cruz say "Not voting"

As much as I like Ted, I do have a bit of a problem with a representative not doing the job we sent them to do, in order to work at getting the next job. I know if I had taken off work to apply for another job, my boss would not have paid me, and probably would have fired me.

Right now, I think the best ticket is a Walker-Cruz team. Walker has the executive creds, and Cruz is the attack dog.
Sort of like Obama & Biden..... No, wait "rlol"
Hey!.....Chihuahuas are dogs too.....

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Re: Ted Cruz not voting?


Post by Rex B »

Jason K wrote:
Hey!.....Chihuahuas are dogs too.....
Well, sort of. At least is has a proper snout. ;-)
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Re: Ted Cruz not voting?


Post by Rex B »

Looks like Ted is back to voting. He and Cornyn voted on a couple dozen resolutions, amendments and even a bill or two.
Amazingly, he and Cornyn voted alike on all but two issues. I think that's a first! One has to wonder, is he working with Cornyn now because he needs his support in the presidential bid?
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Re: Ted Cruz not voting?


Post by mojo84 »

It's my opinion only and I wouldn't expect Cornyn to admit it if true, he has taken notice of Cruz and followed his lead on occasion. I have no solid evidence of this but it just seems like it to me.

I just get the impression Cruz has given him some political courage.
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Re: Ted Cruz not voting?


Post by baldeagle »

Rex B wrote:Here is the site that sends me my updates.

https://www.govtrack.us/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Nice clean email with only information, no spam, no graphics - just the facts, Ma'am.

Almost all the results for Cruz say "Not voting"

As much as I like Ted, I do have a bit of a problem with a representative not doing the job we sent them to do, in order to work at getting the next job. I know if I had taken off work to apply for another job, my boss would not have paid me, and probably would have fired me.

Right now, I think the best ticket is a Walker-Cruz team. Walker has the executive creds, and Cruz is the attack dog.
Sort of like Obama & Biden..... No, wait "rlol"
I'm curious. Do you think Walker is governing his state while campaigning?
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Re: Ted Cruz not voting?


Post by Jason K »

Rex B wrote:Looks like Ted is back to voting. He and Cornyn voted on a couple dozen resolutions, amendments and even a bill or two.
Amazingly, he and Cornyn voted alike on all but two issues. I think that's a first! One has to wonder, is he working with Cornyn now because he needs his support in the presidential bid?
Probably the opposite.....Cornyn knows that Cruz is showing him to be the Rockefeller Republican that he is. Cornyn needs some conservative cred before people start noticing....
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