Reason you decided to get CHL ?

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Re: Reason you decided to get CHL ?


Post by Abraham »


Your reasons are admirable, but consider being certain before involving yourself in that hypothetical situation in the parking lot that you have ALL the facts.

There have been times when the bad guy looked like the good guy...and be especially careful if it appears to be a domestic situation.
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Re: Reason you decided to get CHL ?


Post by romeofox »

Abraham wrote:romeofox,

Your reasons are admirable, but consider being certain before involving yourself in that hypothetical situation in the parking lot that you have ALL the facts.

There have been times when the bad guy looked like the good guy...and be especially careful if it appears to be a domestic situation.
Good advice and I absolutely agree with you. No superhero here and property can be replaced.
However, I hope never to be questioned because I was identified in a video as in the proximity and pausing because of hearing what might be...or observing a violent act and then going on about my business. I would expect "somebody's" family would or should logically ask "Why didn't he do something?" I still got enough wood to make my presence known without going to guns.
More often, the known presence of witnesses deters continuation or escalation. Perhaps all you can do is get close enough to make your presence known, listen to determine if they know each other, get lic # and descriptions for LEO. Yes, I absolutely agree.
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Re: Reason you decided to get CHL ?


Post by RogueUSMC »

Lol...toward the sound of chaos. Gotta get your corps mindset adjusted for civvy life You can still use what the corps taught ya, it just has to be tempered with a little 'outside-world' rules of engagement.

Case in point...we had an 'active shooter' presentation at work one day (I was less than impressed with the presentation by the way...and flat disagreed with a lot of it.) The very few folks that know I carry asked me if I would come out of my office were there to be a shooter in the warehouse. I said, "nope. I'm going out my window." They said, "why?! You carry a gun!" I said, "a handgun...against a shooter that is more than likely utilizing a long-gun." Not only that but to make entry to the warehouse from my office is pretty blind and not in my favor.

Now, once I'm outside the building, I will consider options. My long-gun is in the truck. Armed with that, I MIGHT choose to make entry back into the building knowing my nature and training but I have no duty to.

My co-workers don't know guns very well. They figure they can hide behind stuff. I told them no, run for the fire door at the other end of the building...beat feet. There is absolutely nothing in this warehouse but the red iron that will stop my handgun cartridges. If a shooter comes in, he will most likely be using rifle cartridges. Beat feet.

Towards the sound of chaos is in a marine's nature but be tactically smart about it there teufelhoundog...

Welcome to the forum and semper fidelis brother.
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Re: Reason you decided to get CHL ?


Post by Salty1 »

Welcome to the forum, this is a great place for continuing education. I have learned a lot here from people who actually know what they are talking about which allows me to equate it to my personal situations. Congrats on your CHL, always remember that training is your friend and situational knowledge is very important. The CHL is an important first step........... Stay Safe..........

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Re: Reason you decided to get CHL ?


Post by Blue5 »

Jumping Frog wrote:Another reason is I can't fit a cop in my holster.

I love this reason!!!!! Well done... :iagree: :patriot:
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Re: Reason you decided to get CHL ?


Post by Shadow41 »

I'd have to say that my reason for getting my CHL is pretty simple. I served on the grand jury in my district about a year ago. The number and types of violent cases I heard each week were disturbing, and absolutely eye opening. I realized that the daily threat to me and my family isn't as much from terrorist as it is from a 2 bit BG in a store parking lot, getting gas at the corner station, eating at a diner at night, or just generally being at the wrong place at the wrong time. I realized just how fast things can and do happen, and in that moment you are truly on your own to protect yourself and yours. If that moment was ever to arise, I want to be prepared to at least have a chance.
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