Mailed the forms on 1/5, got notice on 1/26 that it had been received on 1/8, posted to the store on 1/30, shipped on 2/2 and in my hands on 2/3. Times have been running much better than the 3 months they list on the web site. One individual on the CMP forum complained that he ordered one thinking he'd have three months to gather the funds and darn if they didn't ship in less than a month.
Took it to the range on Saturday and I have to say it shoots a lot better than I do.
On the 25 yard range zeroed in about four shots and then put a clip full into the lower left diamond (sight in target). Neat thing was that while I was doing this a gentleman sat down at the next lane with an M1 Carbine. Wasn't government issue but just the two of us ending up at the range next to each other.
Then I moved to the 100 yard range and set up. Fired a round. Checked the spotting scope. I missed the entire target? Adjusted elevation.
Fired a round. Checked the scope. I missed the entire target? Adjusted elevation.
Three more misses and adjustments. Sat back and started thinking about what in the world I was doing wrong. Looked downrange. Looked at scope. Looked downrange. Looked at scope. While pretending to do nothing at all, slowly swiveled my spotting scope onto the right target.
Got zeroed. Then shot a full clip. Had all within or breaking the line within a small diamond. Shot a few more clips. I am really liking this rifle.

The bayonet was brought back from WWII by my father. It's a 1911 Rock Island Arsenal issue. Notice there's no hooks on the scabbard. This a Krag type scabbard. Had a hanger like this but it's missing from mine:
I doubt that he ever had a chance to use it in anger as he was Army Air Corps, flight engineer on C47s. He was shot down over Germany and managed to make his way back to allied lines. I do have the rip cord from his parachute. He said he has no idea why he hung on to it or why he stuck it in has pocket.