SB17. DUDD on arrival.
The open carry of a pistol in a vehicle will still be illegal despite all of the tongue and cheek verbal twistifications(new word) . I too have a Grassburr mounted holster in my truck.
As soon as I read the analysis of SB 17 I knew its clear meaning. Although I have no earthly Idea what is going through Sen. Estes melon. I can guess he was trying to ensure that there wouldn't be a rash of gun waving. You know how people get when the government grants the peons a new freedom(/sarc). Why else would you create a class A misdemeanor if not to give the police a tool to keep people in check? He might also be thinking, man, my name is on this bill. What can I do to thwart any political insults by the left should one of these open carry goofballs have themselves an accident?
In any event I believe locke_n_load has a simple but elegant solution when he wrote:
"When does this go for a vote?
And I really hope they change "belt or shoulder holster" to "holster" and no retention requirement, ......"
Oh well. Maybe one day our betters will let us have our pre Reconstruction rights back.