I might be a bit OCD, but I have a space on my ammunition cabinet (AKA bedside table) for my wallet, phone, badge, gun, etc. They go from biggest item to the smallest, and they are always in the exact same spot, in the exact same order. With my keys hanging just above them, since it's not a square or shape I can place next to the others, they're on a hook. Right to left, Glock, Wallet, Phone, Badge, Leatherman, Knife, and maybe something else random that I'm using on my person the next day, say a single leather cuff case or my double mag holder, but they'd be in order with the rest of my gear...
Always have to do the self pat down when heading out to make sure it's all in it's proper place on my person, and whenever I gear down, to make sure it's all accounted for and ready to go. If I won't need it tomorrow, it goes into the locked cabinet below until needed again.
I just wished the wife kept her stuff in the same place. Just saw a debit card here, the keys over there, ID over here, insurance cards over yonder, check card on that thing, phone in that... Drives me crazy, but I get in trouble when I start asking her if she has, "this, this, and that" as we head out... pause for about two point five seconds before griping starts. She even gets on me about loading her truck with emergency gear and equipment, because she'll never need it.
Seems like LoneWolf and I are in the same boat with our wives... What would they do without us I wonder sometimes...