Stop Gun Violence - PSA

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Stop Gun Violence - PSA


Post by katmandu »

I am speechless... :confused5

" onclick=";return false;

Note: Comments below the video may be offensive due to language.

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Re: Stop Gun Violence - PSA


Post by Itnkrman »

Wow! Single stories like this are like reading the negative image of the NRA's "armed citizen". Taking the high road on this one.

Isn't freedom of speech in America a great thing, it gives everyone with a voice and creativity the ability to be heard. Yours and mine included! :clapping:
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Re: Stop Gun Violence - PSA


Post by mr1337 »

Sounds like a plan to get kids expelled an arrested.
Keep calm and carry.

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Re: Stop Gun Violence - PSA


Post by RoyGBiv »

My teen sleeps with a loaded airsoft 1911 on the nightstand.
I don't think I need to be worried about my real guns winding up at school. :???:

Taken over when 18 comes, possibly. :lol:
I am not a lawyer. This is NOT legal advice.!
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Re: Stop Gun Violence - PSA


Post by The Annoyed Man »

I saw this "PSA" linked on Facebook. I left the following comment:
Stupid idiot. You just encourage a kid to handle a loaded pistol, without his parents' approval, with his finger inside the trigger guard........UNlike the safe handling that Eddie the Eagle would have taught him. Then you told him to carry it without a license, loaded, and in his backpack where a loose pencil or something could get inside that trigger guard, without locking it up in a safe and protective case........UNlike Eddie the Eagle would have taught him. If a kid dies because of what you've taught here, his or her blood is on your heads. I am going to be providing a link to this video to the NRA. I don't have the resources, but they do, to show JUST HOW FREAKIN STUPID you people can be. What thoughtless, fluff-brained, feckless moron thought this thing up?
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Re: Stop Gun Violence - PSA


Post by jminn1 »

The Annoyed Man wrote:I saw this "PSA" linked on Facebook. I left the following comment:
Stupid idiot. You just encourage a kid to handle a loaded pistol, without his parents' approval, with his finger inside the trigger guard........UNlike the safe handling that Eddie the Eagle would have taught him. Then you told him to carry it without a license, loaded, and in his backpack where a loose pencil or something could get inside that trigger guard, without locking it up in a safe and protective case........UNlike Eddie the Eagle would have taught him. If a kid dies because of what you've taught here, his or her blood is on your heads. I am going to be providing a link to this video to the NRA. I don't have the resources, but they do, to show JUST HOW FREAKIN STUPID you people can be. What thoughtless, fluff-brained, feckless moron thought this thing up?
:iagree: This video is wrong on so many levels.
Last edited by jminn1 on Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stop Gun Violence - PSA


Post by MeMelYup »

The kid takes the firearm out of his backpack and the teacher freaks out. The kid places the firearm on the teachers desk and the teacher is really freaked out. The kid makes his statement and the teacher calls the police, the school is put on lockdown and there are a bunch of people including police with AR's and other firearms all freaked out converging on this kid with a firearm on the desk in front of him, across from the freaked out teacher. All these freaked out people converge on the room, burst into it with firearms pointing at the young man and freaked out teacher and immediately start shouting instructions at the student and freaked out teacher that has just gone into hysterics.

They arrest the kid for possessing a firearm on school property. They arrest the mother for leaving a firearm where it is available to a child. They charge the kid with illegal possession of a firearm. Theft of a firearm. Possession of a firearm on school property. Committing a terrorist act, and whatever else they can think of.

Meanwhile the teacher is seeking therapy for her breakdown and will not be able to teach until she has a clean letter of health, but will still receive her salary under workmanship comp.
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Re: Stop Gun Violence - PSA


Post by jmra »

Seems to me they just provided a new defense to any kid caught with a gun at school, "I didn't feel safe with a gun at home so I was bringing it to my teacher like the video told me to."
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Re: Stop Gun Violence - PSA


Post by rbwhatever1 »

jmra wrote:Seems to me they just provided a new defense to any kid caught with a gun at school, "I didn't feel safe with a gun at home so I was bringing it to my teacher like the video told me to."
We can expect Legislation soon to exempt any kid who turns in firearms to teachers. The Unsafe Firearms to Teachers Act. Maybe throw in a little cash and turn them all into "safe school" heroes. Maybe have them fill out a questionnaire to tell on their parents if they've ever seen a gun laying around the house so the no knock group can practice dynamic entries.

I no longer have any public school age children but like most here they would need more than a backpack to carry away all my stuff.

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Re: Stop Gun Violence - PSA


Post by tommyg »

I have seen stupider things than this but I can't remember when

Looks like Theft
Illegal carry
Taking gun on school grounds
and more that I cant think of off hand

Who ever made this video needs to go to 4100 Guadalupe in Austin (Austin State Hospital) and check in :leaving
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Re: Stop Gun Violence - PSA


Post by jmra »

rbwhatever1 wrote:
jmra wrote:Seems to me they just provided a new defense to any kid caught with a gun at school, "I didn't feel safe with a gun at home so I was bringing it to my teacher like the video told me to."
We can expect Legislation soon to exempt any kid who turns in firearms to teachers. The Unsafe Firearms to Teachers Act. Maybe throw in a little cash and turn them all into "safe school" heroes. Maybe have them fill out a questionnaire to tell on their parents if they've ever seen a gun laying around the house so the no knock group can practice dynamic entries.

I no longer have any public school age children but like most here they would need more than a backpack to carry away all my stuff.
I have two school age teenagers, but fortunately after receiving a number of calls from online public schools regarding "my" online inquiry (which was actually the boys online inquiry), we enrolled them this year. They are excelling and I don't have near as many things to worry about. Hard to believe my 7th grader is doing high school level Alg 2 math. Not only is it free (if public school can actually be called free), they send me a check to cover Internet costs.
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Re: Stop Gun Violence - PSA


Post by RPBrown »

What a bunch of morons to produce a PSA to promote the many felonies and unsafe acts that were committed in this video.
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Re: Stop Gun Violence - PSA


Post by TXBO »

That might not be the dumbest video I've ever seen but it's in the top 10 list.
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