The Real Texas Gun Show

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The Real Texas Gun Show


Post by Setxjeff »

I do not understand the owner/manager of this business talking about 2nd amd. Rights, join the NRA ect. Then does not allow People with a legal CHL to carry during his shows. Rule #3 on his web list of rules. He talks about safety ,accidental discharges and people not knowing their weapon." onclick=";return false;
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Re: The Real Texas Gun Show


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

Setxjeff wrote:I do not understand the owner/manager of this business talking about 2nd amd. Rights, join the NRA ect. Then does not allow People with a legal CHL to carry during his shows. Rule #3 on his web list of rules. He talks about safety ,accidental discharges and people not knowing their weapon." onclick=";return false;
This is an insurance requirement. No venue will rent a building to a gun show promoter unless they provide proof of insurance coverage. Insurers will not insure a gun show unless there's a rule against loaded firearms at the gun show.

This is has been argued many times before, but the simple fact is without insurance, there will be no gun shows. I don't like it either.


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Re: The Real Texas Gun Show


Post by bayouhazard »

Setxjeff wrote:I do not understand the owner/manager of this business talking about 2nd amd. Rights, join the NRA ect. Then does not allow People with a legal CHL to carry during his shows. Rule #3 on his web list of rules. He talks about safety ,accidental discharges and people not knowing their weapon." onclick=";return false;
I don't go places where they only disarm the good guys. Since 30.06 has no meaning for criminals, posting a 30.06 sign instead of a generic "no loaded guns" sign shows everyone their true colors.
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Re: The Real Texas Gun Show


Post by maintenanceguy »

It's the same in PA. State Police man a table at the entrance and ask that everyone with a firearm stop to have a wire tie put through the action.

I don't know if the "no loaded guns" signs have any weight of law in PA or not.

I'm okay with the requirement for two reasons:

1) It's not my house. My government (who works for me) can not infringe on my rights. But the guy who owns the convention center or the guy who's running the show can do what he wants on his property.
2) The last thing we need is an accidental shooting at a gun show. The 2A haters would be lining up to write more laws.

But what do I know? I'm from NJ where there is no second amendment.

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Re: The Real Texas Gun Show


Post by cb1000rider »

So how do you feel about the 30.06 signs that are frequently put up at gun show venues owned by City government (IE - the taxpayers)?

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Re: The Real Texas Gun Show


Post by rotor »

Wichita Falls gun shows are held in city owned buildings with no 30.06 signs. We just had a nice one over the weekend.
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Re: The Real Texas Gun Show


Post by Vol Texan »

Setxjeff wrote:I do not understand the owner/manager of this business talking about 2nd amd. Rights, join the NRA ect. Then does not allow People with a legal CHL to carry during his shows. Rule #3 on his web list of rules. He talks about safety ,accidental discharges and people not knowing their weapon." onclick=";return false;
I may be mistaken, but I don't think the OP has received notice based on this set of guidelines. Nowhere in there did I see the verbiage required under 30.06.

Sure, there is some firm language, but as shown, all I see on that page is a bunch of words. Unless they post a sign meeting the requirements at the door, this does not seem enforceable.

Sure, you may be risking taking a ride, but you should beat the rap.

Or do I read this incorrectly?
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Re: The Real Texas Gun Show


Post by Setxjeff »

I feel the owner has the right to exclude CHL if that is what they want: I exclude drug use, falling down drunk and unsafe gun users from my property but I do not talk about how great they are on my website. I also feel if you pay rent on it You have certain rights to treat it as Yours. Rent house, hotel room,banquet hall ect.
My original post was more about the rhetoroic about gun ownership second amendment rights NRA membership then holding a GUN SHOW where legal,tested, proven gun owners are not allowed to bring their protection.
If it is an insurance thing as Charles said then I feel I would have explained this with an apology to CHL HOLDERS.
If it is an insurance thing then how does Gander Mountian, Academy, Shooting Ranges and Gun shops obtain insurance.
This is just a post more about MY PERSONAL feelings and observations.
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Re: The Real Texas Gun Show


Post by anygunanywhere »

So insurance trumps state law in government owned buildings. Interesting.
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Re: The Real Texas Gun Show


Post by LDB415 »

There have been ND's at gun shows in the past, even with the signs of no loaded weapons. Personally, I like the no loaded guns because any number of people aren't competent CHL holders and even a few CHL holders might not be overly competent.
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Re: The Real Texas Gun Show


Post by joe817 »

LDB415 wrote:There have been ND's at gun shows in the past, even with the signs of no loaded weapons. Personally, I like the no loaded guns because any number of people aren't competent CHL holders and even a few CHL holders might not be overly competent.
TOTALLY agree LD! I've been at a gun show where there was a ND, and it wasn't pleasant. I only go to the large gun shows in the Dallas-Ft.Worth area. The ones that have 1400-1500 tables, and at each one of those, there is a huge police presence. I feel safe at those things. A lot of LEO's go to those shows. For me, it's a non issue. ;-)
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Re: The Real Texas Gun Show


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

anygunanywhere wrote:So insurance trumps state law in government owned buildings. Interesting.
I didn't say that and it doesn't. But if people start talking about it enough, insurance companies will learn it and stop covering gun shows.

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Re: The Real Texas Gun Show


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

Setxjeff wrote:If it is an insurance thing then how does Gander Mountian, Academy, Shooting Ranges and Gun shops obtain insurance.
It is an insurance issue.

As for Gander Mountain and Academy, they aren't gun shows with thousands of people handling firearms. Shooting ranges and gun shops may or may not have insurance and when they do, it's an entirely different setting than a gun show where thousands of people are in front of the muzzles of countless guns. The fact patterns and different, thus the risk is different.


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Re: The Real Texas Gun Show


Post by Right2Carry »

I attended a gun show in Sweetwater, Texas a few years back during the Rattlesnake roundup. There was no 30.06 sign that I could find at that gun show.
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Re: The Real Texas Gun Show


Post by anygunanywhere »

Charles L. Cotton wrote:
anygunanywhere wrote:So insurance trumps state law in government owned buildings. Interesting.
I didn't say that and it doesn't. But if people start talking about it enough, insurance companies will learn it and stop covering gun shows.

Sorry Charles. I made my comment based on your post:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:

This is an insurance requirement. No venue will rent a building to a gun show promoter unless they provide proof of insurance coverage. Insurers will not insure a gun show unless there's a rule against loaded firearms at the gun show.

This is has been argued many times before, but the simple fact is without insurance, there will be no gun shows. I don't like it either.

If no venue will rent to a gun show promoter unless there are no loaded firearms and this includes government owned venues then the insurance companies are requiring government entities to violate state law.

I am not being argumentative, I am just trying to understand why this is allowed when the law is so clear.
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