Magish said his son “stuck his hand into his pocket looking for a snack and that the firearm had discharged,” Deputy J.R. Holmes wrote in the incident report. He had been carrying his personal .380-caliber Kel-Tec semiautomatic pistol inside the right front pocket of his pants, when it went off.
LC9s, M&P 22, 9c, Sig P238-P239-P226-P365XL, 1911 clone
Another incident that illustrates the importance of using a proper holster.
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mojo84 wrote:Another incident that illustrates the importance of using a proper holster.
and buying a gun with a thumb safety.
God Bless America, and please hurry. When I was young I knew all the answers. When I got older I started to realize I just hadn’t quite understood the questions.-Me
No. 1. That two year old should have never stuck his hand in the pocket. I would not have allowed that behavior EVER.
N. 2. You should always carry a firearm in such a way to prevent such a problem from occurring.
I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on.
I don't do those things to other people and I require the same of them.
Don’t pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he’ll just kill you.
After reading the story, my question is: where did the bullet go?
"Neither the boy nor the three adults required medical treatment." ... "The restaurant floor wasn’t damaged, nor was any other property."
So the boy got a fragment in the foot, grandad got some fragments in the lower leg, the two ladies got fragments enough to make some welts and a minor cut, but no medical treatment for any of them beyond an on-site patch-up by the EMT. And neither the floor itself nor any other property is damaged. How's that even possible?
cultzombie wrote:"Neither the boy nor the three adults required medical treatment." ... "The restaurant floor wasn’t damaged, nor was any other property."
So the boy got a fragment in the foot, grandad got some fragments in the lower leg, the two ladies got fragments enough to make some welts and a minor cut, but no medical treatment for any of them beyond an on-site patch-up by the EMT. And neither the floor itself nor any other property is damaged. How's that even possible?
cultzombie wrote:After reading the story, my question is: where did the bullet go?
"Neither the boy nor the three adults required medical treatment." ... "The restaurant floor wasn’t damaged, nor was any other property."
So the boy got a fragment in the foot, grandad got some fragments in the lower leg, the two ladies got fragments enough to make some welts and a minor cut, but no medical treatment for any of them beyond an on-site patch-up by the EMT. And neither the floor itself nor any other property is damaged. How's that even possible?
Could have been a lot worse.
Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid.
John Wayne
NRA Lifetime member