Cabelas Allen "you're printing!"

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Re: Cabelas Allen "you're printing!"


Post by jimlongley »

proheath wrote:Aren't stupid people just the greatest?
One of my very favorites is:

Customer, "Do you have any left handed bivalve sprockets?"

Me, "No!"

Customer, "NO???"

Lately all I do is stare at them after the first 'No', I don't even bother to repeat it, and I have even asked one or two if there was something that was unclear about my answer.

Of course we are also getting people in, these days, who ask, "Where are your left handed bivalve sprockets?"

And when I respond that we don't carry those in the store, they respond, "Your web site says you do!"

I then have to bring up the web site and show them that it actually is not available in the store, that it must be bought online, on our web site.
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Re: Cabelas Allen "you're printing!"


Post by CHLLady »

The Annoyed Man wrote:
G23WAX wrote:I'm glad I'm not alone. I didn't have to shore him my chl badge, I had my wife sew them to all of my shirts. "rlol"
I just wear my Tiara. Nobody says anything, the salesmen are dumbstruck, and everyone gives me a wide berth so I never get stuck behind other shoppers in the aisles.

[ Image ]
You crack me up! Now I want it for my avatar! Lol "rlol"
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Re: Cabelas Allen "you're printing!"


Post by ripnbst »

I was told by my CHL instructor that printing was grounds for loosing your CHL. He also said if holster is visible, its the same thing as gun visible and its more or less brandishing.

I recently moved here from Oklahoma and they just last year passed laws that allow open and concealed carry, which I loved simply for the fact that brandishing when reaching for a high shelf in the store was no longer a concern.
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Re: Cabelas Allen "you're printing!"


Post by Keith B »

ripnbst wrote:I was told by my CHL instructor that printing was grounds for loosing your CHL. He also said if holster is visible, its the same thing as gun visible and its more or less brandishing.

I recently moved here from Oklahoma and they just last year passed laws that allow open and concealed carry, which I loved simply for the fact that brandishing when reaching for a high shelf in the store was no longer a concern.
Texas has no real 'brandishing' law. Printing is NOT illegal, but intentionally displaying your weapon is. Holster exposed would be subjective depending on if the wardrobe was purposely not enough to cover vs. accidentally exposed when reaching for something on a high shelf or bending over/squatting down.
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Re: Cabelas Allen "you're printing!"


Post by jmoney »

ripnbst wrote:I was told by my CHL instructor that printing was grounds for loosing your CHL. He also said if holster is visible, its the same thing as gun visible and its more or less brandishing.

I recently moved here from Oklahoma and they just last year passed laws that allow open and concealed carry, which I loved simply for the fact that brandishing when reaching for a high shelf in the store was no longer a concern.
I met so many incompetent instructors during my 2 years living in oklahoma than I can understand. There are a bunch of them, and they almost all have bad advice. I still remember sitting through an NRA RSO course with my jaw open then entire time, I was in pure shock at some of the things this man was saying.

Glad you made it to Texas. :patriot:

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Re: Cabelas Allen "you're printing!"


Post by howdy »

jmoney wrote:
ripnbst wrote:I was told by my CHL instructor that printing was grounds for loosing your CHL. He also said if holster is visible, its the same thing as gun visible and its more or less brandishing.

I recently moved here from Oklahoma and they just last year passed laws that allow open and concealed carry, which I loved simply for the fact that brandishing when reaching for a high shelf in the store was no longer a concern.
I met so many incompetent instructors during my 2 years living in oklahoma than I can understand. There are a bunch of them, and they almost all have bad advice. I still remember sitting through an NRA RSO course with my jaw open then entire time, I was in pure shock at some of the things this man was saying.

Glad you made it to Texas. :patriot:

I have a feeling he was talking about a Texas CHL Instructor??
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