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Yep. Why my MIL says all tats should subsidized because they make ID of a criminal easier. As a conservative I am quite contebt to let people pay for their own identifying marks.
SAHM to four precious children. Wife to a loving husband.
"The women of this country learned long ago those without swords can still die upon them!" Eowyn in LOTR Two Towers
I read an article while back that the police in NYC pay to get people for line ups. They call a broker or handler or wrangler, say "we need five white males" give age/height/weight ranges, beard no/beard, etc and the broker goes out and finds them. The cops pay the broker, the broker pays the line-up people. I would bet there would probably have to be an extra fee for finding four or five others that resemble this guy.
Long range planning is clearly not his strong suit.
"An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil is not overcome by fleeing from it." - Jeff Cooper
I am not a lawyer. Nothing in any of my posts should be construed as legal or professional advice.
Everyone of you should be ashamed of making fun of this poor unfortunate guy. You people are disgusting.. you think he likes having all those varicose veins in his head? You should consider inviting him over for Thanksgiving dinner, you know dern well that his Uncle Fester aint gonna..
“In the world of lies, truth-telling is a hanging offense"