Liberty wrote:One thing that bothers me about these incidents is, I wonder how difficult open carriers make it for the secret service to do their job. It seems like everytime someone tries to shoot a president We lose our gun rights.
You are right about the losing our rights part, but I think the difficulty of the job of the secret service is irrelevant. The secret service must have more nuanced training than "if the guy is open-carrying a gun, he is a threat".
There will always be a throng of nut cases wanting to shoot the President, no matter who the President is. This has nothing to do with gun rights.
My problem with this whole debate is the idea that by carrying a gun, you are identifying yourself as a threat. The assumption by the media and maybe the regular general public is that if you have a gun, you must be planning to shoot somebody. So if you have a gun near the President, then you must be planning to shoot the President. The problem with this argument is the same old legal gun carrying argument, and that is that the bad guys, by definition, break the law. So just because you don't see the gun that the guy intent to shoot the President might have, does not mean there is no threat.
The presence of these guns is not any indicator whatsoever of a risk to the President. The President is at risk because he is a President conveying a controversial set of policies and presenting himself to the public for interaction, and this is the very nature of being the President in the first place. He's not at risk because some regular folks are carrying guns, any more than police open-carrying guns would put him at risk.
I would suggest there is just as much of a chance that a cop is going to flip out and shoot the President at one of these meetings as there is that one of these OC proponents is going to do the same.