Question for the CHL Veterans-Concealment

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Question for the CHL Veterans-Concealment


Post by BryanW »

Please forgive me for possibly asking a dumb question but I am curious so don't bash me as I am a rookie. I purchased a Blackhawk holster that protrudes from my side a little bit but will be worn beneath my shirt or any shirt that I would wear while carrying. Is the gun still considered concealed if beneath my shirt and not visible to the naked eye but more than likely you could see the that I have something on my hip.
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Re: Question for the CHL Veterans-Concealment


Post by Mx217 »

Yes, you will hear it be referred to here as "printing". Even though nothing is illegal about that, it is a good idea to try to minimize it as best as possible. Of course if you're carrying a double stacked handgun there will always be a little bit of a "print" from it no matter what you do. If you're overly worried about this my suggestion would be to adjust your carry position. Say if you carried at 3 o clock, try moving the holster to the 4-4:30 position behind the hip where the gun sits more flush against your skin . My next suggestion is do your research and pick out a quality holster. I'm guessing A good part of your problem comes from the holster. Once you find a decent custom made leather or hybrid holster it will not only be more comfortable, but help reduce printing as well.
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Re: Question for the CHL Veterans-Concealment


Post by Teamless »

if they cannot see the gun, it is concealed

depending on how much it protrudes out however, you could be asking for problems.

do you have a good gun belt, or just a belt you think works good with your gun?

As you will learn, as probably all of us have learned, a good gun belt is sooooo important to keep it from sagging, flopping over (sticking out), etc.

One other thought, is how much is is really protruding?
You see it, but YOU know what is there.
Will someone who does not carry a gun realize it?
or will they think nothing of it or will they think its a cell phone?
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Re: Question for the CHL Veterans-Concealment


Post by RoyGBiv »

There's "legal" and then there's "asking for unwanted attention".
What the OP describes is, IMO, both.

I would be looking another holster that I could conceal more completely.

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Re: Question for the CHL Veterans-Concealment


Post by Tic Tac »

In our present environment of 2A infringements, expect to be inconvenienced if the police recognize it as a gun.

The choice is yours of course.

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Re: Question for the CHL Veterans-Concealment


Post by BryanW »

I deeply appreciate everyone's time and information.

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Re: Question for the CHL Veterans-Concealment


Post by TomsTXCHL »

My answer to this would have been "the gun is considered to be concealed, unless it's easy to see by its outline that it is a handgun".

Today I went-out with an overshirt (denim shirt) with its tails hanging-out (not tucked-in) and underneath on my right side I had a cell phone, Leatherman tool, and tape measure all hanging off my right-hand side. Lots to bulge there, but nothing about it suggested the shape of a handgun. I would have been shocked had anyone approached me and said "are you carrying a firearm?".
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Re: Question for the CHL Veterans-Concealment


Post by Jumping Frog »

TomsTXCHL wrote:My answer to this would have been "the gun is considered to be concealed, unless it's easy to see by its outline that it is a handgun".
Of course, that is not the legal standard. You could have a t-shirt so tight that you can distinguish the ejection port and safety, but if it is covered it is legally concealed.
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Re: Question for the CHL Veterans-Concealment


Post by RetNavy »

BryanW wrote:Please forgive me for possibly asking a dumb question but I am curious so don't bash me as I am a rookie. I purchased a Blackhawk holster that protrudes from my side a little bit but will be worn beneath my shirt or any shirt that I would wear while carrying. Is the gun still considered concealed if beneath my shirt and not visible to the naked eye but more than likely you could see the that I have something on my hip.
sounds like you got the same blackhawk that I've got... my biggest problems is not with the holster, (love it) but when i wear it with the majority of my shirts, i feel that they don't go below the lip of the holster enough. If i reach for something over my head, the shirt rides up exposing the holster, but not the weapon... I know that's in my head but also like being on the safe side.. I do have one shirt that i feel comfortable with using it.. btw i carry a full size 1911 .45, if you carry a different weapon then your shirts should cover it no problem

as mentioned earlier try different positions... for me with it at full cant and about 4:00 rides pretty good.... and if you haven't heard it.... a GOOD gun belt.... a regular belt wont transfer the weight...

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Re: Question for the CHL Veterans-Concealment


Post by jbarn »

The law makes it an offense to intentionally display the handgun in a public place in plain view of another.

Based on your description I don't think you have an issue.

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Re: Question for the CHL Veterans-Concealment


Post by TomsTXCHL »

Jumping Frog wrote:
TomsTXCHL wrote:My answer to this would have been "the gun is considered to be concealed, unless it's easy to see by its outline that it is a handgun".
Of course, that is not the legal standard. You could have a t-shirt so tight that you can distinguish the ejection port and safety, but if it is covered it is legally concealed.
Thanks. This kind of stuff is why I hang around here. I had 4 or 5 hours of instruction 6 months ago and who can remember everything that's discussed in the CHL class.

And don't get me started on the CHL-16 doc. You need a lawyer to read the thing...
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Re: Question for the CHL Veterans-Concealment


Post by carlson1 »

As others have stated it is not against the law. I do disagree that you can't conceal a double stack pistol. Larger shirts and an IWB holster is very easy to completely conceal a double stack pistol.

You may want to try a different holster if you are set on an OWB (out of waist band) or even try an IWB (In the waist band) holster.

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Re: Question for the CHL Veterans-Concealment


Post by mrvmax »

It does depend on body type (i.e., I am a big boned guy, ok fat) and I have concealed up to a double stack Para 14.45. When you carry concealed you need to remember a few of things. First, the way you dress needs to be tailored to carrying. I wear Blackhawk and 5.11 shirts designed for concealed carry. You can check places like LA Police Gear to find them on clearance from time to time, I have even found them at academy on clearance. Second, get a good GUN belt. Do a search on the forum to find info on good belts. Third, expect carrying to be comforting, not comfortable (was that Clint Smith that stated that?). Carrying is not always comfortable but the more you carry the more you will get used to it. Third, there are a million different holsters to tailor to the way you carry. Personally I only use OWB now since my Raven Concealment OWB fits better than the IWB I used to use. I have several holsters to wear depending upon dress (ankle, OWB, fanny pack, under clothing etc.). Fourth, you are aware of your gun protruding but most people will not notice (except CHL holders and people that are looking for it). Solid pattern shirts will show more, stick with muli colors and patterns to hide outlines. Most people never know I am carrying a 5" 1911. Fifth, I do not intentionally make my handgun visible but I no longer worry about it. I will always check to see that the shirt falls back down over it when bending and getting out of he car but if someone is looking and can see something that looks like the butt I really do not care. If they are looking that close they probably carry or are la enforcement neither of which bother me.
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Re: Question for the CHL Veterans-Concealment


Post by C-dub »

I've been using the Blackhawk Serpa II holsters for years with my Glocks. First it was with .40's and now it's with .45's. My over-shirt is anywhere from 1-2 sizes larger than I would normally wear and some kind of print or color. I do have a couple tan colored over-shirts, but still haven't had a problem with concealment.

One thing I have found helpful is a good gun belt to keep things from flopping around. For a setup like this that is very helpful.
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