So has anyone gone the 60 days and not gotten notification of some sort????GC §411.177. ISSUANCE OR DENIAL OF LICENSE. (a) The department shall issue a license to carry a concealed handgun to an applicant if the applicant meets all the eligibility requirements and submits all the application materials. The department may issue a license to carry handguns only of the categories for which the applicant has demonstrated proficiency in the form and manner required by the department. The department shall administer the licensing procedures in good faith so that any applicant who meets all the eligibility requirements and submits all the application materials shall receive a license. The department may not deny an application on the basis of a capricious or arbitrary decision by the department.
(b) The department shall, not later than the 60th day after the date of the receipt by the director's designee of the completed application materials:
(1) issue the license;
(2) notify the applicant in writing that the application was denied:
(A) on the grounds that the applicant failed to qualify under the criteria listed in Section 411.172;
(B) based on the affidavit of the director's designee submitted to the department under Section 411.176(c); or
(C) based on the affidavit of the qualified handgun instructor submitted to the department under Section 411.188(k); or
(3) notify the applicant in writing that the department is unable to make a determination regarding the issuance or denial of a license to the applicant within the 60-day period prescribed by this subsection and include in that notification an explanation of the reason for the inability and an estimation of the amount of time the department will need to make the determination.
(c) Failure of the department to issue or deny a license for a period of more than 30 days after the department is required to act under Subsection (b) constitutes denial.
(d) A license issued under this subchapter is effective from the date of issuance.
Looks Like I still got a long wait... I am only at day 24 of waiting