Police Academy Adventures

Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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Re: Police Academy Adventures


Post by nightmare69 »

LeonCarr wrote:If the gentleman in your class is being sponsored by TDCJ then he is probably going to be an Investigator for the TDCJ Office of Inspector General. They are the only TDCJ employees that I know of that have Peace Officer Commissions being carried by TDCJ.

Just my .02,
You are right, he is doing to be an investigator, this is his 2nd time through the academy. He went X amount of years without renewing or something and lost his peace officers license.

texanjoker wrote:I am surprised they are cussing day one of an academy class. That wouldn't fly in other places. Have fun.
They are not cussing at us, just cussing when telling stories ect. The academy director came in and said this will be a rated "R" class with adult content, adult language, and sometimes brief nudity. He said if you are offended then there is the blanking door. It don't bother me as long as they don't say GD.

Abraham wrote:nightmare69,

Good for you.

You're very motivated.

You'll make it.
Thank you sir, next few weeks will be tough and I pray I do well.

Met a few of the fire academy cadets, apparently this is the best fire academy in the country cause over 1/2 the class were foreigners from Canada and 1 from England. They shipped them to east Texas to go to the fire academy.
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Re: Police Academy Adventures


Post by srothstein »

nightmare69 wrote:You are right, he is doing to be an investigator, this is his 2nd time through the academy. He went X amount of years without renewing or something and lost his peace officers license.
You might want to file this memory away for the future. Current TCOLE rules are that you can keep your license active if you maintain all required training (40 hours per biennium and specific subjects if applicable). While I have not been working in LE since I left TABC, I have made sure I get my training classes in time, just in case I get time to go be a reserve somewhere.

The old rules used to not include the training and you had your license suspended if you were not employed for two years. Back then it was easier to get it reactivated though by just taking the certification test again. Now you not only need to take the test but need to get caught up on the training too. If you cannot do either, you go through the academy all over again.

As much as I look back at it fondly, one academy was enough for me.
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Re: Police Academy Adventures


Post by nightmare69 »

Made a 100 on my spelling test today. Got another spelling test Monday along with a 40 question test over the week 1 material. I got some studying to do.

I have a new respect for people who do crossfit. Our last topic of the week was fitness and wellness and we went to a crossfit gym and went through a workout.

500 meter row
40 air squats
30 sit-ups
20 push-ups
10 pull-ups

This is all without rest, you finish 1 station move on to the next. After it was over I went outside and puked up my lunch along with 1/2 the class. If you think you are in shape then I invite you to try out that workout, I was done after the rows. It was pure hell.
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Re: Police Academy Adventures


Post by gigag04 »

nightmare69 wrote:Made a 100 on my spelling test today. Got another spelling test Monday along with a 40 question test over the week 1 material. I got some studying to do.

I have a new respect for people who do crossfit. Our last topic of the week was fitness and wellness and we went to a crossfit gym and went through a workout.

500 meter row
40 air squats
30 sit-ups
20 push-ups
10 pull-ups

This is all without rest, you finish 1 station move on to the next. After it was over I went outside and puked up my lunch along with 1/2 the class. If you think you are in shape then I invite you to try out that workout, I was done after the rows. It was pure heck.
Tabata sprints and then 200 cal row!
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Re: Police Academy Adventures


Post by jmra »

What were some of the words on the spelling test?
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Re: Police Academy Adventures


Post by nightmare69 »

jmra wrote:What were some of the words on the spelling test?

First 5 lists
1: List
2: List
3: List
4: List
Ar%cle Affidavit Abduct Protec%ve
Order Operator
Amendment Ar%culable Aggravated Harassment Owner
Corpus Capias Assault Family
Violence Pedestrian
Jurisdic%on Complaint Coercion Assault Person
Treason Concealed Contraband Uncoopera%ve Department
Seizure Consent Criminal
Mischief Magistrate Director
Jeopardy Convic%on Decep%on Vic%m State
Bail Cur%lage Defense Guardian Metropolitan
Municipal Due
Process Fabrica%ng Juvenile Business
County Exigent Harassment Household Urban
Correc%ons Frisk Homicide Helplessness Vehicle
Jus%ce Fur%ve Indecent Emergency Bicycle
Criminal Indictment Injury Regression Business
Civil Informa%on Intoxica%on Witness Trailer
Supreme Magistrate Kidnapping Delinquent
Conduct Moped
Appeals Probable
Cause Lewdness Curfew Motorcycle
Appellate Corpus
Delic% Pecuniary Adjudicated Mul%func%on
Reasonable Subpoena
Tecum Perjury Fingerprints Passenger
District Suspicion Pros%tu%on Statement Road
Counsel Warrant Solicita%on Sexual Highway
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Re: Police Academy Adventures


Post by mojo84 »

A police chief friend of mine recently said he wished he knew this when he graduated from the police academy. Thought you may find it of interest.

http://exclusive.multibriefs.com/conten ... ce-academy" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Police Academy Adventures


Post by WildBill »

mojo84 wrote:A police chief friend of mine recently said he wished he knew this when he graduated from the police academy. Thought you may find it of interest.
Good post! It would also be good to know this before he entered the academy.
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Re: Police Academy Adventures


Post by nightmare69 »

Thanks for posting that. I'll send it to a couple of classmates.
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Re: Police Academy Adventures


Post by nightmare69 »

Need help on a Monday test question that was in the review we went over.

What is the responsibility of police officers to society and citizens?
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Re: Police Academy Adventures


Post by Keith B »

nightmare69 wrote:Need help on a Monday test question that was in the review we went over.

What is the responsibility of police officers to society and citizens?
To serve and protect?
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Re: Police Academy Adventures


Post by nightmare69 »

That is what I was thinking but I cannot find a direct answer in my notes or paperwork.

Edit: this has to be it.....
The primary responsibility of law enforcement, and of the individual officer, is the protection of people of the United States through the upholding of laws. Chief among these laws is the Constitution of the United States and its amendments. The law enforcement officer always represents the whole of the community and it’s legally expressed will and is never the arm of any political party or clique.
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Re: Police Academy Adventures


Post by mojo84 »

nightmare69 wrote:Need help on a Monday test question that was in the review we went over.

What is the responsibility of police officers to society and citizens?

Some would say, "go home at the end of shift". But that's not it. ;-)
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Re: Police Academy Adventures


Post by texanjoker »

nightmare69 wrote:Need help on a Monday test question that was in the review we went over.

What is the responsibility of police officers to society and citizens?

Stick with looking up the answers to make sure you get the correct ones, and I'm glad I see you later found it.

Regardless what same say, we all go home. While that is not the answer to your question, that needs to be in the back of your head everyday. You need to be mentally prepared to do what you must to achieve this goal. There are plenty of training bulletins one can read to this effect and you should be taught this in your academy. That is also one of the first things I would tell a trainee (right after having them break down their gun day 1 to see if it's clean). Unfortunately if you read the line of duty death notifications that doesn't happen as our brothers, sisters and k9's are dying and being assaulted at an alarming rate. That means you do the right thing, follow your training, policy, the law and watch your back because there are some real idiots out there that do not respect you and will do anything to harm and/or kill you.
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Re: Police Academy Adventures


Post by nightmare69 »

Made a 97.5 on our big test over week material and made a 90 on the spelling test, I suck at spelling. The one question I missed was this...

Who is the most responsible for upholding the rights of the people>

A. Congress

B. Police Officers

C. Courts

D. D. A.'s office

I chose Congress and got it wrong, it was LEOs. They ask who was MOST responsible and IMO its our elected officials on Capital hill. If they continue to represent the people of the US then they must honor their oath to uphold the constitution. I guess Im wrong though.
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