Angry at Sprouts!

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Re: Angry at Sprouts!


Post by jmra »

WildBill wrote:
austex58 wrote:On a side note, I went to the grand opening of the newest Whole Foods in Austin tonight. Really a great store and without the silly anti-gun policy. So, no I won't be back and be part of your delusional family, but thanks.
I think that this kind of statement is counterproductive. :tiphat:
:iagree: polite and professional will go much further.
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Re: Angry at Sprouts!


Post by timdsmith72 »

I'm no good at writing letters. But this is what I sent back in response to the form letter I received.
Hi Stephanie,

Thanks for your response. But, you do realize that the decision you’ve made ONLY keeps the law abiding license holders like myself out, right? Do you really think the criminals and thugs that own and carry guns illegally give two craps about your sign? (Hint: They’re criminals. They don’t.)

So my answer to you is no. I will not continue to be part of the Sprouts family. As long as that sign is on the door, neither myself nor any of my family will set foot in your store. I even have friends that do not have a CHL who have told me that they will no longer shop there either. I’m not going to disarm just to go into your store and then re-arm when I get back in the car. I will take my money to a store that does not discriminate against me.

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Re: Angry at Sprouts!


Post by TheCytochromeC »

jmra wrote:Taken at the Sprouts in Cedar Hill today
[ Image ]
I didn't notice that sign until on my way out of the store one day. Anyone know when that sign was originally posted?

I won't go there again. Kroger across the street has much better quality... everything actually. They're "simple truth" organic chickens and eggs are top notch and they're yellow squash is actually yellow as opposed to beige-yellow.
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Re: Angry at Sprouts!


Post by Vol Texan »

My wife went into the Sprouts on Westheimer in Houston yesterday, and it was NOT posted, so she did not disarm. I have mixed feelings about shopping there - don't want to support any business that has a corporate policy that is not 2nd Amendment friendly, but then again, I like rewarding the manager of the local store with higher sales, because for some reason that manager has decided not to follow the corporate line.

Sadly, however, after checking out the Sprouts Facebook page a few minutes ago, the number of recent, "Thank you for banning guns" postings far out number the, "I'll not shop in your store anymore" postings. Also, the postings that fall in the latter category are starting to sound a lot more like the 'I'll open-carry my long gun in your face no matter what' folks, rather than the logical, 'let's have a reasonable talk about concealed carry' folks that we have here on this forum.
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Re: Angry at Sprouts!


Post by RoyGBiv »

Dear Sprouts,
I stopped by your store last weekend, hoping to pick up some vitamins and tea for my wife, who was recovering from a cold. She likes a particular Lemon Tea that you carry. It was the first time in quite a while that I had reason to shop in one of your stores. Unfortunately, someone at your company got the crazy idea that putting up a "no guns" sign is a good way to prevent "bad things" from happening in your stores. Seriously? Who in their right mind would think that a criminal would would be deterred by your sign? If I was looking to rob your store, I would think a "no guns" sign is an insurance policy for my illegal acts, a "criminal safety zone"! The only thing that sign accomplishes is chasing away law abiding citizens who, like me, have taken training, demonstrated knowledge of the law and submitted to a Federal background check.

Thankfully, Central Market is just down the street. My wife liked their Lemon Tea just fine. And with Trader Joe's opening a few blocks away later this year, and a Kroeger Marketplace opening even closer to home, it'll be pretty easy to skip shopping at your stores entirely.

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Re: Angry at Sprouts!


Post by sooperdooper »

They have hidden my posts from their Facebook page. I posted a link to the website for TX CHL crime statistics. It was hidden within an hour or so. It looks like a pro-victim group has been on there promoting the signs as "common sense".
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Re: Angry at Sprouts!


Post by jmra »

sooperdooper wrote:They have hidden my posts from their Facebook page. I posted a link to the website for TX CHL crime statistics. It was hidden within an hour or so. It looks like a pro-victim group has been on there promoting the signs as "common sense".
No longer matters to me. At this point I would not return if the signs came down.
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Re: Angry at Sprouts!


Post by txglock21 »

jmra wrote:
sooperdooper wrote:They have hidden my posts from their Facebook page. I posted a link to the website for TX CHL crime statistics. It was hidden within an hour or so. It looks like a pro-victim group has been on there promoting the signs as "common sense".
No longer matters to me. At this point I would not return if the signs came down.
:iagree: Unless they took down the signs AND gave CHL'ers a big discount! :biggrinjester:
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Re: Angry at Sprouts!


Post by RoyGBiv »

Received a reply from Sprouts today...
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts about our decision to prohibit firearms in our stores. Please understand that we recognize and respect our customers’ rights under the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, a right that prohibits the government (but not private retailers) from infringing on citizens’ right to bear arms. That right, however, must be balanced with our need as a retailer to provide a safe and comfortable environment for our customers and team members. That's why, after careful and thoughtful analysis, we have decided to prohibit our customers and our team members from bringing firearms onto our store premises. While this decision may disappoint some of our valued customers, such as yourself, we stand by our decision and have received overwhelmingly positive feedback from our communities about it.

We hope that you will continue to be a part of the Sprouts family notwithstanding our decision on this issue. We value your patronage and hope to see you again soon.


Susan Cameron
Customer Relations Manager
To which I replied....
Thanks very much for your reply. I have only two brief comments as follow up..

1. I respect your right to prohibit guns in your stores. Absolutely. However, I will no longer shop with you, until the signs come down.

2. I wonder, by what broken logic do you conclude that prohibiting honest citizens from carrying defensive weapons in your stores, as allowed by State law, somehow creates a safer environment for anyone? I imagine there is some thought process that connects .... "Putting up a paper sign" .... to... "Bad guys will leave their guns in the car too"..?? This logic fails even the most basic definition of "Commonsense". Your employees and customers may honestly "feel" safer, but reality is exactly the opposite. The failure of such a large portion of our population to differentiate between "reality" and "hope" continues to baffle me.

I am not a lawyer. This is NOT legal advice.!
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Re: Angry at Sprouts!


Post by mojo84 »

Apparently, defenseless=safer and more comfortable. Interesting.

Who woulda thunk it?
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Re: Angry at Sprouts!


Post by SewTexas »

where is the overwhelming positive response? not on facebook, that I can say for sure!
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Re: Angry at Sprouts!


Post by Grillmark55 »

I was out Saturday with my wife running errands and one was to stop into Sprouts on Hwy. 6 in Houston (Copperfield). In the past, they didn't have a 30.06 sign so I have not had a problem with that store. Well, as I said - in the past. Since we were there and only needed a couple of things, I went back to the car, secured my pistol, took a deep breath and went in.

I carry cards that I give to business that post 30.06 signs (similar to what others here carry - "we go through background checks, we have no misdemeanors, we have not been diagnosed with psychological illnesses...") and looked for a Manager to hand one to. I didn't see one, so when I got to the register I dropped one in their Comments box. I also intend to send a letter to them similar to the one nitrogen posted on 12/12/2013.

I am not one to boycott a business; I feel that they have their right to post a sign showing that they prefer to deny people who carry a weapon access to their store, and I have the right to take my business and money elsewhere. There are PLENTY of very good grocery stores in Houston that DO allow concealed carry (HEB is our favorite). If Sprouts prefers to be vulnerable to somebody with a gun coming in to rob or shoot the place up, that is their choice. I just won't be there if it happens.
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Re: Angry at Sprouts!


Post by Abraham »

Many of us aren't FB users, so you won't see our comments.

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Re: Angry at Sprouts!


Post by chasfm11 »

Abraham wrote:Many of us aren't FB users, so you won't see our comments.
I am a FB user, have posted on their site several times and you won't see mine either. I think they delete the ones that they don't like.
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Re: Angry at Sprouts!


Post by OldGrumpy »

Received the following reply. At least they are consistent in their canned response.

Good afternoon Jimmie, Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts about our decision to prohibit firearms in our stores. Please understand that we recognize and respect our customers’ rights under the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, a right that prohibits the government (but not private retailers) from infringing on citizens’ right to bear arms. That right, however, must be balanced with our need as a retailer to provide a safe and comfortable environment for our customers and team members. That's why, after careful and thoughtful analysis, we have decided to prohibit our customers and our team members from bringing firearms onto our store premises. While this decision may disappoint some of our valued customers, such as yourself, we stand by our decision and have received overwhelmingly positive feedback from our communities about it.
We hope that you will continue to be a part of the Sprouts family notwithstanding our decision on this issue. We value your patronage and hope to see you again soon.
Sprouts Farmers Market
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