Weapons that you DON'T regret selling or trading

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Re: Weapons that you DON'T regret selling or trading


Post by nyj »

The early gen 4 extractor issue causing failure to ejects. Love the gen 4 platform, but will stick to other models even if they say they fixed the issue.

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Re: Weapons that you DON'T regret selling or trading


Post by Jose_in_Dallas »

nyj wrote:The early gen 4 extractor issue causing failure to ejects. Love the gen 4 platform, but will stick to other models even if they say they fixed the issue.
That's good to know. Thanks for sharing.
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Re: Weapons that you DON'T regret selling or trading


Post by Topbuilder »

johncanfield wrote:Hey - I just remembered I can participate in this thread :woohoo .

I bought a used stainless steel Ruger Mini14 back in the 80s to carry on the boat. That thing was deadly accurate out to maybe 5 yards, I had the sights adjusted as far as they would go and never could dial it in, so it lived under the bed for years. Took it to a LGS here to see if he could work with it and he "wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole." Traded it in on my M&P9c and never looked back.
"deadly accurate out to maybe 5 yards" "rlol"
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Re: Weapons that you DON'T regret selling or trading


Post by APynckel »

I have a few:

My Colt Series 70 stainless 1911; Every mag would have a fail to feed, sent it in many times, never rectified.

STI Shadow: Wouldn't go into battery due to the parallel slide spring being of inadequate spring rate. Replaced with my Les Baer that has never had a single failure of any kind.

Savage Mark II; Linear magazine caused the rim of the chambering .22lr round to drag on the projectile of the round beneath it, resulting in 6" flyers at 50 yards. After sending it back to the mfg 3 times, and the problem not even being addressed or verified, the store let me exchange it at full paid for price for a different rifle, in this case my browning t-bolt, that shoots .75" groups at 100 yards.
Last edited by APynckel on Wed Jan 15, 2014 12:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Weapons that you DON'T regret selling or trading


Post by flynbenny »

Where do I start?

Bersa .380, unreliable, hard recoil. Soured me on autos so bad I carried wheel guns for two years.

Taurus Ultralite 2" 38 Special, yes the sight of it sent a robber fleeing down the alley but recoil was vicious, trigger was awful, and the finish was dreadful.

Walther P22, what everyone else has said, real picky on ammo, not very accurate. Traded it for...

...a Kimber .22 1911. Not picky on ammo but even less accurate than the P22. Traded it for...

...a stainless steel Ruger M77 chambered in .270 Winchester. Weighed as much as a fence post and shot 5" at 100 yards with the very best ammo.

Ruger P89, weighed as much as a brick, and about as concealable as one too.

Titan FIE .25 ACP, no explanation needed.

Beretta CX4 in 9x19, rifle verision of a Beretta 92, less accurate than a Beretta 92.

Kel-Tec PF9, worst recoil I have ever experienced outside of a scandium J-frame 357.

Taurus Tracker .22 5", should have learned from my previous Taurus revolver experience :oops:

Tristar 20 ga autoloader, perfect finish, but couldn't break many clays, didn't point quite right.
Glock 19 Gen4 EDC, Glock 42 (golf gun), AR15 14.5" Midlength (nightstand gun), Browning Buckmark (fun gun)
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Re: Weapons that you DON'T regret selling or trading


Post by XinTX »

Early Glock 17. It was a jam-o-matic. Even Glock couldn't make that one right.

M-1 Garand. Loved it, but I gave it to my step-dad who carried one in Korea while being shot at by NORKs. Didn't mind handing it to that old Marine at all.
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Re: Weapons that you DON'T regret selling or trading


Post by Texsquatch »

flynbenny wrote: Titan FIE .25 ACP, no explanation needed.
I sold many of these, plus Ravens, and similar brands as a youngster working in a shop. The old timers would joke and tell customers to put the pistol in a sock and twirl that thing around in a self defense situation. :smash:
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