If the person asking seems to be nefarious, then the story would change to you are diabetic and you keep your medication and syringes in it.
Moderator: carlson1
JALLEN wrote:I've been wearing IWB holsters which have two clips over the belt for years and nobody has ever mentioned it. I mostly dressed in slacks and golf shirt in San Diego, rarely a covering jacket.
The vast majority of people aren't that alert, frankly.
Jumping Frog wrote:JALLEN wrote:I've been wearing IWB holsters which have two clips over the belt for years and nobody has ever mentioned it. I mostly dressed in slacks and golf shirt in San Diego, rarely a covering jacket.
The vast majority of people aren't that alert, frankly.![]()
I've never been asked about my belt clips.
In fact, before living in Texas, I frequently carried IWB with the pistol grip fully exposed above the belt. I rarely had anyone notice. By "rarely", I mean I could count on the fingers of one hand the number of times anyone asked about it. Sheeple are amazingly unobservant.
It reminds me of the old joke "Why does a fireman wear suspenders?" - To keep his pants from falling down.RoyGBiv wrote:............ if you were carrying "tucked" and somebody asked about your clip/strap/etc?
I carry with a cover garment 99.9% of the time, but today was a rare occasion that I did not. Here's a photo...
I wasn't at all concerned... but as I was out and about this afternoon I realized that I didn't have a clever retort if anyone asked or "outed" me.
No need to mention different ways of carrying, different clips, etc. I'm just interested in your appropriate responses to a direct inquiry from another person. Maybe it's the cashier at subway, or maybe it's an acquaintance or colleague asking "what's that clip thing on your belt"?
"Pager" is way too 90's, dude.![]()
Extra points for a humorous reply that doesn't lead to further questions.
Bonc_CHL wrote:Tell em' its the Chastity Belt the wife makes you wear!![]()