What would you say....

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Re: What would you say....


Post by TexasGal »

Anyone in the know would only ask what you are carrying. Others would not be likely to ever ask even if they noticed. On the rare chance someone asked, I would tell them the truth; You keep your valuables hidden in a pouch there in case you are mugged. A gun and ammo are certainly valuable. And you are indeed carrying them in case you are mugged :biggrinjester:

If the person asking seems to be nefarious, then the story would change to you are diabetic and you keep your medication and syringes in it.
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Re: What would you say....


Post by Jumping Frog »

JALLEN wrote:I've been wearing IWB holsters which have two clips over the belt for years and nobody has ever mentioned it. I mostly dressed in slacks and golf shirt in San Diego, rarely a covering jacket.

The vast majority of people aren't that alert, frankly.

I've never been asked about my belt clips.

In fact, before living in Texas, I frequently carried IWB with the pistol grip fully exposed above the belt. I rarely had anyone notice. By "rarely", I mean I could count on the fingers of one hand the number of times anyone asked about it. Sheeple are amazingly unobservant.
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Re: What would you say....


Post by mojo84 »

Jumping Frog wrote:
JALLEN wrote:I've been wearing IWB holsters which have two clips over the belt for years and nobody has ever mentioned it. I mostly dressed in slacks and golf shirt in San Diego, rarely a covering jacket.

The vast majority of people aren't that alert, frankly.

I've never been asked about my belt clips.

In fact, before living in Texas, I frequently carried IWB with the pistol grip fully exposed above the belt. I rarely had anyone notice. By "rarely", I mean I could count on the fingers of one hand the number of times anyone asked about it. Sheeple are amazingly unobservant.

I have a friend that is a retired DEA agent, he carries his small frame Smith & Wesson like this. He blouses his shirt over it some and no one has ever mentioned it, even people that do not know what he did for a living.
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Re: What would you say....


Post by flechero »

If your belt and clips were of the same size, it would be VERY tough to tell there was even a clip there. Get some "C" clips and it would be nearly impossible to detect.
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Re: What would you say....


Post by WildBill »

RoyGBiv wrote:............ if you were carrying "tucked" and somebody asked about your clip/strap/etc?

I carry with a cover garment 99.9% of the time, but today was a rare occasion that I did not. Here's a photo...

I wasn't at all concerned... but as I was out and about this afternoon I realized that I didn't have a clever retort if anyone asked or "outed" me.

No need to mention different ways of carrying, different clips, etc. I'm just interested in your appropriate responses to a direct inquiry from another person. Maybe it's the cashier at subway, or maybe it's an acquaintance or colleague asking "what's that clip thing on your belt"?

"Pager" is way too 90's, dude. :mrgreen:

Extra points for a humorous reply that doesn't lead to further questions.

:bigear: :bigear: :bigear:
It reminds me of the old joke "Why does a fireman wear suspenders?" - To keep his pants from falling down.
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Re: What would you say....


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

Heck... you are pretty well concealed. I have to admit to doing a "Where's Waldo" on that pic before realizing the clip was right in front of my nose. Ii am surprised someone asked about it. I like cute responses like "My Colostomy Bag"'. That reply typically shuts down the conversation. I don't think anyone has ever out me. If they did, nobody has asked me questions about it. I have spotted others on occasion but did not feel the urge to impress them with my prowess at spotting a concealed firearm.

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Re: What would you say....


Post by TexasCajun »

If you're partial to the medical device route, "that's my thoracic perforator, it prevents my heart from stopping.

** I believe credit for this one goes to someone on this forum a couple of years ago during a similar discussion.
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Re: What would you say....


Post by SewTexas »

that one is very good. I've actually only seen one clip, it was at my sister's church, and it was very shiny silver, the light reflected off of it. honestly if I knew the guy I would have pointed it out to him, and mentioned he might want to replace it with a darker one, when I pointed it out to my husband he'd already seen it too. But the guy had a blazer, he'd just taken it off it was rather warm in the room. Your clip is nice and dark, it blends in with your belt, don't worry about it.
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Re: What would you say....


Post by Abraham »

Were I asked such a "none of your business/type personal question", my response would be: I'll pretend to answer, if you'll pretend you didn't ask...

Strangers who're nosy shouldn't be treated as if they were friends.

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Re: What would you say....


Post by Cedar Park Dad »

What would I say?
"Quit looking at my crotch you perv, or my wife will beat you to death with her cellphone." :tiphat:
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Re: What would you say....


Post by Bonc_CHL »

Tell em' its the Chastity Belt the wife makes you wear! "rlol" "rlol"
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Re: What would you say....


Post by SewTexas »

:biggrinjester: :biggrinjester:
Bonc_CHL wrote:Tell em' its the Chastity Belt the wife makes you wear! "rlol" "rlol"
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Re: What would you say....


Post by The Annoyed Man »

I'd tell them that I am a REAL man, and require a truss to keep things in order. . . . . .then walk away with a grin while they try to figure out what that means.
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Re: What would you say....


Post by remington79 »

I like the idea of asking people why are they looking at your crotch. That shifts the attention to them. They go from being curious to being put on the defense. Now they are trying to come up with an answer to that question while trying to mitigate being perceived as rude and trying to downplay any embarrassment they might have. You accomplish all of this without being rude.

Sure the colostomy bag answer is funny but I feel this answer is more plausible and after being accused of being a perv they will not want to bring up the subject of anything by your crotch again. The bag answer wouldn't work if its someone you know but doesn't know you carry. they see the clip, you tell them its the bag but all of a sudden you're at a waterpark with them. They'll start wondering and may ask again.
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Re: What would you say....


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

I have a question that is related. How many of you have been asked about your conceal carry weapon by a stranger? I have never been asked about it. I don't mean asked if you have a concealed carry license because of curiosity. I am talking asked because they outed you. After more than five years of carrying under my CHL and about 25 years with no CHL, not one person has ever asked if I was carrying. Not even people who know me and know I have a CHL. It just never comes up.
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