I rock out "Old Style"bagman45 wrote:What do you all use???

+1 for the Leights. Good performance, reasonable cost.
Moderator: carlson1
I rock out "Old Style"bagman45 wrote:What do you all use???
He's not kidding. I've seen him use them. I tried my own pair, but didn't like them as much as the purple foam ones that are rated at 32 or 33 db. I also have a pair of the Howard Leights, but only use them for handgun like with IDPA. Even though they are low profile, they still bother me with a rifle some and my shotgun. I have yet to try some of those molded plugs.
All that I have used default to muffled. You have passive noise reduction of some db level, then the microphone and audio amp in the muffs operates to let you hear what's going on. This audio amp is set to limit the audio to ? db, so the gunfire is muffled. Some units shunt the entire audio when a sound exceeds the db blocking threshold; i.e. it shuts the entire audio circuit off. Others allow the audio amp to continue to work, but limit the audio to a ?? db pass-through. These allow you to continue to hear conversations while rounds are going off.mewalke wrote:For exceptionally loud environments - belted magnums, SBRs, or just about any indoor range I tend to use passive muffs AND foam plugs.
Do the electronic muffs default to "On" (sound muffled) or "Off" (All sound comes through) if the battery wears out? I would assume "On" since I am guessing they use a microphone to pick up the sounds - but I've never used a pair.
But very helpful! Thank you.Charles L. Cotton wrote:All that I have used default to muffled. You have passive noise reduction of some db level, then the microphone and audio amp in the muffs operates to let you hear what's going on. This audio amp is set to limit the audio to ? db, so the gunfire is muffled. Some units shunt the entire audio when a sound exceeds the db blocking threshold; i.e. it shuts the entire audio circuit off. Others allow the audio amp to continue to work, but limit the audio to a ?? db pass-through. These allow you to continue to hear conversations while rounds are going off.mewalke wrote:For exceptionally loud environments - belted magnums, SBRs, or just about any indoor range I tend to use passive muffs AND foam plugs.
Do the electronic muffs default to "On" (sound muffled) or "Off" (All sound comes through) if the battery wears out? I would assume "On" since I am guessing they use a microphone to pick up the sounds - but I've never used a pair.
Yeah I know, this is a lot more than you asked for.![]()
Foam plugs have high db reduction ratings, often higher than earmuffs. If a plug is rated at 32db reduction and you add earmuffs that are 25db you do not get a linear reduction of 25db. When I did a turn in safety at a refinery I had that info. The additional reduction is actually quite low. I wear plugs and earmuff anyway so I can hear. The best passive (non-electronic) earmuffs for the money I've found were at Harborfreight. The red ones.C-dub wrote:He's not kidding. I've seen him use them. I tried my own pair, but didn't like them as much as the purple foam ones that are rated at 32 or 33 db. I also have a pair of the Howard Leights, but only use them for handgun like with IDPA. Even though they are low profile, they still bother me with a rifle some and my shotgun. I have yet to try some of those molded plugs.