powerboatr wrote:We are 99% full timers
we spend as much time away from home base as medically possible, usually home 3 months total over the year.
always travel with the toys and seek out ranges along the way to prat ice
had a great trip this summer to mt. rushmore and the black hills, crazy horse etc
cheyenne wyo WOW
palo duro
and skirted thru CO. which gave me fits, I tried many differnt routes to avoid co, but it just didnt happen. So we purchased zero items while in the state
this winter is all texas again, to la feria and all points in between
Now that's the way to go camping!!! I am extremely jealous
Fortunately my years in the Army Infantry (mostly in Korea and Colorado) have saved me many $$$$. Too many road marches and climbing mts with heavy equipment - so I don't hike, climb hills or mts, or do "nature trails."
Too much time on troop ships crossing the pacific, so I don't do cruises
Too much time sleeping on a dead air mattress, in a bag, in a hole, in the cold, breaking ice and snow off the opening in the AM, so I don't camp out.
Too much time huddled as close as possible to a 55 gal drum, with holes poked in it full of firewood trying to keep warm, so you can have campfires.
Too many cold C-rations, so camping food is out unless it's a good steak
When I was in mechanized Infantry I though it would be better living outdoors, but all that changed was I got to do the same thing, sleeping outside, but now I was next to a huge ice-box (APC)
Now flying fires for the BLM or State of Alaska, or Dept. of the Interior, was much the same type of camping out. So if you've got a roaring forest fire going, I'll be home watching the heroics on TV. (and yes, the firefighters are
definitely heroic IMHO)
Now a 40+ ft. luxury motor coach? Maybe I'd reconsider.