Calling all CHLs who are also RVers

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Re: Calling all CHLs who are also RVers


Post by chasfm11 »

kragluver wrote:We have a travel trailer and love to camp with our family. We recently sold a Palomino and purchased a Keystone Outback. We like camping in West Texas, New Mexico and Arkansas (Ouachita state park).
Petit Jean is another great place in Arkansas. One of the entrances roads has an interesting hill but the park is nice. The hiking trails offer a lot of variety.

The only West Texas SP that we've been in is Palo Duro Canyon. That entrance road is not for the faint of heart (10% grade with a hairpin at the bottom of the longest, steepest part) but the scenery is wonderful. We missed the outdoor theater show but it is supposed be really good.
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Re: Calling all CHLs who are also RVers


Post by Oldgringo »

chasfm11 wrote:
carlson1 wrote:Has anyone stayed in Beavers Bend State Park in Broken Bow, OK. You can set up right on the river. They put trout in at the dam every Thursday.
We've been to Beaver's Bend and it a wonderful setting. The bad part was that the corrupt camp hosts violated all of the State's rules and ran the park as their own fiefdom. Long term residents (the State max is 14 days) had taken over all of the river view sites and with no reservation system, you run the risk of driving there and not being able to get in at all. This is in sharp contrast to Lake Murray, another OK State Park, where hosts were not out of control. There were a lot of complaints and I hope that the issue has been resolved.

In addition to the fishing, it is fun to hear the horns sound when they open up the water on the dam and the river rises significantly in just a few minutes.

We've never seen a similar problem in the Texas State Parks.
Been there, seen that.
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Re: Calling all CHLs who are also RVers


Post by Oldgringo »

chasfm11 wrote:
kragluver wrote:We have a travel trailer and love to camp with our family. We recently sold a Palomino and purchased a Keystone Outback. We like camping in West Texas, New Mexico and Arkansas (Ouachita state park).
Petit Jean is another great place in Arkansas. One of the entrances roads has an interesting hill but the park is nice. The hiking trails offer a lot of variety.

The only West Texas SP that we've been in is Palo Duro Canyon. That entrance road is not for the faint of heart (10% grade with a hairpin at the bottom of the longest, steepest part) but the scenery is wonderful. We missed the outdoor theater show but it is supposed be really good.
Cap Rock Canyon SP is pretty neat. It's the only place where we've seen flocks of Roadrunners.....and that is because there are flocks of snakes for them to eat.

I reckon Inks Lake SP is our TWP far. We've been told Daingerfield SF is pretty nice; especially, in the fall.

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Re: Calling all CHLs who are also RVers


Post by MotherBear »

No RV here, but we camp -- I suppose I could poke my head in and chat anyway? My husband grew up camping; I grew up with no real vacations. Between the two, his way wins hands down. I've proposed a pop-up, but agreed to try the tent thing for a while first... and truthfully, I don't think he'll budge even if I don't convert, so I might as well get used to it. Anyway, we just did our first two (weekend) trips with the kids in the last couple of months. We're planning our first full-week trip for next fall.

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Re: Calling all CHLs who are also RVers


Post by JP171 »

going tent camping this weekend at Texas Ren Fest, uggg!!!!

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Re: Calling all CHLs who are also RVers


Post by cb1000rider »

My wife and I lived in a 33' class-A for about 9 months while building a home. After that, she swore we'd never own another.. We were pretty off grid for a while, running a generator and I had a 250 gallon water tank that we re-filled for fresh water.
We did some time without and RV an since we've owned two more. I keep trying to buy smaller RVs, but she keeps claiming that we can't do without the space. We use it on odd weekends and typically for one 2-3 week trip in the summer. We've currently got a Class-C.

We've been camping all over Texas - mainly via tent, some spots via RV.
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Re: Calling all CHLs who are also RVers


Post by fickman »

We just got back into it after a few years without one. . . just a simple popup camper, four kids, my wife, and myself.

We just took our maiden voyage in the new setup after Labor Day:
Garner SP
Fredericksburg (visited Old Tunnel SP)
Balmorhea SP
Fort Davis / Alpine / Marfa / McDonald Observatory
Monahans Sand Hills SP
Abilene SP
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Re: Calling all CHLs who are also RVers


Post by powerboatr »

We are 99% full timers
we spend as much time away from home base as medically possible, usually home 3 months total over the year.

always travel with the toys and seek out ranges along the way to prat ice
had a great trip this summer to mt. rushmore and the black hills, crazy horse etc
cheyenne wyo WOW
palo duro
and skirted thru CO. which gave me fits, I tried many differnt routes to avoid co, but it just didnt happen. So we purchased zero items while in the state
this winter is all texas again, to la feria and all points in between
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Re: Calling all CHLs who are also RVers


Post by G26ster »

powerboatr wrote:We are 99% full timers
we spend as much time away from home base as medically possible, usually home 3 months total over the year.

always travel with the toys and seek out ranges along the way to prat ice
had a great trip this summer to mt. rushmore and the black hills, crazy horse etc
cheyenne wyo WOW
palo duro
and skirted thru CO. which gave me fits, I tried many differnt routes to avoid co, but it just didnt happen. So we purchased zero items while in the state
this winter is all texas again, to la feria and all points in between
Now that's the way to go camping!!! I am extremely jealous :drool:

Fortunately my years in the Army Infantry (mostly in Korea and Colorado) have saved me many $$$$. Too many road marches and climbing mts with heavy equipment - so I don't hike, climb hills or mts, or do "nature trails."
Too much time on troop ships crossing the pacific, so I don't do cruises
Too much time sleeping on a dead air mattress, in a bag, in a hole, in the cold, breaking ice and snow off the opening in the AM, so I don't camp out.
Too much time huddled as close as possible to a 55 gal drum, with holes poked in it full of firewood trying to keep warm, so you can have campfires.
Too many cold C-rations, so camping food is out unless it's a good steak :mrgreen:

When I was in mechanized Infantry I though it would be better living outdoors, but all that changed was I got to do the same thing, sleeping outside, but now I was next to a huge ice-box (APC)

Now flying fires for the BLM or State of Alaska, or Dept. of the Interior, was much the same type of camping out. So if you've got a roaring forest fire going, I'll be home watching the heroics on TV. (and yes, the firefighters are definitely heroic IMHO)

Now a 40+ ft. luxury motor coach? Maybe I'd reconsider. :biggrinjester:

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Re: Calling all CHLs who are also RVers


Post by ErnieP »

Great and funny comments/experiences. Why don't we let this topic mature for a few weeks so we can see how many of us are RVers, since most people are not on the Board every day. in the mean time maybe we can post some possible meet-up sites that are near a good range. Since Texas is such a Big Country, depending on how many are interested, we may have to star out small with some Regional meet-ups, and maybe graduate to an Annual meet-up on a set weekend every year. All depends on responses and interest. There are tons of NRA Members in the State, and I've got to believe many of those of us who are members, but not yet on this Board may also be interested. Jump in here....Make suggestions....
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Re: Calling all CHLs who are also RVers


Post by Longhorn-breeder »

I part time while working in the Houston area, hubby has started coming along. I stay in a really old (88) 5th wheel no slides looking forward to an upgrade. But love the part time rv life. the rest of the time raise longhorn! Id be up for a get together if the schedule allows
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Re: Calling all CHLs who are also RVers


Post by fickman »

BTW, I'm also fickman over on

I had quit posting over there for years due to some fascist moderators, but it seems to have loosened up a little. I've even seen a couple (rare, and innocuous) gun threads survive. . . but don't count on it. lol A few years ago, homeschooling was even too hot of a topic to survive. Still, the technical info and knowledge about destinations have kept me around.

Since I work from home and we do homeschool, I favorite time to camp is Labor Day - Memorial Day. Great weather and never fighting for reservations.
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Re: Calling all CHLs who are also RVers


Post by cb1000rider »

fickman wrote: I had quit posting over there for years due to some fascist moderators, but it seems to have loosened up a little. I've even seen a couple (rare, and innocuous) gun threads survive. . . but don't count on it. lol A few years ago, homeschooling was even too hot of a topic to survive. Still, the technical info and knowledge about destinations have kept me around.
Gun threads get squashed over there. Political threads get squashed over here... Choose your poison!

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Re: Calling all CHLs who are also RVers


Post by chasfm11 »

cb1000rider wrote:
fickman wrote: I had quit posting over there for years due to some fascist moderators, but it seems to have loosened up a little. I've even seen a couple (rare, and innocuous) gun threads survive. . . but don't count on it. lol A few years ago, homeschooling was even too hot of a topic to survive. Still, the technical info and knowledge about destinations have kept me around.
Gun threads get squashed over there. Political threads get squashed over here... Choose your poison!
I'll take the moderating here to RV.NET I have nearly 5K posts there and enjoyed being part of it for a long time. There was a great exchange of knowledgeable people on a wide variety of subjects. And then a lot of the knowledgeable people where driven off and it wasn't useful to spend time reading there any more for me. I also frequent IRV2.Com where I just crossed the 2K post threshold. I was part of a number of gun related threads there but the moderating wasn't always handled well and they deteriorated. The anti-gun Canadians always seemed to wade in deep. Now, there are no more gun threads and they really keep a lid on any political references. It remains my go to spot for RV information because there are still a lot of experienced RVers there. Both RV.NET (Affinity group including Camping World) and IRV2.COM are commercial ventures, unlike here. Moderation when someone is playing with the company's paycheck takes a different slant.

RVs are complex beasts but thankfully there are a lot of common areas. Trailers of all types and motor homes share a lot of the same or vary similar appliances and the people with $300K motor homes have some of the same problems with those appliances as the guy with a single axle trailer. I like getting the different perspectives between the weekend RVer and the full timers about the same camping areas or routes to take. I do all my own maintenance and repairs so I need sources of people who have had some to the same problems that I'm trying to solve. I never would have gotten through tearing out the skylight over our shower and having rebuild a lot of the surrounding area before putting down almost 20 square feet of new rubber roof without a lot of help.

I would hate to see the sources for that RV information corrupted by folks with an axe to grind that had nothing to do with using and maintaining RVs, either from the users or from the moderators. That doesn't happen here.
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Re: Calling all CHLs who are also RVers


Post by Dadtodabone »

I had a 38' RV * without wheels. It took us to magical places, provided lots of thrills and quite a few chills. One day I looked at it and said to myself "I'm to old for this stuff!" and sold it.
I'm itching to move around a bit though, maybe I'll look into one of these wheeled thingies now.

* recreational vessel. Baltic 38, "Miss Direction"
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