EEllis wrote:jmra wrote:EEllis wrote:Hate to break it to you but some dept do require their officers to carry off duty. The phrasing usually, but not always, gives some out like "When "off duty", each member will carry or have in his/her immediate possession, his/her badge, department sidearm, or a pistol or revolver, as authorized by the Department, and the identification card. This rule shall not apply when members are engaged in sports and activities of such a nature as to make it impractical or when imbibing alcoholic beveragesjmra wrote:Ever seen an inebriated off duty cop? They are not required to carry off duty.
Not sure why you "Hate to break to (me)" when you have actually proven my point. Unless you simply want to argue semantics, the policy you quoted is what I was saying. Not to mention the fact that the quoted policy probably hasn't been enforced in most departments in over twenty years.
I'll never forget the look on a local detectives face when I explained to him that it was legal for a CHL to carry in Church and that most of the non-LEOs having coffee with him before Church were armed. He simply couldn't understand why anyone would feel the need to carry in Church. He then polled the LEOs sitting at the table and 3 of the 4 were unarmed. I'll have to ask about their "policy" but I'm sure it's been long ignored.
Not to mention the fact that almost all the younger officers I know, when off duty are either engaged in one of the activities you mentioned or they are home asleep.I can most definitely assure you that if these officers are at any professional sporting event, they are consuming alcohol and are unarmed.
Simply put, if an officer doesn't want to carry off duty there is plenty of room in the policy stated above (even with departments that might enforce it) for the officer to go unarmed pretty much anytime he wants. So, no - in practical everyday application, they are not "required" to carry off duty.
I don't know why it gets you so worked up but you are incorrect. There are dept where if you are found without your gun you get days off. Some say on you some say available but if you bump into your LT and don't have a gun then yes you will get days off. Some depts expect and require cops to be armed when drinking. That the ones you know don't belong to such depts really doesn't mean that much.
Some depts expect and require cops to be armed when drinking.
I find this statement hard to believe. Would appreciate you providing specific cite backing up that comment.