I’m a recently divorced 25 year old male, I needed a night out and all my friends had been trying to set me up with a pretty software engineer they knew. I finally gave in and took her to dinner in Galveston. As always I was carrying my Kimber Pro Carry II in my SuperTuck IWB holster at my 5 o'clock with a spare mag at my 8. After a great dinner we decided to go for ice cream before I took her home. As were standing in line she bumped into my 5 with her hand and quickly recognized it for what it was. Instead of quietly asking what was going on, she announced loudly to the whole ice cream shop "You have a gun, why do you have a gun?" I calmly told her that we were leaving and we exited the Ice cream shop. When we got to the truck I explained that I had my CHL and that I was legally carrying a firearm for defense purposes and that she just told everyone and their mom that I was carrying. She was horrified and demanded I take her home, which I did promptly. The whole way to her house she told me all about how no one should be able to carry a gun, and so on. I listened politely, not adding much to the conversation. I just told her that I was exercising my rights as a US citizen and a Texas resident. When we got to the house she just hopped out and started walking to the house and I haven’t heard from her since. (not that I’m worried about it)It was then I noticed the "COEXIST" and Obama/Biden stickers on her Lexus. Guess I should have been more observant.