Thank goodness for YouTube

Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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Re: Thank goodness for YouTube


Post by jmra »

handog wrote:
Zen wrote:I see no real value in baiting police to prove this point.

The same people would blame these cops if they drove by this guy and waved minutes before he shot up a theater, school, or group of people.

I think if we want respect as legal carrying folks, we can do it respectfully. no harm in identifying oneself. Debating it and prolonging the interaction just delays cops from being elsewhere. And for what?

I would show my Id. I have nothing to hide and bigger fish to fry.

The problem with giving up your legal rights in exchange for respect is, in the end you will have neither.
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Re: Thank goodness for YouTube


Post by mojo84 »

Zen wrote:I see no real value in baiting police to prove this point.

The same people would blame these cops if they drove by this guy and waved minutes before he shot up a theater, school, or group of people.

I think if we want respect as legal carrying folks, we can do it respectfully. no harm in identifying oneself. Debating it and prolonging the interaction just delays cops from being elsewhere. And for what?

I would show my Id. I have nothing to hide and bigger fish to fry.

Isn't it the fish's responsibility to not take the bait?
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Re: Thank goodness for YouTube


Post by LAYGO »

Robert*PPS wrote:Like I said before, I have mixed emotions about these types of videos, but I disagree that they have no value. It has become inherently clear that the person legally exercising a right is the oddball, which should have never happened. If all gun owners carried long guns around, this problem would solve itself real fast.
I guess to further my point, people (and myself included, apparently) have automatically assumed someone walking with a long gun has evil intent. Yes, if everyone carried one, then the person NOT carrying would look odd.

So fine, I would rather the police observe the person, determine if they look agitated (warranting further observation), which goes in hand with what handog is saying:
handog wrote:The Police officers job is not to prevent crime, but investigate crime after the fact -Catch the criminal and bring them to court. In this case there was no crime other than unlawful detention.
If they observe a crime, then contact them.

I'm more of a critical thinker than sheeple. I don't buy either party's propaganda.
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Re: Thank goodness for YouTube


Post by Fangs »

Ok, why don't we get the Governor to declare a "Texas is NOT Kalifornia" day, where everyone who legally can is encouraged to open carry their rifles and/or shotguns... ON THE SAME DAY.

The news can report it for a week ahead of time so all the scared people can stay inside, and so that the police can learn the law. :rules:

We print out some shirts with the parts of the law that pertains to open carry of long guns, and then everyone goes about their normal day. :tiphat:

Maybe even schedule some BBQs and other outdoor activities for the major cities?

I'm actually kind of serious... even without the governor's approval.
"When I was a kid, people who did wrong were punished, restricted, and forbidden. Now, when someone does wrong, all of the rest of us are punished, restricted, and forbidden. The one who did the wrong is counselled and "understood" and fed ice cream." - speedsix
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