Great disappointment consumes my soul!

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Re: Great disappointment consumes my soul!


Post by RottenApple »

Pecos wrote:Too me this doesnt sound like an ammo problem. I have never had a problem with a Ruger product. Im curious to know what was wrong. Keep us posted.
I hear the customer service is great & that they give you a free Magizine when they send it back. I like Ruger guns. I think there well built.
Worst ammo is Matrix I think. :tiphat:
Never tried Matrix so you very well may be right. But I've had nothing but problems (including the exact issue the OP described) with Tula.

I had a nasty hang fire in my wife's P238 that scared her pretty bad. Pulled the trigger and nothing happened for 10-12 seconds. Then, all of a sudden, BANG! My wife jumped and gave a little scream/squeak, heck, *I* jumped and I was kinda expecting it. I gave the rest of the ammo to Buddy at GPSR and told him what happened. That was the last time I bought Tula. Seems I don't own a single pistol that likes it.
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Re: Great disappointment consumes my soul!


Post by Pecos »

I've used Tula ammo in my .223 but never tried the pistol cartrages. The Matrix ammo stove pipes & jams every time unless used in a light spring gun like a High Point. When I was qualifying at the range people were have the same issue.
When I first bought my Ruger P95 I thought something was wrong with the gun & took it back to the gun store. The G-Smith there told me it was the ammo (Matrix). he gave me a free box of match ammo that worked fine. It was a better price. Whats sad Is bought the Matrix ammo for $50 at a nother store, the Aneri ammo that worked well in all my guns was $19!!! Live & learn. :banghead:
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Re: Great disappointment consumes my soul!


Post by mloamiller »

We have two Rugers – my wife carries an LC9 and I carry an SR9C. When we first got her LC9, the magazine catch would release when shooting. We sent it back to Ruger to replace the catch and had it back in about a week (I think). I’ve not had any issues with my SR9C and absolutely love it. Very easy to shoot and very accurate.

Hopefully your problem is just a fluke; don’t give up on Ruger!
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Re: Great disappointment consumes my soul!


Post by Jim88 »

Too me this doesnt sound like an ammo problem. I have never had a problem with a Ruger product.
My LC9 had a problem with Hornady Critical Defense. The polymer tip was catching on the short feed ramp of the LC9. When I switched (and everything else I tried), there was no problem at all. Problems with the LC9 aren't unique. When they first came out, many people were sending there's in for repair. I was lucky that only an ammo change fixed my problem.
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Re: Great disappointment consumes my soul!


Post by Pawpaw »

A friend at work carries a LC9 (not while at work). One day, a week or two ago, he was at the range. As is his usual habit, he pulled out the LC9 to put a box or two through it.

The first shot went bang. The second shot went, "click". He racked the slide and a pristine round with an un-dented primer popped out. "Click" went the next trigger pull.

He found the firing pin on the ground. He has no idea how or why it came out. He showed me the firing pin and it looks brand new. It isn't broken or anything.

I don't know if he's called Ruger yet, but that's what I told him to do. I'm sure they'll take care of him.

Now, I'm not "hating" on Ruger. Anything made by man can and will fail. Heck, I had a nearly brand new Dan Wesson 1911 go full-auto on me. It let go of 3 rounds faster than I could soil myself! :shock:

BTW, that particular DW is now my EDC.
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Re: Great disappointment consumes my soul!


Post by Oldgringo »

"Great disappointment consumes my soul!"

A great line that I'll remember and use...on occasion. Thank you, :tiphat: .
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Re: Great disappointment consumes my soul!


Post by WildBill »

MoJo wrote:What have we learned from S&Wgrl's disappointing adventure?

No matter how new, how shiny, how much you pay, how good a reputation the gunmaker has. Before you carry a gun test fire it! Not a magazine full at least 50 rounds even in this day of high ammo prices. The last thing you need is to get into a shootout with a gun that won't work.

Ruger's customer service is top notch. Hoping for a quick turnaround and maybe a "little something" from Ruger for your trouble. :tiphat:
:iagree: Kudos to S&Wgrl. It still amazes me that some people will carry a gun without shooting it to make sure it works.
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Re: Great disappointment consumes my soul!


Post by S&Wgrl »

WildBill wrote:
MoJo wrote:What have we learned from S&Wgrl's disappointing adventure?

No matter how new, how shiny, how much you pay, how good a reputation the gunmaker has. Before you carry a gun test fire it! Not a magazine full at least 50 rounds even in this day of high ammo prices. The last thing you need is to get into a shootout with a gun that won't work.

Ruger's customer service is top notch. Hoping for a quick turnaround and maybe a "little something" from Ruger for your trouble. :tiphat:
:iagree: Kudos to S&Wgrl. It still amazes me that some people will carry a gun without shooting it to make sure it works.
I definitely wanted to get at least 100 trouble free rounds through before I carry it. Thanks for all of the tips. Sorry I disappeared. I started a new job this week and it's been a little nuts. I haven't called Ruger yet. I tried today but they were already closed. I'll try again Monday. I'll certainly keep y'all posted. I'm going to let them know how disappointed I was that it happened -hoping to get one of those gifts y'all mentioned! Another magazine would be worth it! I love my LC9, it's a great carry gun and very reliable so far. I have several hundred rounds through it without any issues. I'm going to chalk this up to an unlucky fluke.
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Re: Great disappointment consumes my soul!


Post by S&Wgrl »

Oldgringo wrote:"Great disappointment consumes my soul!"

A great line that I'll remember and use...on occasion. Thank you, :tiphat: .
:biggrinjester: Glad you liked the quote and be sure to use it all you want! I also like "it was a miracle of Biblical proportions"
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Re: Great disappointment consumes my soul!


Post by S&Wgrl »

mloamiller wrote:We have two Rugers – my wife carries an LC9 and I carry an SR9C. When we first got her LC9, the magazine catch would release when shooting. We sent it back to Ruger to replace the catch and had it back in about a week (I think). I’ve not had any issues with my SR9C and absolutely love it. Very easy to shoot and very accurate.

Hopefully your problem is just a fluke; don’t give up on Ruger!
Oh no, I won't give up on Ruger. The Good Samaritan at the range let me shoot his SR9C and I loved the way it shot. I can't wait to get mine back so I can try it again! Tick tock!
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Re: Great disappointment consumes my soul!


Post by x007x »

S&Wgrl wrote:I took my brand new, beautiful Ruger SR9C to The Arms Room this afternoon. I bought it Friday night and also cleaned it thoroughly. The first shot was a bullseye slightly to the right of center. Pretty darn good for a first shot! I was immediately in love. The trigger pull that I've heard so much about is truly fantastic. I have a Ruger LC9 and though I love the gun, the trigger pull is long. It's my CC gun. Anyway, all the sudden the SR9C started acting crazy. The rounds would chamber but then it wouldn't shoot. After clearing it, it would shoot one or two and then the same thing all over. I thought it was the ammo at first. I've never shot that kind before. It's Tula Ammo. I got it at Academy when I bought the gun. So, the nicest man and his wife (or girlfriend) were next to me. He noticed I was having issues. He came over and tried several things. He even oiled it for me. He let me shoot his SR9C and I didn't have any issues with it. After several minutes he and the Range Master looked at it and talked. They think the firing pin is jacked up. So now I have to send it back to Ruger! I bought it at Academy and I tried to swap it out. Of course they wouldn't but it didn't hurt to ask. At least they are sending it back for me. I'm glad I got to shoot the Good Samaritan's gun because I do like it. I'm just very disappointed that I have to send mine back. I'm also glad I have my LC9. I've never had those problems with that gun or my S&W. I'm so grateful that they were there to help. I don't usually ask for help so he saved me a lot of aggravation trying to figure it out on my own. The manager at Academy said it would take about three weeks. Uuuughhh, the waiting begins...
Hello, I think I may have been there that day when you came in.. Did you have our gunsmiths take a look at it? Also, i'm not sure on Academy's policy, but we have a lifetime warranty on all firearms purchased at Arms Room, and that is plus the manufactured warranty too. I do hope you can get it working properly.

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Re: Great disappointment consumes my soul!


Post by S&Wgrl »

I'm happy to say that disappointment NO LONGER consumes my soul! I got my SR9c back on Thursday 8/1. I had no idea they would send it back so quickly. The note from Ruger said they replaced the magazine disconnect and the striker assembly. They also repaired the barrel. In other words my gun was jacked up. They sent me a crummy cleaning cloth. I was hoping for another magazine.

I was finally able to shoot it today. It shoots like a dream! I love everything about that gun. Today is the experience I was hoping for when I got the SR9c. I'm happy to say that I am thrilled with it. I shot several different brands of ammo and had absolutely no issues. I'm glad I took the gun to the range and tried it before I had to count on it. I will always take new guns to the range before I even consider using it for self/home defense. I'm completely comfortable with my SR9c and I'm so glad I bought it.
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Re: Great disappointment consumes my soul!


Post by Rrash »

Tula/steel Russian ammo and pistols are just not meant to be together. All of my FTF's have been with Tula, as well as the vast majority of FTE's. Also had a really bad jam in a friend's H&K once, where we had to beat the slide back into battery. That was the last time I ever put that stuff in a pistol. I would not recommend it to anyone for their pistol ammo.

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Re: Great disappointment consumes my soul!


Post by JSThane »

Pawpaw wrote:A friend at work carries a LC9 (not while at work). One day, a week or two ago, he was at the range. As is his usual habit, he pulled out the LC9 to put a box or two through it.

The first shot went bang. The second shot went, "click". He racked the slide and a pristine round with an un-dented primer popped out. "Click" went the next trigger pull.

He found the firing pin on the ground. He has no idea how or why it came out. He showed me the firing pin and it looks brand new. It isn't broken or anything.

I don't know if he's called Ruger yet, but that's what I told him to do. I'm sure they'll take care of him.

Now, I'm not "hating" on Ruger. Anything made by man can and will fail. Heck, I had a nearly brand new Dan Wesson 1911 go full-auto on me. It let go of 3 rounds faster than I could soil myself! :shock:

BTW, that particular DW is now my EDC.
No, no you did not. You must have accidentally jerked the trigger three times. Because if it did go full-auto, even if it was caused by the gun breaking, even if it was only for two or three rounds and you got it fixed immediately, the ATF says it is now and forever a machine gun, and as a machine gun not registered after passage of the Hughes Amendment, it is therefore illegal and upset the rainbow-pooping unicorns. :biggrinjester: And anyone that give the unicorns gastric problems is a felon.

In all seriousness, I'd keep this particular failure quiet from here on in. Yeah, they've got bigger stuff to worry about, but precautions are still warranted. I would prefer repeal of the Hughes Amendment, GCA 68, NFA 34, and any / every other "gun control" law in existence. Unfortunately, no one's made me Emperor of the USA yet, so I lack the power. Discretion is therefore still the better part of precaution.
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