Tuckable holster for a S&W Shield

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Tuckable holster for a S&W Shield


Post by JMod45 »

I've been looking around for a few weeks on what kind of holster to get, and have found way too many options to ever test myself. I currently have a cheap $10 nylon holster that I bought at a gun show a while back. It has actually been the most comfortable option I have found so far, but would like something better, and that I can tuck a shirt around. I like to carry in the 3:00 - 3:30 position.

I bought one of these (http://www.comp-tac.com/product_info.php?products_id=61) this weekend, but just can't make it work for me, so I'm going to take it back tonight, but everyone in the store is surprised that I don't like it. I was going to trade it for this (http://www.comp-tac.com/product_info.php?products_id=89), and try it out for a little while, but since it's called the two o'clock, I don't imagine it will work as well for 3:00.

My original thought for a new holster was this (http://www.desantisholster.com/store/SE ... ck-This-II) but I like being able to see things in person before buying them. I have been looking through the forum some this morning, and found quite a few options, but I'm starting to get too many ideas now.

If anyone could give me some input on a few of these holsters, or where I should be looking, I would appreciate it. :tiphat:
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Re: Tuckable holster for a S&W Shield


Post by TexasGal »

The shield is a bit top heavy in a holster when you make the ride height tall enough to get a really good firing grip so I would avoid holsters that have a single anchor point in front of or behind the gun. I tried a holster designed that way and found it unstable on the draw and would allow too much tipping outward of the gun making the grip print. I currently use a hybrid holster that has two anchor points and a leather backing that cushions the gun and has some leather that extends below the muzzle. It allows me to put it at a ride height that offers a firing grip and still keeps the gun stable for drawing. There are several designs like this on the market (CrossBreed, Kholster, etc).

The holster that has a single anchor point on center you linked to does not put the weight on the belt, but on the waist of the pants. I have not tried that design so I can't comment on it. Also, if you see a holster that is designed the way you want, but you like the clips of another holster manufacturer, In some cases, they can be interchanged. Just order the clips alone and try it out. Hope this helps a bit.
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Re: Tuckable holster for a S&W Shield


Post by xb12s »

CompTac Minotaur, Crossbreed Supertuck, Whitehat MaxTuck all make the hybrid (leather backed, kydex front) holsters that are tuckable. Those are all good comfortable choices. The two choices you linked are all kydex body holsters. Was the C-Tac uncomfortable for you because of the kydex body? I have one also. The kydex is not nearly as comfortable as the leather backed holsters or all-leather holsters, but they are not "too uncomfortable" for me.

As for single point clips that are tuckable, I have not tried too many of these. I have one and can't recommend it. I have another one on order (for a Shield) that I am excited to try: PJholster tuckable http://pjholster.com/?page_id=821

PJHolster is really backed up on orders though, so it will take a while. He has received lots of good reviews from some key online gun people on youtube in the last year which has caused his business to explode and delivery times to linger. I have a few of his other non-tuckable holsters and they work great for the smaller guns like the shield. I asked for some custom stuff on mine (slightly higher ride height and custom cant angle, different thickness for the clip) and am eager to check it out.

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Re: Tuckable holster for a S&W Shield


Post by JMod45 »

I have only been carrying a month now, so I don't have enough experience to know what I really want. The cheap holster I have is a single clip, and the trigger sits about even with my belt. The single clip allows the gun to pivot a little when I sit down. The two clip holster doesn't, and ends up stabbing me in the leg, or in the side when I sit down, depending on how high I have it positioned. How high up should the gun typically be positioned? I just like to leave it low so that the grip doesn't poke out of my shirt.

I'm not really particular to the kydex. I think that is what is causing me some discomfort. That's just what the store had when I was there, and I wanted to try it out. I'm actually looking at the remora tuckable holster right now, I would probably leave the clip on though.
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Re: Tuckable holster for a S&W Shield


Post by xb12s »

I like mine to have the grip high enough so that I can get all my fingers wrapped around the grip in a proper grip. On some, the grip is too low for my taste, which causes an interference with the belt when I try to get my fingers around it. This would cause you to have to regrip after you drew the pistol. There are "deep concealment" holsters that put almost all of the grip down under the belt, but I don't want that. I'd just use a Smart Carry if I needed deep concealment. http://www.smartcarry.com/

My crossbreed mini-tuck was actually low enough on the highest setting that I had to cut in an additional set of holes to raise the holster further and trim kydex and leather out of the way for my fingers. It's just barely enough for me to be happy with it. I'd probably appreciate another 1/4". This was not for the Shield, btw.

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Re: Tuckable holster for a S&W Shield


Post by SATX-Scrub »

Seriously, spend a little extra and get a handmade holster made out of all leather. I'm partial to rgrizzle, but I've had a Nightengale, and a DM Bullard and all have been wonderful. They take a while to get made, but the value is in the craftsmanship. My favorite is my P938 in a Ryan Grizzle city slicker. Can't even feel it.

But, if you have to have a hybrid, I really like the crossbreed, and I use it for one of my .45s when I'm putting on my Sunday best.
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Re: Tuckable holster for a S&W Shield


Post by Blindref757 »

I still think that you can't go wrong with the Old Faithful Holsters. They take 10 min to assemble and you can get them fully customized. I have a desert tech camo on black horsehide. It works great!
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Re: Tuckable holster for a S&W Shield


Post by OldCannon »

http://www.rdrholsters.com/store/displa ... ith-wesson" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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Re: Tuckable holster for a S&W Shield


Post by RogueUSMC »

ImageCheck this guy out...

The holster is kydex on leather but the leather has a neoprene moisture barrier and a layer of fleece stitched to the back of it. You can choose your leather and stitching colors for $49...another $25 get's you the mag carrier to match. He currently has about a 4 week lead time. You can wear IWB or removed the clips and wear on the belt.

I have swapped the clips out for some CompTac c-clips and it gives me about an inch to an inch and a half more tuck...

edit for web link... http://firearmholster.com/
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