OK University bombing...

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OK University bombing...


Post by stevie_d_64 »

I know this is not forum related, but I wanted to get simple responses from the participants here that have:

#1 Heard of what I am talking about?

#2 If you heard it on a Main Stream Media outlet? (and what affiliate you heard about it on)

#3 And if you have seen the reversals of what had been initially reported about this guy who perpetrated this terrorist attack...In the last few days...


I know a lot of you keep up with events and news...So I hope this doesn't irritate or annoy me asking these things...

Odds are that alot of you did hear and see things about this...And since this is the most popular part of the forum, I wanted to make sure as many folks saw this as possible...


We may of course split off and discuss what may or may not be done in regards to this incident in another discussion later...
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Post by tehlump »

I didn't hear about it until yesterday.

I read a post about it on ar15.com. I was shocked that I had not heard about it until then. I stay relatively informed...I watch CNN in the morning before work (I can't get fox) I listen to talk radio (700 KSEV) on the drive in to work and I browse the internet.

After reading the arfcom post I did a google news search to find the details. They were predictably buried...
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Post by Paladin »

I saw it on ar15.com and tank-net. Didn't see anything on TV.
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Post by Kalrog »

Yes. I heard about it on 590AM - major talk radio station around Austin. And yeah, I have heard about the terroristic ties.

No, this was not on a news report. It was a talk show host (Jeff Ward) as well as a couple of others at other times and other stations. I haven't really heard anything on any news reports and that scares me. What happened to the media keeping track of the government and all that?
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Post by jimlongley »

Saw it on a couple of Dallas tv stations and in the Dallas Morning News.
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Post by stevie_d_64 »

I didn't get wind of it till I saw a topic posted on Free Republic...

They had all the discussion and links on it (about 3200 posts) since it happened...That was on Monday morning...

Since Monday, then Tuesday and then not until Wednesday, nobody major picked it up, and even then it was reported in a very fragmented and extremely poor/amaturish manner...

But rest assured they are all over the NYC subway deal (that hasn't happened)...

An actual act of terrorism in OK is just the act of a dispondent yute...

But they are finding out more and more about this slug and his friends everyday...And its not getting a fraction of the attention it needs...

Not like we can do anything about it...But you'd think this would be the lead story every half hour or so...

Because it actually DID happen...

Another question/thought...

Would you think that someone would notice the purchase of a one way ticket to Algeria???

With all the surveilance done on us, do you think that should raise a BIG RED FLAG???

But hey, thats just me, I don't know anything...(/sarcasm)
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