The left continues to try to make this more than it is, to put self defense on trial. The President of the "National Urban League" says
"Everything else about this case is complicated by the issues of race, the unsuccessful attempt by Zimmerman’s defense to put Trayvon’s background on trial and Zimmerman’s claim of self-defense that is rooted in Florida’s questionable Stand-Your-Ground law."
and they continue to try to demonize targeted racial groups.
"It should also be noted that Zimmerman, a white Hispanic, was a particularly zealous neighborhood watch volunteer. In the months leading up to that fateful February day, he had made dozens of 911 calls. In a number of those calls, he reported spotting "suspicious" persons in the neighborhood, almost all of whom were black." ... 06-12.html
Is it going to be hard for Zimmerman to get a fair trial? And, if he does and wins, at what cost to civil unrest? Only thing we know for sure is this thing is a mess. "White Hispanic"? [in no way being negative about great, hardworking, family oriented Hispanics] I guess that is a Republican Hispanic.... But that term seems to have been invented to make this case about white America.