Lesson learned at Wally World

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Lesson learned at Wally World


Post by glockoneniner »

Well, I feel sort of stupid but I figured I should post this anyway...

I was at Wal-Mart today (carrying, btw). I purchased and paid for what I needed. Then while I walked out I came upon one of those Pet ID machines. So, I decided to get a new tag for one of my dogs. I had some trouble getting it to read my debit card, but finally got it working. So, after I got all the info entered and the machine started engraving the tag I turned and noticed that someone stole my merchandise!! Must have just walked right up to the cart and started walking as if it were theirs. I couldn't believe it!

Here I've been thinking that I've been hyper-aware of surroundings. Boy, it really got me thinking you can NEVER let your guard down.

:oops: :oops:

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Post by 135boomer »

I will never even begin to understand people like that. All you have to do is blink at the wrong time, and we all must blink.



Post by pbandjelly »

G19'er: I am truly sorry to hear that.

to exemplify your stance, check out the vid on CNN.com of the 91yr old vet being car-jacked.
some people shouldn't have been born.

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Post by wjmphoto »

pbandjelly wrote:G19'er: I am truly sorry to hear that.

to exemplify your stance, check out the vid on CNN.com of the 91yr old vet being car-jacked.
some people shouldn't have been born.
Unfortunately, that video also demonstrated the coward mentality of most of the public at large. What is even more reprehensible than the assailant doing this is that there were 5 witnesses standing there doing nothing to assist the man. The unfortunate reality of our society is that people are raised to be cowards who are not willing to lift a hand to assist someone who is being assaulted or killed. The schools teach our children to not respond to aggression and punish them if they fight back or take up for their friends. Our kids are taught to simply tough it out when bullies continually victimize and beat them. As adults we are told to just hand over your possessions to a robber, don't fight back if you are being sexually assaulted, don't raise a hand against an aggressor and other absolute bull. It is sickening to see this type of thing because it only reminds me how pathetic the human race is becoming and how successful the powers that be have been in creating a society of sheep just waiting to be slaughtered.

Thank goodness I don't allow my kids to go to public school and become indoctrinated into a society that holds values that are antithetical to being human. And thank goodness that my parents did raise me to stand up for myself and for others when something like this happens. I have witnessed an elderly man being beaten as a result of road rage and I did not drive by and allow it to continue and I know that I would not have stood by and allowed this to pass either without doing something to stop it, armed or not.




Post by pbandjelly »

I agree. I put some blame on Reality TV.
people see that stuff and think it's an episode of Punk'd.

or maybe this happened in the Soviet Republic of Kalifornia, where you can't do anything, lest you be sued.

yeah, that'd happened near me, the ol' boy woulda heard two things.
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Post by hi-power »

pbandjelly wrote:yeah, that'd happened near me, the ol' boy woulda heard two things.
A train coming? :lol:

I can't remember if I ever posted about stopping a step-father from beating up his kid in a parking lot, but my wife and I ended up in a foot-race get to him.

I don't think I'd sleep very well at night if I was one of those do-nothing gawkers in that video.



Post by pbandjelly »

hi-power wrote:
pbandjelly wrote:yeah, that'd happened near me, the ol' boy woulda heard two things.
A train coming? :lol:

I can't remember if I ever posted about stopping a step-father from beating up his kid in a parking lot, but my wife and I ended up in a foot-race get to him.

I don't think I'd sleep very well at night if I was one of those do-nothing gawkers in that video.
naw, it's an UnderArmor commercial!!!
or, me pullin' the hammer back to SingleAction.

never heard the StepPappy story. that's messed up!
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Re: Lesson learned at Wally World


Post by Paladin »

glockoneniner wrote:Well, I feel sort of stupid but I figured I should post this anyway...

I was at Wal-Mart today (carrying, btw). I purchased and paid for what I needed. Then while I walked out I came upon one of those Pet ID machines. So, I decided to get a new tag for one of my dogs. I had some trouble getting it to read my debit card, but finally got it working. So, after I got all the info entered and the machine started engraving the tag I turned and noticed that someone stole my merchandise!! Must have just walked right up to the cart and started walking as if it were theirs. I couldn't believe it!

Here I've been thinking that I've been hyper-aware of surroundings. Boy, it really got me thinking you can NEVER let your guard down.

:oops: :oops:
Sorry for your loss.

There are lots of distractions at Wally World. That place is usually packed. One time a left a cart about 5 ft from me with some merchandise in it. Within 60 seconds the cart was gone. Somebody took my stuff out, set it on the shelf and walked off with the cart. They knew what they did, but didn't care.

It's a lesson to all of us that if you're busy concentrating on something, it's good to have somebody else watching your back/stuff.
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Post by Venus Pax »

Wow. I"m also sorry to hear that happened to you.

Some of these people can be pretty brazen.
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Post by longtooth »

You have confessed what has happened to all of us. The good thing is it was not an assault or carjacking.
We all have let someone get too close at one time or another.
You did learn a good lesson. I commend you on sharring it & believe it will NEVER happen again to you.
I am glad to have you on the board.
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Post by GlockenHammer »

Being really aware is a lot harder than those who claim to be doing it think it is, including myself. The problem is, we don't realize when we're not doing it, so we think we're always doing it.

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Post by KBCraig »

I've been "cart-jacked" many times at Wally World... but never when the cart had my paid-for merchandise! :shock:

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Post by glockoneniner »

Fellow CHLers,
Thank you for your replies. I thought for sure that I was get a few "talkin' tos".

BTW, the other lesson is put your receipt in your pocket. I had my receipt and got all my stuff back.

Be safe, be smart!
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Post by seamusTX »

Did you report it to the police? If so, what did they say?

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Post by NguyenVanDon »

Should this thread be moved to Never Again section?
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