
CHL discussions that do not fit into more specific topics

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Re: Interesting


Post by gthaustex »

If the community there is so conservative, I'm surprised that the DA was able to get elected to office..... :headscratch

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Re: Interesting


Post by Chemist45 »

You say interesting; I say disgusting.
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Re: Interesting


Post by C-dub »

Chemist45 wrote:You say interesting; I say disgusting.
:iagree: C'mon AG Abbott, set this prosecutor straight with the law.
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Re: Interesting


Post by RoyGBiv »

It's good etiquette to have a better description in the subject and at least a bit of descriptive information in the original post. Throwing up a link with nothing else is not very reader friendly.
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Re: Interesting


Post by The Annoyed Man »

Michael Yon, who is very pro-gun rights, has had a number of interesting articles about this guy Grisham, and it appears that the whole thing was staged by him. Yon reported on this a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately, Yon's site has been hacked, so I can't show you links to the pages detailing Grisham's spiraling craziness, but he has threatened on more than one occasion to kill Yon by "fragging" him while Yon was embedded with troops in Iraq. Grisham has an administratively issued Bronze Star, in which the details of the action for which he was awarded it are sketchy and lacking. It looks for all the world like a case of stolen valor. Some of the mil-blogs written by men who've never spent a minute under fire are carrying Grisham's water and attacking Yon on their pages. I know Yon to be a pretty decent guy, so I'm not buying his character assassination by these other writers. I had a Facebook exchange with Grisham in which I asked him what was going on so I could get it first hand from him, since he was posting all of his alleged troubles on Facebook. He responded by attacking me just for asking. Conversely, Yon has always been respectful with me, even if he disagreed with something I said.

I don't have a lot of respect for Grisham.
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Re: Interesting


Post by flechero »

I normally agree with you, TAM, but am not on this one, at least not yet.

I don't know Grisham but as a Bell County resident, I know the temple PD's reputation. I'll give a local Soldier the benefit of the doubt... especially in this area on a firearms related arrest, with charges already being reduced... as there have been some really unfortunate happenings here, and this fits a pattern.

Messaging someone you don't know on facebook probably isn't the best way to see their true character - he may have had 20 other messages attacking him that day and yours was lumped into them. A little curious as to the wording you used and the wording of his response in the "attack" on you? (which might provide plenty of perspective into his character)

I also hadn't heard of Yon before today. I read he was angry that Grisham accused him of something with no proof and to that I ask where is Yon's proof against Grisham's arrest or Bronze Star? Let's hold each to the same standard of proof. It's not up to Grisham to document a medal, it's up to the Army and they apparently thought it was good enough. Yon may really be a saint and Grisham a bad apple... but until there are a few more facts to discuss, we really don't have enough info to make those distinctions, IMO.
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Re: Interesting


Post by gregthehand »

Almost gave money and then came back and read some more posts. Holding off for now.
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Re: Interesting


Post by Gat0rs »

I don't think he will need much money for legal fees if he was really arrested for rudely displaying a rife. It is not a crime to "rudely display" a rifle so I assume he has a litany of civil rights violations that will be discussed in a civil suit against the police.
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Re: Interesting


Post by G26ster »

I read the article posted by the OP, and I'm familiar with the other case discussed too. What I'm not familiar with is, "an administratively issued Bronze Star, in which the details of the action for which he was awarded it are sketchy and lacking." What is this all about, and what does "administratively issued" mean? Not that it's germane to his case, but ...
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Re: Interesting


Post by SF18C »

The Annoyed Man wrote:Michael Yon, who is very pro-gun rights, has had a number of interesting articles about this guy Grisham.... I know Yon to be a pretty decent guy

Just outta curiosity how well do you know Yon? I can tell you in the SF community, he is pretty much PNG'ed (persona non grata) for selling out Brothers, making false accusations and really stretching the two years of team time he had.
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Re: Interesting


Post by The Annoyed Man »

flechero wrote:I normally agree with you, TAM, but am not on this one, at least not yet.

I don't know Grisham but as a Bell County resident, I know the temple PD's reputation. I'll give a local Soldier the benefit of the doubt... especially in this area on a firearms related arrest, with charges already being reduced... as there have been some really unfortunate happenings here, and this fits a pattern.

Messaging someone you don't know on facebook probably isn't the best way to see their true character - he may have had 20 other messages attacking him that day and yours was lumped into them. A little curious as to the wording you used and the wording of his response in the "attack" on you? (which might provide plenty of perspective into his character)

I also hadn't heard of Yon before today. I read he was angry that Grisham accused him of something with no proof and to that I ask where is Yon's proof against Grisham's arrest or Bronze Star? Let's hold each to the same standard of proof. It's not up to Grisham to document a medal, it's up to the Army and they apparently thought it was good enough. Yon may really be a saint and Grisham a bad apple... but until there are a few more facts to discuss, we really don't have enough info to make those distinctions, IMO.
Flechero, I don't remember the specific issue or the wording I used, but I can promise you that I wasn't confrontational. The general situation was that Grisham had posted an attack against Yon on his (Grisham's) facebook "fan" page, and it surprised me because I believed Yon from personal experience to be an honorable guy. His reporting is entirely reader supported, and I have donated money to keep him in the field and reporting on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. He is a former Green Beret and a political libertarian, and his was consistently the most accurate and agenda-free reporting coming out of Iraq and Afghanistan. He may not always have been correct about his analyses (who is, 100% of the time?). For instance, he wrote a lot not too long ago on the differences between the way the Army dustoff and the Air Force Pedros procedures for handling medevac of wounded personnel, and he was critical in that reporting of the Army, and upheld the Air Force Pedros as the better way to do things. In fact our own member E.Marquez was serving as a CSM in Afghanistan RCE, and he and I exchanged several PMs about the subject. I asked him for his opinion in the matter because I knew I'd get a no-bull answer. He was not convinced that Yon was correct. But the point is that Yon wasn't reporting on the civilian politics directing the war; he was concerned for his beloved infantry in a kind of Ernie Pyle way, and he was trying to see that in the fog of war, their best interests did not get overlooked when they were down and dying.

According to Yon, who knew Grisham personally while overseas, Grisham was assigned to an intelligence unit and hardly ever went outside the wire, but he apparently posted constantly on blogs and other sites that he was being crippled by PTSD, etc.

I don't know the man. What I do know is that he posted something on Facebook blasting Michael Yon. I asked him, not really knowing who he was at the time, what was the basis for his attack, because it didn't jibe with what I knew personally about Yon. His response was to accuse me of being one of Yon's sycophants or some such and said something like I had my nose up Yon's behind so far I wouldn't know what's going on. That's not true. I admire Yon for his body of work as a reporter, but I'm not a fanboy. If I were, I would have never have bothered to contact E.Marquez while he was still in Afghanistan to ask if Yon's reporting about medevac was accurate. Anyway, until then I was not really aware that there was a feud brewing between the two men. Of the two of them, I simply find Yon's description of events more believable. That's all.

I'm unaware of charges that he sold out anyone in SF. I don't "know" him well, other than having exchanged a few emails with him, and I could be wrong.
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Re: Interesting


Post by stevie_d_64 »

I'm looking in the Texas Penal Code and have been havig a hard time finding any provisions in the law making it illegal and chargable for the cause of "rudely" handling a gun...

I also find it very disturbing that the police WILL go out of their way to protect a citizen when that citizen determines the rude manner in which another handles a gun, more than just going and serving the public, to determine, without busting the chops of a hunter (by the way, how did that citizen "see" the hunter in the first place???) and a kid accompaning him...

I guess it just goes to prove again that articles like this tend to leave out more than they include in these stories...It is better to somehow show how negatively the police interact with the public, rather than this could have possibly never made the news in the first place...

Obviously I am missing something...
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Re: Interesting


Post by jimlongley »

Considering the wording of the story, I have to wonder just how much of it was accurate anyway:

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Re: Interesting


Post by blackgold »

I don't think he was hunting. I think he was walking along roads (looking to start controversy). While it is legal to carry a rifle, it seems most that do do so to prove a point. Unfortunately, that seems to be the case here. He was too ready with camera to record it all and his responces were all about oh my god my rights are being violated. I don't agree with how it was handled but I also don't agree with carrying for a point. While it IS legal, all you do is make people nervous and dislike guns more. Whether or not you want to hear it, it is the truth. This guy went out to get attention and he got it. Then to make a site asking for donations immediately on his own?!?
Just my thoughts on this.
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