Shumer’s gun transfer ban flypaper felonies

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Shumer’s gun transfer ban flypaper felonies


Post by VMI77 » ... nsfer-ban/

If you leave home for more than 7 days and leave anyone at home, that becomes a felony illegal transfer. 5 years in prison for each of you.
if you take a friend shooting and allow him to fire your gun, that is a felony illegal transfer. 5 years in prison for each of you.
If you have a gun lost or stolen and don’t report it within 24 hours, you’ve committed a felony. 5 years in prison.
If you lend a gun to someone for to try out at the range, provide a loaner for a student in training, let your son shoot a rifle you purchased while hunting, or provide a gun to a woman for self-defense, you’ve committed a felony. 5 years in prison for each of you. ... nsfer-ban/
Shumer had kept the bogus “background check” bill under wraps, only putting forth a shell bill with no specifics. Well, he applied the text through an amendment at the last minute, before it passed. John Richardson has the details, including the text.
UPDATE: Teaching someone to shoot on your own land is a felony, 5 years, if you hand them the gun. Not an exempted transfer.
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Re: Shumer’s gun transfer ban flypaper felonies


Post by jmra »

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Re: Shumer’s gun transfer ban flypaper felonies


Post by Beiruty »

shove it, or eat it.
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Re: Shumer’s gun transfer ban flypaper felonies


Post by anygunanywhere »

The GOP will save us.

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Re: Shumer’s gun transfer ban flypaper felonies


Post by jmra »

anygunanywhere wrote:The GOP will save us.

I keep experiencing these episodes of Déjà vu. I could swear I've seen that somewhere before! "rlol"
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Re: Shumer’s gun transfer ban flypaper felonies


Post by Texas Dan Mosby »

And with that, gentlemen and ladies, I honestly believe that there is no hope for a peaceful resolution to this situation.

They want to turn YOU into a felon and imprison you, for firearm possession.

That is not acceptable.

That is not the American way.
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Re: Shumer’s gun transfer ban flypaper felonies


Post by philip964 »

Did this pass the entire US Senate or is it still in committee or just pass committee? We need to stay rational here. What are the facts?

The next four years are going to be rough. And there is not much we can do about it, except move to a swing states and vote.
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Re: Shumer’s gun transfer ban flypaper felonies


Post by JALLEN »

There is absolutely no way any such law could pass, or pass Constitutional muster.
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Re: Shumer’s gun transfer ban flypaper felonies


Post by Topbuilder »

JALLEN wrote:There is absolutely no way any such law could pass, or pass Constitutional muster.
So do they put it out there so we are happy when we get to keep 1/2 of the pie?
Crazy talk for the "new normal" we have to deal with on a daily basis...
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Re: Shumer’s gun transfer ban flypaper felonies


Post by Dave2 »

JALLEN wrote:There is absolutely no way any such law could pass, or pass Constitutional muster.
So? I don't care that it couldn't pass. The simple fact that it was even proposed is infuriating. These people are supposed to be fixing the country, not coming up with new ways to break it more.
I am not a lawyer, nor have I played one on TV, nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, nor should anything I say be taken as legal advice. If it is important that any information be accurate, do not use me as the only source.
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Re: Shumer’s gun transfer ban flypaper felonies


Post by cbunt1 »

Dave2 wrote:
JALLEN wrote:There is absolutely no way any such law could pass, or pass Constitutional muster.
. . . These people are supposed to be fixing the country . . .
And therein lies the in "The fix is in..."

The whole thing is simply infuriating. :mad5 :banghead:
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Re: Shumer’s gun transfer ban flypaper felonies


Post by C-dub »

philip964 wrote:Did this pass the entire US Senate or is it still in committee or just pass committee? We need to stay rational here. What are the facts?

The next four years are going to be rough. And there is not much we can do about it, except move to a swing states and vote.
I think it just passed out of committee on a 10-8 vote.
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Re: Shumer’s gun transfer ban flypaper felonies


Post by gthaustex »

Speechless....stunned.... :mad5

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Re: Shumer’s gun transfer ban flypaper felonies


Post by K.Mooneyham »

Not that I trust Schmuck Schumer in the very least, or any other of his gun-grabbing Democrat cronies, or their RINO pals, but the text of that was so outrageous that I had to send a link to the NRA and ask them to look into it. Hopefully they will reply, or at least post something on their website and let us know if this is for real, or just more hype from the political left...remember, one of their techniques is to put the worst thing out there, then when it gets the inevitable smack-down, put out what they really want as a "reasonable compromise"...I know those left-wing bums are trying to get registration because they can't take them away from folks if they don't know where they are...its what they did in Australia and the UK.
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Re: Shumer’s gun transfer ban flypaper felonies


Post by Watchful »

‘‘(4)(A) Notwithstanding any other provision of this
chapter, the Attorney General may implement this sub-
section with regulations.

Are you kidding me??? IANAL, but the way I read this is it lets Eric Holder add what ever he wants AFTER IT'S PASSED!!

‘‘(B) Regulations promulgated under this para
graph— ‘‘(ii) shall include a provision requiring a record
of transaction of any transfer that occurred between
an unlicensed transferor and unlicensed transferee
accordance with paragraph (1).’’.

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