UN: Colo., Wash. legal pot violates drug treaties

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UN: Colo., Wash. legal pot violates drug treaties


Post by VMI77 »

http://seattletimes.com/html/localnews/ ... ethru.html
A United Nations-based drug agency urged the United States government on Tuesday to challenge the legalization of marijuana for recreational use in Colorado and Washington, saying the state laws violate international drug treaties.
Could this set a precedent for enforcement of the UN arms treaty? I have to wonder if this isn't rigged for an attempt to establish a precedent prior to bringing a revamped arms control treaty up for a vote. Or simply a Federal supremacy test for gun laws.
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Re: UN: Colo., Wash. legal pot violates drug treaties


Post by Texas Dan Mosby »

The U.N. can get bent as far as I'm concerned.

Whether firearms, marriage, "drugs", whatever, I respect the citizens of each state that vote on these subjects as opposed to the clowns running the circus known as the "U.N.".
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Re: UN: Colo., Wash. legal pot violates drug treaties


Post by RoyGBiv »

Given that Obummer supports a hands off approach to this issue, I have a hard time seeing how it could be considered "rigged".

A test? Possibly. But in opposition to the current Administrations' position.
I think President Thin-Skin will be pouty-faced that the UN is moving publicly in a contrary direction.
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Re: UN: Colo., Wash. legal pot violates drug treaties


Post by Gameover »

The U.N. needs to take a hike! If they dont like the laws states are passing tough, because I pretty sure if the people that live in the states of the united states didn't pay tax to the federal government then there would be no money for this silly group called the U.N. . Why dont they just stick to doing what they do best.....NOTHING. :patriot:
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Re: UN: Colo., Wash. legal pot violates drug treaties


Post by Dave2 »

Texas Dan Mosby wrote:The U.N. can get bent as far as I'm concerned.
Same here.
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Re: UN: Colo., Wash. legal pot violates drug treaties


Post by VMI77 »

Dave2 wrote:
Texas Dan Mosby wrote:The U.N. can get bent as far as I'm concerned.
Same here.

I remember the bumper stickers from my youth that said: US out of UN; UN out of US. A sentiment I wholly support.
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Re: UN: Colo., Wash. legal pot violates drug treaties


Post by mamabearCali »

Dave2 wrote:
Texas Dan Mosby wrote:The U.N. can get bent as far as I'm concerned.
Same here.

:iagree: When the UN decides to actually do something about the cleansing of Christians from Muslim states and the ethnic cleansing in Africa I might take them serious. Until then they can take a long walk off of short pier.
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Re: UN: Colo., Wash. legal pot violates drug treaties


Post by Hola Gato »

We need to stop funding those UN-American fascists. Let somebody else carry the load for the next 75 years.
I didn't vote for Obama.
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Re: UN: Colo., Wash. legal pot violates drug treaties


Post by Jumping Frog »

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Re: UN: Colo., Wash. legal pot violates drug treaties


Post by TexasGal »

Obama will do nothing about the legalized pot. Trust me. Too many of his voters are among the users. Now, if we pass state laws that say we can have guns in spite of a federal law, THAT will be different. Far different.
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Re: UN: Colo., Wash. legal pot violates drug treaties


Post by anygunanywhere »

Jumping Frog wrote:Blue helmets make great targets.
You beat me to it.


Better than IBTL.

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Re: UN: Colo., Wash. legal pot violates drug treaties


Post by Nightshift »

I find this hard to believe as Holland is an EU member and so are several other countries in Europe that have far more lax drug laws and they have been doing this for years. The EU in my opinion is the first in line to cooperate with the UN and its demands.
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Re: UN: Colo., Wash. legal pot violates drug treaties


Post by anygunanywhere »

Nightshift wrote:I find this hard to believe as Holland is an EU member and so are several other countries in Europe that have far more lax drug laws and they have been doing this for years. The EU in my opinion is the first in line to cooperate with the UN and its demands.
Holland is not the country the rest of the world has in its sights.

We are.

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Re: UN: Colo., Wash. legal pot violates drug treaties


Post by G.A. Heath »

VMI77 wrote:http://seattletimes.com/html/localnews/ ... ethru.html
A United Nations-based drug agency urged the United States government on Tuesday to challenge the legalization of marijuana for recreational use in Colorado and Washington, saying the state laws violate international drug treaties.
Could this set a precedent for enforcement of the UN arms treaty? I have to wonder if this isn't rigged for an attempt to establish a precedent prior to bringing a revamped arms control treaty up for a vote. Or simply a Federal supremacy test for gun laws.
What we have here is a supposed conflict between a state's laws an international treaty. The United States Constitution already has this one covered under the supremacy clause which basically says that a states consitution and laws can not override a treaty. What really needs to be investigated is does the laws in those states actually conflict with the language of the treaties and if so what remedies are there for those states.
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Re: UN: Colo., Wash. legal pot violates drug treaties


Post by mojo84 »

I'm thankful this issue surfaced over pot rather than gun ownership.
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