Interaction between a law student and Portland Police

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Interaction between a law student and Portland Police


Post by bauer »

" onclick=";return false;

Has anyone else seen this? The officer handled the situation extremely well in my book. The individual that was stopped and videotapping the interaction seemed like he was looking to pick an argument with the officers. I don't know how OR concealed carry law reads but refusing to hand over ID and or license is just flat out stupid. I have a feeling the guy was looking for a confrontation with police to begin with.

In the end, the officer handled it perfectly. :tiphat:
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Re: Interaction between a law student and Portland Police


Post by steve817 »

In my opinion he should have cracked him in the head with his flashlight but that is just me.
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Re: Interaction between a law student and Portland Police


Post by RottenApple »

My wife and I had a discussion about this last night. Her position is that the guy should have handed over his ID if he didn't have anything to hide. I took the opposite view and explained that he had no legal requirement to do so and, if it had been, I would have refused as well. We spent about 20 minutes or so discussing it and she eventually came to see my side of it.

Then I told her that he was just an idiot trolling for a confrontation w/ police. Needless to say, she was not amused. :evil2:

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Re: Interaction between a law student and Portland Police


Post by RHenriksen »

I know a few members of the OC/2A community up there in Maine, I have a summer cabin not too far from Portland.

Norm (the subject of the MWAG call) isn't a law student. Just a geeky, highly motivated pro-2A citizen. Much of Maine's LEO community could care less about open carry, and doesn't make any fuss. Portland, OTOH, is rather like Los Angeles. They keep hiring police chiefs 'from away' who bring their blue-state mindset with them. So it's a constant struggle to keep the Portland PD from making up their own rules about what the law really is. That's why you see these sorts of videos...
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Re: Interaction between a law student and Portland Police


Post by Keith B »

This is an old video. There was a big discussion on it here" onclick=";return false; less than a year ago.

And it was Portaland Maine, not Oregon.
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Re: Interaction between a law student and Portland Police


Post by C-dub »

RottenApple wrote:My wife and I had a discussion about this last night. Her position is that the guy should have handed over his ID if he didn't have anything to hide. I took the opposite view and explained that he had no legal requirement to do so and, if it had been, I would have refused as well. We spent about 20 minutes or so discussing it and she eventually came to see my side of it.

Then I told her that he was just an idiot trolling for a confrontation w/ police. Needless to say, she was not amused. :evil2:
I wouldn't be so sure about her seeing it your way as much as possibly tiring of the argument. :biggrinjester:
I am not and have never been a LEO. My avatar is in honor of my friend, Dallas Police Sargent Michael Smith, who was murdered along with four other officers in Dallas on 7.7.2016.
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Re: Interaction between a law student and Portland Police


Post by RottenApple »

C-dub wrote:
RottenApple wrote:My wife and I had a discussion about this last night. Her position is that the guy should have handed over his ID if he didn't have anything to hide. I took the opposite view and explained that he had no legal requirement to do so and, if it had been, I would have refused as well. We spent about 20 minutes or so discussing it and she eventually came to see my side of it.

Then I told her that he was just an idiot trolling for a confrontation w/ police. Needless to say, she was not amused. :evil2:
I wouldn't be so sure about her seeing it your way as much as possibly tiring of the argument. :biggrinjester:
"rlol" "rlol" "rlol" "rlol"

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Re: Interaction between a law student and Portland Police


Post by C-dub »

RottenApple wrote:
C-dub wrote: I wouldn't be so sure about her seeing it your way as much as possibly tiring of the argument. :biggrinjester:
"rlol" "rlol" "rlol" "rlol"

You don't know my wife. :shock:
I am not and have never been a LEO. My avatar is in honor of my friend, Dallas Police Sargent Michael Smith, who was murdered along with four other officers in Dallas on 7.7.2016.
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Re: Interaction between a law student and Portland Police


Post by texanjoker »

steve817 wrote:In my opinion he should have cracked him in the head with his flashlight but that is just me.
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Re: Interaction between a law student and Portland Police


Post by Jaguar »

texanjoker wrote:
steve817 wrote:In my opinion he should have cracked him in the head with his flashlight but that is just me.
Is that the standard punishment now for "contempt of cop"?
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Re: Interaction between a law student and Portland Police


Post by sunny beach »

Do they do the same thing for people praying in public?

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Re: Interaction between a law student and Portland Police


Post by talltex »

steve817 wrote:In my opinion he should have cracked him in the head with his flashlight but that is just me.
:nono: The guy was open carrying, legally, in an open carry jurisdiction. While he obviously has done this on other occasions, he is within his rights under the law. He was not being overly antagonistic toward the officers, just insistent on demanding they state "why" he was being detained and then stating that his act of openly carrying a gun was not sufficient justification for detaining him or requiring him to show identification. While most of us would not go to this length, he was standing up for his legal rights. If you truly think he should have been "cracked in the head" for doing so , both you and texanjoker need to change your taglines...just sayin'
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Re: Interaction between a law student and Portland Police


Post by Pawpaw »

RottenApple wrote:
C-dub wrote:
RottenApple wrote:My wife and I had a discussion about this last night. Her position is that the guy should have handed over his ID if he didn't have anything to hide. I took the opposite view and explained that he had no legal requirement to do so and, if it had been, I would have refused as well. We spent about 20 minutes or so discussing it and she eventually came to see my side of it.

Then I told her that he was just an idiot trolling for a confrontation w/ police. Needless to say, she was not amused. :evil2:
I wouldn't be so sure about her seeing it your way as much as possibly tiring of the argument. :biggrinjester:
"rlol" "rlol" "rlol" "rlol"

You don't know my wife. :shock:
:iagree: :iagree: :iagree: :iagree: :iagree: :iagree:
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Re: Interaction between a law student and Portland Police


Post by RottenApple »

Pawpaw wrote:
RottenApple wrote:
C-dub wrote:
RottenApple wrote:My wife and I had a discussion about this last night. Her position is that the guy should have handed over his ID if he didn't have anything to hide. I took the opposite view and explained that he had no legal requirement to do so and, if it had been, I would have refused as well. We spent about 20 minutes or so discussing it and she eventually came to see my side of it.

Then I told her that he was just an idiot trolling for a confrontation w/ police. Needless to say, she was not amused. :evil2:
I wouldn't be so sure about her seeing it your way as much as possibly tiring of the argument. :biggrinjester:
"rlol" "rlol" "rlol" "rlol"

You don't know my wife. :shock:
:iagree: :iagree: :iagree: :iagree: :iagree: :iagree:
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Re: Interaction between a law student and Portland Police


Post by Pawpaw »

RottenApple wrote:Be n ice, Old Man. ;-)
Punk kid! :biggrinjester:
Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence. - John Adams
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