Understandably so, since all he did was spew lies.

10:10pm the lowest point was him talking on Gun Control.
But he still spews that "the overwhelming majority" is in favor of gun control..........yea.........right........

Moderators: carlson1, Charles L. Cotton
^^^ agree ^^^anygunanywhere wrote:What speech? What union?
As previously stated, he got nothing I want to hear.
anygunanywhere wrote:What speech? What union?
As previously stated, he got nothing I want to hear.
For everyone else who's still looking, here's the shortcut: http://hmpg.netriver wrote:I get lied enough to daily. Decided to go read comics and find the end of the internet instead of having him tell me how wrong I am without showing proof he does any better than me.
Not hateful in my approach, just want a leader.
I am refusing to look at any of the news media ...except Dennis Miller...for any information on what he said. I will only listen to laugh.
Several years ago he attacked the supreme court justices in a state of the union speach,after that, I will not listen nor watch him.CowboyEngineer wrote:
I went to bed early. He's got nothing to say that I want to hear.