Did anyone catch the pompous, insufferable Piers Morgan on Leno? We all know that Leno is a big Obama supporter, and he's doing all he can to reward king Obama for exempting Hollywood from ANY responsibility for our societal decline (Hollywood actually got a TAX BREAK in the recent "fiscal cliff" farce). As you would expect, the entire segment was used to show gun owners as crazed fools, and gave Morgan a HUGE, FREE platform to trot out all of the gun grabbers best lines in front of millions of people. I would like to think that tomorrow night, Ted Cruz would be invited to provide his thoughts, but know it won't work that way. It was all I could do to keep watching and not wake my family with my verbal "retorts".....
It's time for war against the media outlets - actually by letting their advertisers know that we will no longer be needing their products. Any social media experts out there who can help?? The coordinated attack on our liberty is truly amazing. At first I thought there was no way they could succeed, but am now starting to see that we need to be prepared for the unthinkable.