The (Not So) Great Ammo Shortage of 2013

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Re: The (Not So) Great Ammo Shortage of 2013


Post by OldCannon »

Natchez Shooting Supply _had_ boxes of Federal 55gr in 500 count yesterday. One per customer. It took me almost an hour to complete the purchasing process, the system was THAT jammed up.

To answer the next question: No, they're out of stock now. :cryin
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Re: The (Not So) Great Ammo Shortage of 2013


Post by A-R »

Faced with months of surging demand, Wal-Mart is rationing sales of ammunition. ... phoneemail" onclick=";return false;
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Re: The (Not So) Great Ammo Shortage of 2013


Post by i8godzilla »

My son scored this at Gander Mountain in BCS during lunch today. I get half! :hurry: :hurry:

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Re: The (Not So) Great Ammo Shortage of 2013


Post by DevilDawg »

spoke with the local store front for freedom munitions today. I made him promise not to laugh until after I asked as a courtesy. They will have an order on the truck tomorrow and on the shelves by saturday. he thinks we users of .45 shoudl be good to go as theyh anticipate enough to load the barrel even. The rest of you guys are on your own. Sorry

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Re: The (Not So) Great Ammo Shortage of 2013


Post by MolonLabe »

Gibsons in Weatherford was stocked with 9mm and 45, no 223 today. I'm not sure how much, a friend was in there and took a quick look.

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Re: The (Not So) Great Ammo Shortage of 2013


Post by CC Italian »

Just got enough 9mm and .38special to hopefully hold me over until this is over. 22lr is what I am having a problem finding. Online I have only found match ammo for the most part and locally I haven't found any yet. I have enough .22 to last for 2-3 range visits but that's it. Once I can find a big brick of 22 I should be good to go for a while.
Last edited by CC Italian on Thu Jan 31, 2013 5:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The (Not So) Great Ammo Shortage of 2013


Post by Z0Tex »

i8godzilla wrote:My son scored this at Gander Mountain in BCS during lunch today. I get half! :hurry: :hurry:

[ Image ]
Rats! I was there on Tuesday evening and felt lucky to score a box of Remington UMC .357Sig. Just missed it by a couple of days. :cryin

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Re: The (Not So) Great Ammo Shortage of 2013


Post by RKirkwood »

So I know there are issues with getting ammo but- I go into Academy in Pearland where they have ammo. It used to be a whole row and on the rifle / pistol side only a few boxes. Today they shifted everything into half a row which was mostly shotgun shell. :banghead:

Try again tomorrow
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Re: The (Not So) Great Ammo Shortage of 2013


Post by Wodathunkit »

RKirkwood wrote:So I know there are issues with getting ammo but- I go into Academy in Pearland where they have ammo. It used to be a whole row and on the rifle / pistol side only a few boxes. Today they shifted everything into half a row which was mostly shotgun shell. :banghead:

Try again tomorrow
That particular store gets deliveries tonight, should have ammo in the morning
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Re: The (Not So) Great Ammo Shortage of 2013


Post by C-dub »

AndyC wrote:[ Image ]

(Sorry, but I couldn't resist that)
Andy, you find some of the coolest smilies.

BTW, I saw something this morning I didn't even know existed. I checked two WalMarts on the way to work this morning and saw some .22LR shot shells. They were #12 shot with 165 pellets I think. How small do those pellets have to be to get 165 of them in that little thing? I have a 5-stand match this weekend and thought it might be fun to try, but wondered if those little things would even break a clay or just bounce off. I didn't buy any.
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Re: The (Not So) Great Ammo Shortage of 2013


Post by v-rog »

AndyC wrote:[ Image ]

(Sorry, but I couldn't resist that)
OK, do you design these emoticons because I like this particular one (although it looks like a single stage press)?
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Re: The (Not So) Great Ammo Shortage of 2013


Post by VMI77 »

C-dub wrote:
AndyC wrote:[ Image ]

(Sorry, but I couldn't resist that)
Andy, you find some of the coolest smilies.

BTW, I saw something this morning I didn't even know existed. I checked two WalMarts on the way to work this morning and saw some .22LR shot shells. They were #12 shot with 165 pellets I think. How small do those pellets have to be to get 165 of them in that little thing? I have a 5-stand match this weekend and thought it might be fun to try, but wondered if those little things would even break a clay or just bounce off. I didn't buy any.
I've shot a bunch of them. They won't cycle a semi-auto, and in fact, I had one go off out of battery, so they're pretty much limited to use in revolvers, bolt-action, and single-shot rifles. They don't have much power. They work pretty well on Copperheads, but they won't break a glass bottle or penetrate a can even at point blank range (maybe I coke can, haven't tried that, but not a soup can).
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Re: The (Not So) Great Ammo Shortage of 2013


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

VMI77 wrote:
C-dub wrote:
AndyC wrote:[ Image ]

(Sorry, but I couldn't resist that)
Andy, you find some of the coolest smilies.

BTW, I saw something this morning I didn't even know existed. I checked two WalMarts on the way to work this morning and saw some .22LR shot shells. They were #12 shot with 165 pellets I think. How small do those pellets have to be to get 165 of them in that little thing? I have a 5-stand match this weekend and thought it might be fun to try, but wondered if those little things would even break a clay or just bounce off. I didn't buy any.
I've shot a bunch of them. They won't cycle a semi-auto, and in fact, I had one go off out of battery, so they're pretty much limited to use in revolvers, bolt-action, and single-shot rifles. They don't have much power. They work pretty well on Copperheads, but they won't break a glass bottle or penetrate a can even at point blank range (maybe I coke can, haven't tried that, but not a soup can).
I have fired them from my revolver with very similar results.
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