On December 11, 2010, in Conyers, GA, 22-year-old Ryan Moore was at a friend’s house for an evening of leisure. He borrowed a friend’s car to drive to the nearby grocery store, where his handgun saved his life. I interviewed Ryan Moore over e-mail about that evening.
What happened that night at the Ingles (grocery store) parking lot?
I had parked near the front of the store. A man approached as I was about to get out, asking if I had some spare money he could use for gas. After replying I didn’t have any cash, he proceeded to walk away. As I was watching him leave, I then stepped out of the vehicle and was grabbed from behind by a man who put a knife to my neck. The first man then came back and demanded my keys and wallet.
How much time did you have to react?
It took a few seconds for me to realize what was happening. Once it dawned on me, I made the decision to fight back.
I grabbed the knife and pulled it away from my neck. After a brief struggle, I managed to push him away allowing me to create a few feet of distance, where I was able to draw my revolver from concealment and to fire in defense as he came back towards me with the knife.
Fascinating story. Show it to your "non-believing" friends.
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”
I'm so glad this innocent person came out with as little damage as he apparently suffered.
This event is another reminder, when strangers attempt to beg, ask the time of day, or ask any distracting question, especially in parking lots or other potentially dangerous environment, look promptly behind you as quickly and safely as possible.
Stories like this help remind me to keep my head on a swivel...and I hope, you too.
Come on Annoyed. You know that could not have possibly happened. Everyone knows that people with guns all they can do is shoot themselves accidentally. No one ever successfully uses a gun to defend themselves. Stop making things up.
2nd Amendment. America's Original Homeland Security.
Alcohol, Tobacco , Firearms. Who's Bringing the Chips?
No Guns. No Freedom. Know Guns. Know Freedom.
JJVP wrote:Come on Annoyed. You know that could not have possibly happened. Everyone knows that people with guns all they can do is shoot themselves accidentally. No one ever successfully uses a gun to defend themselves. Stop making things up.
Yeah, it's a miracle that when he fired his gun at the gas station, the bullet didn't kill his friend back at the apartment he had just left.
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”
JJVP wrote:Come on Annoyed. You know that could not have possibly happened. Everyone knows that people with guns all they can do is shoot themselves accidentally. No one ever successfully uses a gun to defend themselves. Stop making things up.
Yeah, it's a miracle that when he fired his gun at the gas station, the bullet didn't kill his friend back at the apartment he had just left.
You cant fire a gun at a gas station. You'll blow the whole place up
JJVP wrote:Come on Annoyed. You know that could not have possibly happened. Everyone knows that people with guns all they can do is shoot themselves accidentally. No one ever successfully uses a gun to defend themselves. Stop making things up.
Yes? So then, as David Mamet opined, logic demands that the government issue guns to criminals so they will all just shoot themselves.
"Journalism, n. A job for people who flunked out of STEM courses, enjoy making up stories, and have no detectable integrity or morals."