Feinstein Gun Control Bill to Exempt Government Officials
8:06 AM, JAN 25, 2013 • BY DANIEL HALPER
Please note that the wording draws a distinction between "government officials," and "law enforcment and retired law enforcement personnel." The latter would include all cops and retired cops.......which is a whole other can of worms.......but the former means that Diane Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi can buy a new banned weapon, but not you or me. I seriously hope that republicans in Congress point this out as one more elitist fantasy.Not everyone will have to abide by Senator Dianne Feinstein's gun control bill. If the proposed legislation becomes law, government officials and others will be exempt.
"Mrs. Feinstein's measure would exempt more than 2,200 types of hunting and sporting rifles; guns manually operated by bolt, pump, lever or slide action; and weapons used by government officials, law enforcement and retired law enforcement personnel," the Washington Times reports.