Someone said want to go postal at work. what can I do?

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Post by stevie_d_64 »

You, as the supervisor can fire them, right now, bar them from the property...etc etc...Regardless if you have the authority to do so, that issue can be resolved later, because you are the authority on the spot...

Your bosses can work out the particulars of your actions, and after they see the reasonings behind that, I am sure they will see it your way...

And if they don't, I am sure they probably weren't (after this) worth working for anyway...That of course is easier said than done...

But lives are more important than any job in my opinion...And if there is no respect for protecting that at any level in a company...Well...Obviously I would prefer someone to be able to go home at night than to the morgue...

The other suggestions about contacting the police (and filing a report) are equally as prudent to take action on...And anyone at your company should be able to do that and not ask permission to do so of their management! Whether the threatening employee is full of beans or not, they made a blanket threat to their fellow employees, and in this day and age those threats are not being tolerated anymore...

As for your capability, belief and values in regards to self-defense, I would keep that issue very quiet, if not totally mum in any discussion up or down the chain of command there...

Good luck, fire the sucker, and let the chips fall where they may...The gift of life is not something to be played around with when threatened in any capacity...Or be second-guessed...
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Post by Stupid »

Thank you guys for your comments and thoughts. Like you guys suggested, I talked to my boss and he said he would handle it.

I will be out buying vest since the policy didn't say no vest. (Just kidding.)
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Post by ScubaSigGuy »


Did he say when he would handle it?

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Re: Someone said want to go postal at work. what can I do?


Post by apowell »

Stupid wrote:...Our company obviously has a no firearm policy.
If you are really concerned about the individuals future actions, and don't think they were just blowing off steam, then bear in mind that a company policy doesn't make it illegal. They worst thing they can do is fire you if you're caught.

I'm not advising you to carry, just pointing out the difference between law and policy.

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Post by srspano »

Sorry I got in late on this one. I'm glad you reported it. Aside from the threats to everyone around, you have an obligation to report it to your superiors. If somethig ndid happen and you did not report it...guess what?
I would pressure your superior for an answer as to how it is being handled. He now has that obligation!!! Let us know how things are progressing and stay safe.

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Post by Lucky45 »

Hey stupid,
I also missed this thread earlier. I am a manager in a multi state corporate company and like srothstein said
Call your boss, or the next person higher up in the chain of command than you that you can get hold of.

This is definitely one of those times when you need to pass the buck upwards and let them handle it. Be prepared to explain more about how the person was feeling and whether you believe it or not.

Alot of people work in different environment and many do not have a legal department. Calling in the police is an authority that is held on high by few people at higher level. I have had to make a call before for them to pass that authority to me. Had a fired employee remove and barred from coming on company.
Just because you have a title don't always assume you have blanket authority. Like some said you would have to be prepared for any backlash from actions you would have taken. It might have been a strong personal liabilty exposing yourself and the company to paying out some seriuos money and most likely you losing your job also.

Never get cocky like some have suggested. I have always worked in a company that have a legal department, so CHAIN OF COMMAND is a big thing. I can't tell you how many people have seen step out of their scope and BOTH of them are gone.

Anyway, let us know what happens? Gotta go, I have a mortgage to pay and noone here is helping me out.
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Post by Lucky45 »

Stupid wrote:I will be out buying vest since the policy didn't say no vest. (Just kidding.)
I suggested that a few months ago and got chastized for it. So you better cowboy up and deal with it. Straight T-shirt for you. :smilelol5:
If you don't stand for something, then you will fall for anything.

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