Krampus wrote:Fix what? A birth certificate from somewhere overseas doesn't prove US Citizenship.JP171 wrote:the list of approved documents just says birth certificate, doesn't specify where it has to be from, I think someone at DPS is making arbitrary and capricious decisions. now who do we need to e mail into oblivion to get this bull fixed?
The way I see it, he has three easy choices.
1. Include a copy of his Certificate of U.S. Citizenship (Form N-560 or N-561) to prove he's a US citizen.
2. Include a copy of his U.S. Passort book or U.S, Passport card to prove he's a US citizen.
3. Complain that DPS won't take his word for it.
Another choice it to send what documentation he does have, showing he's a U.S. citizen, and hope DPS accepts that, but there's no guarantees if you decide you don't want to follow the guidelines.
ok a US Consular Birth Certificate is NOT a foreign birth certificate , please check your facts before claiming to know something you know nothing about. A Consular report of birth IS a citizenship verification document. he doesn't need anything else