Possibly off topic but I was looking for somewhere to post this.
I'm really enjoying my SR22. Fun to shoot, pretty accurate and allows me to practice a lot of the tactical drills that we all love to do. But, the 10 rd mags mean a lot of reloading. As such, I had been intrigued by the McFaden cliploader (
http://www.mcfaden.com/cliploader.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;) and was wondering if one would work for my SR22. Turns out it won't but they had a link on their website for inquiries and so I asked if they had any plans for a SR22 cliploader.
Their response:
We plan on looking at the SR22, but we already have some prototype adapters to mold first before we get to the SR22. Each mold takes 2 - 3 month to make, it could take a year or so before we get to it.
Debbie Jamison
McFadden Machine Co., Inc.
Not trying to sell these but I learn a lot from these forums and if you're interested.... (SR22 interestees, write to them, maybe they''ll move it up in the queue.)
Guns that it works with:
Ruger Mark II, 22/45
Ruger Mark III and Hunter
Browning Buckmark
Colt Woodsman Mag. Series 3 Figures E, F
Old Military High Standard
Newer High Standard
Stoeger Luger 22 Cal.
AMT Lighting
Guns you could get it to work with:
Beretta U22 Neo
Smith & Wesson 22A (prior to Spring 2011)
Colt Cadet
Only by Modifying your Cliploader to work with your Magazine
Ruger Mark I
Guns that it does not work with:
Sig Mosquito 22 LR Colt Woodsmen Pre-War
Beretta 89 GSG .22lr 1911
Walther GSP Advantage Arms Glock conversion
Walther P22 Mossberg 702 Plinkster
Smith & Wesson 41 Marlin 795 10 round
S & W 422 Savage 64 series .22LR
S & W 622 Ruger SR22
Any 1911 conversions Phoenix Arms HP22
Savage 66 S&W MP 22
Beretta 21A Bobcat .22-LR Star F/FM/FR/FRS 22 Cal.
Kimber Rimfire Target ISSC M22
Hammerli Trailside Bersa Thunder