Alex jones debating Piers Morgan

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Re: Alex jones debating Piers Morgan NOW CNN


Post by mojo84 »

I've often referred to Piers Morgan as an emotional twit. Alex definitely falls into the same category. He is as much an idiot as Piers is but on the opposite end of the spectrum.
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Re: Alex jones debating Piers Morgan NOW CNN


Post by Andrew »

Oldgringo wrote:
philip964 wrote:My anti gun facebook friends are having a field day.
Yep, and Ted Nugent does not present a pretty image of the gun aficionadas whom I know either.
True, but Ted already has the rep, "The Motor City Mad Man" is just rockin' a different tune.
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Re: Alex jones debating Piers Morgan NOW CNN


Post by A-R »

mojo84 wrote:I've often referred to Piers Morgan as an emotional twit. Alex definitely falls into the same category. He is as much an idiot as Piers is but on the opposite end of the spectrum.

these two are intellectual and emotional equals, just like Chris Matthews and Sean Hannity, Keith Olbermann and Bill O'Reilly, Lawrence ODonnel and Rush Limbaugh.

Sadly, Morgan practiced enough for this night to sit there and ACT unemotional while Jones exploded in his face like a 3-year-old throwing a temper tantrum.

It is my honest wish that this will be the beginning of the end of Alex Jones as mouthpiece that even the fringe will listen to, but I know that's a pipe dream.

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Re: Alex jones debating Piers Morgan NOW CNN


Post by chasfm11 »

A more reasoned approach would simply have asked Mr. Morgan where the worst mass shooting was in the past 10 years and what the gun laws were like there. Let him dig his way out of that one.

Why is that we as Conservatives have to own every atrocity and every loose cannon interview and that guys like Morgan can say atrocious things and never be accountable for them?
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Re: Alex jones debating Piers Morgan NOW CNN


Post by Redneck_Buddha »

I watched the two segments again, and seeing where Morgan was trying to lead the discussion I believe Jones had no choice. Morgan got exactly what he deserved. Jones could have eased up on the New World Order, global banking stuff but a lot of what he said needed to be heard. Nothing makes people more alarmed, nervous, and angry than hearing the truth. I also loved how he threw the anti-depressant manufacturers under the bus and called them suicide/homicide pills...which they are by their own admission.

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Re: Alex jones debating Piers Morgan NOW CNN


Post by sfemti33 »

Redneck_Buddha wrote:I watched the two segments again, and seeing where Morgan was trying to lead the discussion I believe Jones had no choice. Morgan got exactly what he deserved. Jones could have eased up on the New World Order, global banking stuff but a lot of what he said needed to be heard. Nothing makes people more alarmed, nervous, and angry than hearing the truth. I also loved how he threw the anti-depressant manufacturers under the bus and called them suicide/homicide pills...which they are by their own admission.
The problem with his "truth" was that most (if not all) was lost in the way he presented it. He didn't change any minds and, IMO, did nothing but damage his cause and message.
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Re: Alex jones debating Piers Morgan NOW CNN


Post by TheArmedFarmer »

I suspect his extremely angry demeanor ruined his credibility in the eyes of most viewers. Obviously, that's exactly what Piers was hoping for. Alex Jones got played for a fool last night; he was used as a pawn by the very enemy he says he is fighting.
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Re: Alex jones debating Piers Morgan NOW CNN


Post by Redneck_Buddha » is unfortunate he could not temper his delivery. I could get behind someone who carries his message, but also who would display more stability.
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Re: Alex jones debating Piers Morgan NOW CNN


Post by A-R »

sfemti33 wrote:
Redneck_Buddha wrote:I watched the two segments again, and seeing where Morgan was trying to lead the discussion I believe Jones had no choice. Morgan got exactly what he deserved. Jones could have eased up on the New World Order, global banking stuff but a lot of what he said needed to be heard. Nothing makes people more alarmed, nervous, and angry than hearing the truth. I also loved how he threw the anti-depressant manufacturers under the bus and called them suicide/homicide pills...which they are by their own admission.
The problem with his "truth" was that most (if not all) was lost in the way he presented it. He didn't change any minds and, IMO, did nothing but damage his cause and message.
TheArmedFarmer wrote:I suspect his extremely angry demeanor ruined his credibility in the eyes of most viewers. Obviously, that's exactly what Piers was hoping for. Alex Jones got played for a fool last night; he was used as a pawn by the very enemy he says he is fighting.

THIS ... Jones is an idiot and played right into Morgan's hands

But Jones likely DID change a few minds ... from undecided to "we need to make sure those gun nuts don't have any more guns"

Jones DAMAGED the cause of gun right last night.

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Re: Alex jones debating Piers Morgan NOW CNN


Post by steveincowtown »

Not sure how the folks involved in the debate get so off point. It is real simple.

#1> There cannot be any Gun Control because we the people have not empowered our Government to do so. In fact we have limited their ability to do so.

#2> If the best answer Anti's can come up with is reduced capacity "clips" or a restriction on the types of guns owned than you have given up on keeping our country safe already. A lower body count will not solve the problem of mental illness and unarmed victims.
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Re: Alex jones debating Piers Morgan NOW CNN


Post by texanjoker »

philip964 wrote:My anti gun facebook friends are having a field day.
At least they are. Mine have been quiet since they all know they are getting everything they want from Nobama.
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Re: Alex jones debating Piers Morgan


Post by fickman »

Going on Morgan's show is a lose/lose proposition. He's been just as maniacal, insulting, angry, and rude to many pro-gun guests in the last month.

Jones was right not to follow Morgan's little bread crumb trail. You could tell he was also bolstered by the thought of facing his audience and not shrinking from his bombastic language when in the hot seat.

For a while, it was fun to see Morgan get a taste of his own medicine. On the points, Jones would've won. But in most debates, especially in America, style points are usually as - if not more - important than content.

On style, he lost big. Morgan avoided rabbit trails. Jones should have, too (the 9/11 conspiracy stuff hurt him worse than the yelling and screaming). The "truther" stuff is what Morgan used to mock him later.

If he had played by Morgan's rules, he would've been backed into an apparent trap (from the perspective of the masses). Instead, he fought on his own grounds and lost anyway (from the perspective of the masses).

I could do a better job for our community. Many of you could, too. Mr. Colion Noir could, too. Charles could. But guess what. . . there's a reason we're not being invited onto the show. If we were, and we had a calm disposition like Dershowitz had. . . Morgan wouldn't let us finish our statements.

His logic is flawed, but he's got his script and he's sticking to it.
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Re: Alex jones debating Piers Morgan


Post by recaffeination »

I googled him and he has a reputation as a hothead and a conspiracy theorist. I think the show producers got what they were hoping for when they invited him on the show.
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Re: Alex jones debating Piers Morgan


Post by Wes »

It was very hard to watch, and then afterwards he was beat up by the next guy. If he would have only controlled his temper, he probably wouldn't have made the few slip ups he did and could have made more logical arguments. You can talk over someone and control the conversation without stooping to yelling like a 'mad man'. Fortunately enough, no one I know gives two rats what Little piersy has to say so they didn't hear it but I am sure it will make its rounds eventually.
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Re: Alex jones debating Piers Morgan


Post by Gameover »

Just watched the interview. :headscratch what was all the yelling for? He came prepared with the fact but right from the get go :bigmouth . This paints a very bad image of fellow gun owners. I cant say I didn't agree with what he said though but he played right into there hands :nono:
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