After being advised yesterday by my physician that my arthritis condition warranted it, I headed over today to the County Tax Assessor's Office (which happens to be in the county courthouse annex) to get my first "handicapped" placard. Standing in a long line of people, I realized that once again, I HAD A CONCEALED GUN IN MY POCKET!

I also became aware that there was a police officer standing in the line right next next to me waiting to renew his car registration. It didn't help that I was wearing a Carhartt jacket boldly embroidered with the "Ruger Eagle" and the word "Ruger." I broke out in an actual sweat on my forehead and upper lip. I am sure I looked like a guilty felon. I kept thinking, "This would be a really stupid way to lose my gun and my CHL!!!
Ultimately, I decided "Concealed Means Concealed!" so I stayed in the line, prayed a frantic prayer of negotiation with God, and quietly finished my business. Of course, I got a new, inexperienced clerk who had to go to his supervisor several times to get the placards done. Every time the supervisor looked out of her office window to scrutinize me, I could feel a bit of crimson blush creeping up my neck. After what seemed to be an eternity, I finally had the two placards in my hand and got out of there. Sure enough, as I left the building, I saw the prominently displayed 30.06 sign posted RIGHT ON THE DOOR where I had entered the courthouse annex.

In keeping with my frantic negotiations with God earlier today, "I PROMISE TO NEVER AGAIN IGNORE A 30.06 SIGN!"