I believe disarming citizens is the goal, how and when they try to acheive it is the question. I do think it's part of the Globalist agenda.Poldark wrote:This is all part the Globalist Imperial conversion of the USA..... gun grabbing is a major part of the plan !
The Constitution and BOR stand in their way, notice how we now have the administration and all the major media outlet hacks singing as loud as they can the same tune about beastly guns , the 2nd amendment and automatic weapons. Nose of the camel in the tent !!!!
I wonder if the US government's desire to ban guns is the reason for all the recent tragedies involving guns? Do you think the government has something to do with creating the crisis so it can come in and solve it?
It wouldnt be the first time the government killed innocent people to push its own agenda!
The CIA has been experimenting with LSD and mind control for years, ever hear of a " manchurian candidate"? Google Bluebird & Mkultra, Frank Olson.
The little-told story of how the U.S. government poisoned alcohol during Prohibition.
http://www.slate.com/articles/health_an ... war.3.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Tragic shootings happen without conspiracy no doubt but I also would not doubt there is a conspiracy to create one tragedy more horrible than the next until guns are gone. No matter what happens these tragedies will continue because its part of the plan.
Increasingly there are news reports of shootings every day, notice how things quieted down after the Trayvon Martin and Aurora Incidents, before election. Post election, Sandyhook, Firefighters being shot, etc. UN treaty is also coming back. Its all very suspect to me.