Yes, Dear, I'll Buy an Assault Weapon Immediately

"A pistol is what you use to fight your way back to the rifle you never should have left behind!" Clint Smith, Thunder Ranch

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Yes, Dear, I'll Buy an Assault Weapon Immediately


Post by DocRhino »

So, the Mrs. was (and remains) quite put out with the recent election. While in the operating room, one of the surgeons she works with started talking guns with her (she just got an XDs for her EDC). Part of that conversation was about the Assault Weapons Ban we endured in the Clinton years and the possibility of another. Currently, I'm TDY in Texarkana during the week so we have a nightly phone conversation. On the Thursday after the election, my phone rings; I answer; the conversation starts with: "Hey Baby, do we have an assault weapon?" I say we do not. "Then get one." Yes, Dear. :hurry: :clapping: :woohoo

I have been looking at piston AR's for a year or so. I keep seeing articles on the gas guns that say "the direct gas impingement system can be very reliable". Can be? What's wrong with that sentence? Progressives can be pro-gun. Jerry Jones can be humble and considerate. Those all seem to be analogous thoughts to me. So... I work with an FFL _AND_ I have budget authority! I am getting a Gunsite Scout for Christmas so I'm good with .308 and decided my Evil Black Rifle would be a 5.56. My guy could get a Ruger SR556 for a good price... done deal. I got it before I went home for Thanksgiving.

Here's what I think:
The standard SR556 comes nicely equipped with a Magpul magazines, a Hogue pistol grip, a telescoping stock, Troy quad rails with covers, Troy folding sights and a nice rifle case. I put a short barrel UTG scope on it for the interim.

I took it out bright and early on Friday after Thanksgiving for sighting and testing. It performed flawlessly. I had an ammo box of American Eagle 5.56 for the initial range day. The adjustable piston proved to be a good thing. The ejection pattern of the spent brass is an indicator of the piston setting. The adjustment is easily accomplished. The knob is stiff but a spent casing fits perfectly into the holes to easily turn the knob. I turned the piston to setting 1. Ruger recommends running the gun on the lowest setting that gives reliable operation. On setting one, it ran like a sewing machine.

I was zeroing the scope for 25 yards since it was a fun day and I had nephews that wanted to be involved. We were on the Tac Range at Elm Fork so I haven't grouped it at 100 yards. We didn't have a solid setting for our shots so I'm hoping to get better than the 'minute of milk jug' accuracy of a Mini-14. After 200 rounds, the bolt face was still shiny and clean. The gun does seem front heavy but very manageable. The trigger is heavy and does not have a silky feel. It is not intended to be a match trigger. It meets that intent. The first serious upgrade will be a new trigger or a trip to a gunsmith for a trigger job.

The Magpul PMAGS are great. Feeding them is easy and flawless. The included covers are handy and relieve the pressure on the lips at the top of the magazine. All of the controls are handy and solid. Like every Ruger I've ever held, the SR556 just feels.... solid. By solid, I don't mean heavy, although my wife thinks it's a brick.... Not so much a brick that she didn't run through two magazines like corn through a goose.

I didn't get to accessorize my first EBR because Ruger did it for me. I'll add some toys over time. I couldn't be happier with the Ruger or a wife that nags about buying assault weapons :thumbs2:
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Re: Yes, Dear, I'll Buy an Assault Weapon Immediately


Post by DocV »

I believe the correct reply is "Pictures or it didn't happen." ;-)

Seriously, congrats on the SR556.

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Re: Yes, Dear, I'll Buy an Assault Weapon Immediately


Post by clarionite »

Congrats on your first evil Assault weapon. I wish you many more to come.

I nearly fell over this evening. My mother was over for supper. The same woman that three months ago was questioning why I felt the need to carry daily, says she needs to buy a hand gun while they're still legal. It was as if she said, I think I'll get my hair done tomorrow. After I picked my jaw up off the floor, I told her I though that was an excellent idea.

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Re: Yes, Dear, I'll Buy an Assault Weapon Immediately


Post by jayinsat »

"Hey Baby, do we have an assault weapon?" I say we do not. "Then get one." Yes, Dear. :hurry: :clapping: :woohoo
That's better than whispering "sweet nothings" in a mans ear. :thumbs2:
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Re: Yes, Dear, I'll Buy an Assault Weapon Immediately


Post by The Annoyed Man »

DocRhino wrote:I was zeroing the scope for 25 yards since it was a fun day and I had nephews that wanted to be involved. We were on the Tac Range at Elm Fork so I haven't grouped it at 100 yards.
Congratulations on the purchase. Either an AR or an AK is mandatory for the well balanced personal arsenal. Make mine an AR (although some day I'll pick up a commie gun just for perestroika's sake... :mrgreen: )

Couple of comments on zeroing....

Zeroing Distance for Iron Sights:
  • The 25 yard zero you got at Elm Fork is a suitable "battle zero," and it has been long recognized for that reason. With both the 55 and 62 grain mil-spec FMJs, you'll have pretty much identical trajectories. The top of the trajectory will be roughly 9" above the point of aim (POA) at about 225 yards, and it will intersect the POA line at both 25 yards and 350 yards, and be about 4" low at about 382 yards. What this means is that if your are aiming at a man at center of mass, your POI (point of impact) will never be more than 9" high or 4" low relative to POA all the way out to 382 yards. This translates to a possibly fatal hit, cross-winds and other factors aside, simply by pointing and shooting at center of mass.

    However, this zero has two limitations. 1) For most shooters, 382 yards is a long ways away, and at that range you begin to run up against the limits of the cartridge's lethality, particularly for hunting use; and 2) a 13" vertical spread can easily translate to a miss too. You may not be able to tell at a glance, without using a range finder, whether your target is at 200 yards or 300 yards, and your bullet could easily travel over your target. Your new AR is a perfectly legitimate hunting rifle, and particularly if you're shooting at smaller white tail deer, 9" off is easily the difference between a clean kill and a wounding shot with a followup necessary.....which can easily become the wounded animal that got away. In my book, a 13" variation leaves to much to chance and is not practical.

    Fortunately, there is a far more practical battle zero for the AR carbine that has a much smaller vertical spread, and that is the Santos Improved 50 Yard Battle Zero:

    If you zero your carbine at 50 yards instead of 25, your bullet's POI will never be more than 2" above or 2" below POA all the way out to 250 yards. That truly is a point and shoot zero with only a 4" variation across that distance. 250 yards is far more likely to be within the capability of the average shooter, and it is also well within the ballistic sweet spot of the cartridge.

    At the opposite end of the range at Elm Fork, over by the office building, they have a 50 yard range. It's set up just like the Tactical Bay, but it goes to 50 yards instead of 25. (They also have some dedicated 25 yard lanes on that range too.) If I were you, I would take my carbine over there, dismount the scope, and re-zero your AR at 50 yards with the flip up sights. Then you can remount the scope and either zero it there for 50 yards, or take it over to the 100 yard line (no FMJ permitted and a minimum 3X power required) and zero your scope at 100 yards.
Optics Choice:
  • For one thing, don't cheap out. Whether you are buying a fixed power reflex sight, or a variable power hunting or tactical scope, any time you have a choice between a cheap scope and a good scope (I use the descriptives "cheap/good" deliberately because "cheap" more often than not ≠ "good"), go with the good scope if you can afford it. You will be much happier over the long run. A cheap, poorly designed and built scope with inferior glass will just be a source of frustration in the long run.

    There is a whole range of scopes that are not that expensive that fall into the "affordable" price range (again, "affordable" ≠ "cheap" and would include scopes that fall in the $300-$600 range. You don't have to pop $1000 for an ACOG.....unless that's what you want to do. And, many of these affordable scopes have reticles that are specifically designed for the AR carbine's ballistics with 55 and 62 mil-spec ammo. Manufacturers with reticles intended for the AR15 include Leupold, Burris, Nikon, and others. On my own carbine, I have a Burris 536 (, but that is not necessarily the be all, end all. I've been impressed with the Leupold VX-R Patrol line of scopes. Nikon has the M-223 line. There are others, and only you can decide which is best for your needs, but the point is that companies like Barska sell their scopes for so cheap for a reason—they are mostly junk. A $79 Bushnell red dot sight is NOT the equal of a $500 AimPoint or EOTech. Check out Their house brand ( of scopes are EXCELLENT, and they are more affordable than their counterparts in quality from other brands. I own a SWFA SS 5-20x50mm MRAD scope for my AR10. It was $1,500 and it compared very favorably to Leupold and IOR Valdata scopes costing several hundred dollars more.

    With scopes, you generally do get what you pay for. There's nothing wrong with a $1,000 ACOG if that's what you want. Personally, I'd like to have one. Trijicon's glass quality is hard to beat, and a combination of tritium and fiber-optics will give you a battery free illuminated reticle for a long time. They are definitely worth the price if you can afford one. But, you don't HAVE to spend $1,000 to have something that is almost as good. My Burris 536 was $399 at Cabelas, and it has an illuminated bullet drop compensating reticle. The illumination can be either red or green with 5 levels of brightness for either color, and if your battery dies, you still have the reticle in black. Other manufactures offer products in a similar price range with similar features.

    But the main point is, don't cheap out and buy junk. Generally speaking, optics manufacturers earn their reputations, and there is a reason why they can command the prices they do. If companies like Barska could command higher prices, they would. They can't. That speaks volumes. Don't go there if you don't have to.
Enjoy that rifle. You're going to have a lot of fun with it.
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Re: Yes, Dear, I'll Buy an Assault Weapon Immediately


Post by PUCKER »

My wife wants an AK for Christmas...seriously...she doesn't even care if she shoots it, likes shooting it, etc...she just wants one...guess I "have to take one for the team" and get her an AK.... :biggrinjester:

I mentioned to her that I already have an SKS, an AR and some other rock-n-roll...but she still wants an AK.... :coolgleamA:

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Re: Yes, Dear, I'll Buy an Assault Weapon Immediately


Post by Munk »

PUCKER wrote:My wife wants an AK for Christmas...seriously...she doesn't even care if she shoots it, likes shooting it, etc...she just wants one...guess I "have to take one for the team" and get her an AK.... :biggrinjester:

I mentioned to her that I already have an SKS, an AR and some other rock-n-roll...but she still wants an AK.... :coolgleamA:

As stated earlier... The correct response is, "Yes, Dear." :cheers2:

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Re: Yes, Dear, I'll Buy an Assault Weapon Immediately


Post by jayinsat »

Munk wrote:
PUCKER wrote:My wife wants an AK for Christmas...seriously...she doesn't even care if she shoots it, likes shooting it, etc...she just wants one...guess I "have to take one for the team" and get her an AK.... :biggrinjester:

I mentioned to her that I already have an SKS, an AR and some other rock-n-roll...but she still wants an AK.... :coolgleamA:

As stated earlier... The correct response is, "Yes, Dear." :cheers2:
I would appreciate if one or both of your wives could call my wife and explain to her that she needs one also. :mrgreen:
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Re: Yes, Dear, I'll Buy an Assault Weapon Immediately


Post by GeekwithaGun »

jayinsat wrote:
Munk wrote:
PUCKER wrote:My wife wants an AK for Christmas...seriously...she doesn't even care if she shoots it, likes shooting it, etc...she just wants one...guess I "have to take one for the team" and get her an AK.... :biggrinjester:

I mentioned to her that I already have an SKS, an AR and some other rock-n-roll...but she still wants an AK.... :coolgleamA:

As stated earlier... The correct response is, "Yes, Dear." :cheers2:
I would appreciate if one or both of your wives could call my wife and explain to her that she needs one also. :mrgreen:
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Re: Yes, Dear, I'll Buy an Assault Weapon Immediately


Post by danpaw »

Fiction. Pure fiction.
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Re: Yes, Dear, I'll Buy an Assault Weapon Immediately


Post by ELB »

When I got an AK five years ago, my wife looked at it and said "I want to shoot that puppy." ;-) When I recently bought an AK pistol, to convert to SBR down the road, she said the same thing. :lol:
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Re: Yes, Dear, I'll Buy an Assault Weapon Immediately


Post by hpcatx »

The Annoyed Man wrote:Fortunately, there is a far more practical battle zero for the AR carbine that has a much smaller vertical spread, and that is the Santos Improved 50 Yard Battle Zero:

If you zero your carbine at 50 yards instead of 25, your bullet's POI will never be more than 2" above or 2" below POA all the way out to 250 yards. That truly is a point and shoot zero with only a 4" variation across that distance. 250 yards is far more likely to be within the capability of the average shooter, and it is also well within the ballistic sweet spot of the cartridge.
Thank you, TAM! I have a new scope yet to be zeroed, so have been doing a lot of reading on the Santos Improved 50 Yard Battle Zero as of late. Your description and reference materials provide the most succinct explanation I have seen to date.

One question, as the ballistic and physics seems quite similar for M193 and M855 cartridges... Do you have experience with heavier, 77 grain HPBTs and the difference when zeroed at 50 yards? Almost all I have read addresses 55 and 62 grain munitions. I have stocked up a combination of M855 (62 grain) and 77 grain rounds. I'd like to both re-zero my irons using this method and the new scope.
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Re: Yes, Dear, I'll Buy an Assault Weapon Immediately


Post by PUCKER »

geek - you will probably see her more often at autocross / track days soon (she wants to have some fun in her vette, her neck is feeling a bit better!)!! Bring your wife too!

So...who can school me on the AK platform?? I'd prefer to by local (DFW) if possible and put my grubby little hands on the merchandise first. Trying to decide if a folder would be preferred over a fixed stock. I do like the storage / CQB angle of a folder. :tiphat:
geekwagun wrote:
jayinsat wrote:
Munk wrote:
PUCKER wrote:My wife wants an AK for Christmas...seriously...she doesn't even care if she shoots it, likes shooting it, etc...she just wants one...guess I "have to take one for the team" and get her an AK.... :biggrinjester:

I mentioned to her that I already have an SKS, an AR and some other rock-n-roll...but she still wants an AK.... :coolgleamA:
As stated earlier... The correct response is, "Yes, Dear." :cheers2:
I would appreciate if one or both of your wives could call my wife and explain to her that she needs one also. :mrgreen:

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Re: Yes, Dear, I'll Buy an Assault Weapon Immediately


Post by Silent Professional »

Does your wife have an (available, single, attractive, affluent) sister that shares her beliefs and values? If so, please PM me here at the board...
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Re: Yes, Dear, I'll Buy an Assault Weapon Immediately


Post by SQLGeek »

Congrats on your purchase. I made my own 11th hour purchase thanks to some fortune and the help of a gun shop owner friend.

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