DPS performing roadside cavity searches!

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Re: DPS performing roadside cavity searches!


Post by VMI77 »

anygunanywhere wrote:If this is true then this needs to be eliminated.

Pity the poor soul that ever tries to give me or Mrs. Anygun a roadside finger wave.


Did you listen to the whole thing? If you watch the video it shows the search, so there is no doubt it happened. The audio is very clear throughout. At the end of the video you can hear one of the women very calmly complaining about her treatment and where the officer put her fingers ---can't really repeat it here. I doubt I could have remained that calm.I know my wife wouldn't have been that calm. I can't honestly say what I'd have done in that situation if they had treated my wife like that.
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Re: DPS performing roadside cavity searches!


Post by Moby »

I urg all of you to do as I did and contact your Texas representatives and complain about this.

I told Jim Pitts I expected charges filed on all officers involved and the termination of any supervisory staff that authorized this.
I plan to follow up weekly and bug the crap out of several elected officails until DPS gets a boot in their butts.

We cannot stand for this in Texas.
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Re: DPS performing roadside cavity searches!


Post by mamabearCali »

This is unacceptable. Lets start with the first thing that comes to mind. Why are you sticking your hand down someones shorts on the side of the road. If you believe that much that they have pot in their bodies then cuff them, take them downtown. If you think this type of search is needful then arrest them. Secondly if you take them downtown, and you and your supervisor still think that a cavity search is warranted. Do it in private. These people are citizens, not proven criminals. Third.....for God's sakes be sanitary. One glove to check both ( I want to throw up at the thought of that). You can give people STD's that way. Second when you check a woman, you check the front then the back. If you do it the other way you can again cause infection.

This whole thing makes me :mad5 :mad5 :mad5

Everyone who had anything to do with authorizing this needs to go. The people who did this need to face charges. You don't digitally rape someone on the side of the road. You don't make then vulnerable to STD's and infection. I am so very very angry about this. :mad5 :mad5 :mad5
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Re: DPS performing roadside cavity searches!


Post by carlson1 »

When you give them an inch they take a mile. We allow them to have "power" they should never have been given. Citizens are treated as criminals. Disarm CHL's, search vehicles under the disguise of safety, keep you standing on the side of the road for hours waiting on the "drug dog" because you stood up for your rights and refused a search, now body cavity searches because they think they smell marijuana etc. . . etc. . .

The officer's word is LAW. :banghead:
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Re: DPS performing roadside cavity searches!


Post by anygunanywhere »

VMI77 wrote:
anygunanywhere wrote:If this is true then this needs to be eliminated.

Pity the poor soul that ever tries to give me or Mrs. Anygun a roadside finger wave.


Did you listen to the whole thing? If you watch the video it shows the search, so there is no doubt it happened. The audio is very clear throughout. At the end of the video you can hear one of the women very calmly complaining about her treatment and where the officer put her fingers ---can't really repeat it here. I doubt I could have remained that calm.I know my wife wouldn't have been that calm. I can't honestly say what I'd have done in that situation if they had treated my wife like that.
I can't watch videos at work. Firewall blocks them.

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Re: DPS performing roadside cavity searches!


Post by rp_photo »

Texas really needs to get with the times and liberalize their marijuana laws.

Marijuana laws ruin more lives that marijuana itself, and this is an excellent example.
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Re: DPS performing roadside cavity searches!


Post by sjfcontrol »

I thought the dashcam clip was at the WFAA link I originally posted, but either they removed the clip, or it was never there. The clip can be found here...

http://www.myfoxdfw.com/story/20376759/ ... ity-search" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

It's the third video under the main screen. click on the "next" button to see it
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Re: DPS performing roadside cavity searches!


Post by Moby »

http://www.fyi.legis.state.tx.us/addres ... ctType=ALL" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

I posted earlier that I contacted my representative Jim Pitt's via email.
I recieved a call back from his Chief of Staff Arron Greg.

Mr. Greg was very apeasing as anyone in his position would be and expressed his thanks for me contating his office.
Most emails are Obama is spending our money etc. He said it was refreshing to get a contact on issues on the ground in Texas.
I explained to him that while Mr. Pitts is very busy what I wanted Mr; Pitts to ask the head of the DPS is exactly why DPS officers feel they have the right
to literally act like SS agents and shove their fingers up a womens vagaina n the side of the highway? I was a Coast Guard LEO and we would have been arrested by our own command for something like this.

He agreed and promised he was following the case and would get 5 minuets with Jim Pitt's to discuss this case and ensure DPS recieved a call and was put on alert. I hope some of you will follow my lead and put a stop to this Germany SS style policing. Because that's exactly what it is.

Texas Lawmen provide a great service.
But the line is getting blurred on what they can and cannot do.
They need a strong wank on their leash.
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Re: DPS performing roadside cavity searches!


Post by anygunanywhere »

I already contacted Larry Taylor and Mike Jackson.

I also mentioned the DPS routinely running firearms numbers through NCIC and their disarming CHLs for this nonsense.

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Re: DPS performing roadside cavity searches!


Post by Crossfire »

If you watch the video it shows the search, so there is no doubt it happened. The audio is very clear throughout. At the end of the video you can hear one of the women very calmly complaining about her treatment and where the officer put her fingers ---can't really repeat it here. I doubt I could have remained that calm.I know my wife wouldn't have been that calm. I can't honestly say what I'd have done in that situation if they had treated my wife like that.
I agree. This is the most hideous abuse of power I have ever seen. There is NO way I would have tolerated that kind of treatment on the side of the road!

Good thing it didn't happen to me. I would probably still be locked up.
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Re: DPS performing roadside cavity searches!


Post by sjfcontrol »

Crossfire wrote:
If you watch the video it shows the search, so there is no doubt it happened. The audio is very clear throughout. At the end of the video you can hear one of the women very calmly complaining about her treatment and where the officer put her fingers ---can't really repeat it here. I doubt I could have remained that calm.I know my wife wouldn't have been that calm. I can't honestly say what I'd have done in that situation if they had treated my wife like that.
I agree. This is the most hideous abuse of power I have ever seen. There is NO way I would have tolerated that kind of treatment on the side of the road!

Good thing it didn't happen to me. I would probably still be locked up.
If they even want to SUGGEST doing such a thing to you, they better disarm you first! :mrgreen:
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Re: DPS performing roadside cavity searches!


Post by gigag04 »

carlson1 wrote:When you give them an inch they take a mile. We allow them to have "power" they should never have been given. Citizens are treated as criminals. Disarm CHL's, search vehicles under the disguise of safety, keep you standing on the side of the road for hours waiting on the "drug dog" because you stood up for your rights and refused a search, now body cavity searches because they think they smell marijuana etc. . . etc. . .

The officer's word is LAW. :banghead:
Who is "them"? A handful of the +/- 75,000 peace officers in Texas?

I understand you were a former officer at one point, and a mod on this board, both of which I respect. With that, I am having a hard time reading words like "they think they smell marijuana" and not taking them personal. As someone who frequently deals with the stuff roadside, it is an easy odor to identify. Your comment seems to call into question the integrity of what I am doing. The behavior you list compiles isolated incidents that are exceptions not the rule as to how LE in TX interact withe public. With cameras on the officers lapels coming out now, and dash cameras, this is one of the most monitored professions I can think.

If I were to make a blanket post on this board making sweeping statements lumping all CHL holders on gun enthusiasts into one group and make broad statements, I wager that the post would be moved to the invisible mod forum, and I would be sent a nasty PM.

Though offended, I think mostly I am disappointed with the content of this post.
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Re: DPS performing roadside cavity searches!


Post by jocat54 »

To me it doesn't really matter who "them" is.

What happened is totally wrong and I hope that they (THE WOMEN) involved win their lawsuit and are awarded a large sum.
If this had happened (the way it did) to me or my wife I would be up on assault or murder charges. This is totally unacceptable from all points!!!!!!!!
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Re: DPS performing roadside cavity searches!


Post by carlson1 »

gigag04 wrote:
carlson1 wrote:When you give them an inch they take a mile. We allow them to have "power" they should never have been given. Citizens are treated as criminals. Disarm CHL's, search vehicles under the disguise of safety, keep you standing on the side of the road for hours waiting on the "drug dog" because you stood up for your rights and refused a search, now body cavity searches because they think they smell marijuana etc. . . etc. . .

The officer's word is LAW. :banghead:
Who is "them"? A handful of the +/- 75,000 peace officers in Texas?

I understand you were a former officer at one point, and a mod on this board, both of which I respect. With that, I am having a hard time reading words like "they think they smell marijuana" and not taking them personal. As someone who frequently deals with the stuff roadside, it is an easy odor to identify. Your comment seems to call into question the integrity of what I am doing. The behavior you list compiles isolated incidents that are exceptions not the rule as to how LE in TX interact withe public. With cameras on the officers lapels coming out now, and dash cameras, this is one of the most monitored professions I can think.

If I were to make a blanket post on this board making sweeping statements lumping all CHL holders on gun enthusiasts into one group and make broad statements, I wager that the post would be moved to the invisible mod forum, and I would be sent a nasty PM.

Though offended, I think mostly I am disappointed with the content of this post.
Sorry you are offended. I worked 14 years in undercover narcotics alone not counting the time on the street. I have smelled marijuana more than you have ever seen. I also know the tricks (lies) of the trade. I also find it strange that LEO can lie during the investigation, but the suspect lies it is a crime (go figure). My youngest is an LEO on the street with ambitions of DPS. I have respect for those who are doing the "job", but not those who have their chest puffed and stand about 5'5 trying to be the next Texas Ranger.

"Them" are those of the LEO profession who think they are above the law and do not have follow the guidelines set up by their department or by the CCP.

Most of the LEO's are good people, but we have come to a point where there is a group who have taken upon their self to have way too much reign in what they are doing. The line is no longer clear on what they can and cannot do. They no longer have 20/20 vision on their duties.

Thus they start with a simple line of questioning (for investigative purposes) and they soon think they are CID investigating major crimes when they started a stop with throwing out a cigarette butt.

No doubt I made some drug cases because of no license plate light (the midnight felony in 1983), but then I grew up.

Why these troopers are doing a cavity search on the side of the road to two innocent victims (51 minutes) 15 DWI's drove by watching.

So go be disappointed!
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Re: DPS performing roadside cavity searches!


Post by gigag04 »

carlson1 wrote:I have smelled marijuana more than you have ever seen.

Seeing as you have never met me...much less know who I work with, I'll take the liberty to laugh at this, because clearly we aren't being serious anymore.

I'll remain disappointed - that you lied to build narcotics cases and somehow that was kosher when and where you worked. That doesn't fly now.

This is all off topic so delete the whole discourse...
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