And CHLers Complain about running their gun serial #, WOW

Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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And CHLers Complain about running their gun serial #, WOW


Post by VMI77 » ... -tape.html

Wow, just wow....this kind of police state activity makes the TSA look good. I lost a lot of respect for the DPS seeing this video. All this because it smelled like someone might have smoked marijuana in the car. Seriously, they expected to find a drug stash in the body cavities of these two women who are courteous and completely cooperative? I seriously do not know what I'd do if they did this to my wife.
Two Texas women are suing after state troopers subjected them to a humiliating and invasive 'roadside body cavity search' that was caught on video.

Female trooper Kellie Helleson is seen in the footage aggressively searching the private parts of Angel Dobbs, 38, and her niece, Ashley Dobbs, 24, in front of passing cars.

The women, who claim the trooper used the same rubber glove for both of them, were initially stopped by Helleson's colleague David Farrell on State Highway 161 near Irving after he saw one of them throw a cigarette butt out the window.
I see someone throwing a cigarette butt out a window and I think they deserve a ticket....but a cavity search? Come on.
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