These are words you never want to hear! But hear them I did!
Earlier this week after our Kenpo class hubby and I stopped in at a local casual little place for some dinner. We were seated at a table next to 2 gentlemen and 2 little boys. As I sat down, one of the little boys said "Look! A gun! That lady right there!" The gastric elevator rose to the top as I was sure I had exposed my side arm somehow.
Then I clicked - I was wearing my 4-H shooting sports shirt and it has pistols on the back - whew! Relief!
Blessed be the LORD, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle; Psalm 144:1-2
CHL - 2010; NRA RSO - 2011, NRA Chief RSO - 2014
NRA Pistol Instructor -2013, NRA Refuse To Be A Victim Instructor - 2015
Lifetime NRA Member - 2013
Yeah, that'll do it all right. How high do you think your heart rate and or blood pressure went up?
I am not and have never been a LEO. My avatar is in honor of my friend, Dallas Police Sargent Michael Smith, who was murdered along with four other officers in Dallas on 7.7.2016. NRA Patriot-Endowment Lifetime Member---------------------------------------------Si vis pacem, para bellum.................................................Patriot Guard Rider
Divided Attention wrote: These are words you never want to hear! But hear them I did!
Earlier this week after our Kenpo class hubby and I stopped in at a local casual little place for some dinner. We were seated at a table next to 2 gentlemen and 2 little boys. As I sat down, one of the little boys said "Look! A gun! That lady right there!" The gastric elevator rose to the top as I was sure I had exposed my side arm somehow.
Then I clicked - I was wearing my 4-H shooting sports shirt and it has pistols on the back - whew! Relief!
I was fairly new to CHL when I was in line at the grocery checkout. I was wearing a leather jacket and had my weapon in the inside breast pocket. The kid right in front of me in mom's cart says, "Gun!" pointing. I looked around and said, "What?" He said gun and pointed again. I glanced as surreptitiously as I could, figuring I had exposed it somehow as well, and there was no way he made me. Then as I was looking up from checking myself, there at shoulder height on the impulse rack was a cap pistol in a blister pack. I pointed questioningly at it, he smiled and nodded. I sympathize with the laryngo-bile bypass alert.
I Thess 5:21
"There is no situation so bad that you can't make it worse." - Chris Hadfield, NASA ISS Astronaut
Some one else on this forum has the funniest "caught out" story I have ever heard, but I can't get the right combo of search terms to find it, daggone it.
Basically Dad was standing in line at a fast food place (I think) with his young son, and they were behind a police officer. The boy was fascinated by all the cop gear, and asked the cop something about his gun. Without warning the youngster then yanks up his dad's shirt, exposing dad'sgun, and tells the cop "My Dad has one too!" Luckily before Dad could pass out or die from shock, the cop just burst out laughing.
ELB wrote:Some one else on this forum has the funniest "caught out" story I have ever heard, but I can't get the right combo of search terms to find it, daggone it.
Basically Dad was standing in line at a fast food place (I think) with his young son, and they were behind a police officer. The boy was fascinated by all the cop gear, and asked the cop something about his gun. Without warning the youngster then yanks up his dad's shirt, exposing dad'sgun, and tells the cop "My Dad has one too!" Luckily before Dad could pass out or die from shock, the cop just burst out laughing.
I like your version better, but here is the original story you are talking about: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9452" onclick=";return false;