.....and this was taught in Texas, where the independent spirit is alleged to survive. This is the first I've heard of this. Forgive me if it has been previously discussed. I saw the headline on Drudge Report earlier today. The children who are currently growing up to be voters, were exposed to this kind of hard leftist tripe not too long ago. Some may be still so exposed. And even where this curriculum has been dropped, what has a group as insidious as this one replaced it with? Am I the only one who thinks that TESCCC bears much closer examination? They received $25 million in state funding last year alone. THAT gives John Q. Public the absolute right to know what these creeps are doing.A lesson plan in schools across Texas depicts the Boston Tea Party, the historical protest against taxation without representation and a seminal event leading up to the American Revolutionary War, as an act of terrorism.
The lesson plan, designed for world history and social studies classes, remained available to teachers as recently as January of 2012, CBS Houston reports, and was promoted by the Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative.
Seriously folks, if a vipers nest like this isn't brought to the light of day and stamped out, then Texas is only a decade away from becoming California. My son is grown up and done with school. Like I said, I had no idea that this stuff was going on. How many of you who have kids in school right now are 100% aware of whether or not your kids are being spoon fed this kind of revisionist crap?