I love the "one button" approach..... just wish it was like shampoo...rinse and repeat

Moderators: carlson1, Charles L. Cotton
I hope you're in a county where one button was enough and there was no need to vote against more economic BONDage.mr surveyor wrote:wife and I got ours in this morning. All day yesterday the line wait was about an hour.... mid-morning today we only had about 30 minute wait. Since my wife it the election judge for our box, we always take advantage of the chance to early vote. Probably a good thing for her this time around, especially if the turnout is as big as expected on the 6th.
I love the "one button" approach..... just wish it was like shampoo...rinse and repeat
RPB wrote:Tweet of the day
I did the Hokey Pokey today in the voting booth.Put the right one in & the left one out!
Wasn't there some discussion in another thread (the SJL thread, I believe) indicting that ballots on which both "straight ticket" and individual races would be considered invalid?Heartland Patriot wrote:My ballot has been cast. On paper...not only did I mark the straight party box because that is the way I feel about this, but I also marked the box to indicate my choice for President/Vice President, just so there wouldn't be any guesswork. I also voted NO for a ballot to raise a tax-supported bond for the school system...seems like the school has an awful lot of administrators...if they need more teachers, they need to take a hard look at how many non-teachers they have on the payroll FIRST before asking for more money.