U.N. Prisoner Boxcars in U.S.A.

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Re: U.N. Prisoner Boxcars in U.S.A.


Post by mamabearCali »

Jaguar wrote:
mamabearCali wrote:not that I would put this past some of the evil outfits hanging about, but in truth why would a dictator bother with boxcars and shackles. If they are going to kill a bunch of us, I would think there are much more efficient ways to accomplish their goals. If they (whoever "they" are) want to kill us individually why bother with shackles and trains....bullets are much cheaper. This sounds like something out of a book really, and not aware of modern methods of warfare. If their goal is enslavement of the people, they might get away with it a little (inner cities and such) but once they get past those places you are looking at body counts not trains.

In short, this does not make sense in the context of our day and time.
Not that I believe we are making boxcars for people, the ones I've seen as examples of "prison boxcars" were for automobiles, not people ready.

However, the Nazi's started off with just shooting people. It didn't work well since the guards were people and people have an aversion to killing others. Not all, but the majority do, so they had to come up with a better way to implement the "final solution". Turns out, guards do not have as much of an aversion to herding people into rooms, and you can always find that "one" who will happily drop cyanide in from outside, then just force other prisoners to clean up the mess.

It doesn't make it right or better, or even close, but mass killing in this manner was the way the Nazi's could get it done with the least amount of strife.

Sad that that much thought went into killing innocent people.
Understood, but I don't think it would go down like that.....if they wanted to kill a bunch of us they could just poison the local water supply. With most people on county or city water that would be more plausible.
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Re: U.N. Prisoner Boxcars in U.S.A.


Post by Jaguar »

There may be better ways to implement mass murder, I hate to contemplate the idea.

Mass poisoning would be difficult as well, birds would die, pets would die, all before people even got sick. Rounding people up and doing away with them is the tried and true method.

I cannot envision a force in this country that would willingly accept the job of doing this. Therefore I cannot see it happening here.
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Re: U.N. Prisoner Boxcars in U.S.A.


Post by polisci »

Well, that's interesting. Judging by the sarcasm, I'm going to say there isn't much validity to any of what I heard. I knew I could get the truth around this place. lol
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Re: U.N. Prisoner Boxcars in U.S.A.


Post by The Annoyed Man »

polisci wrote:Well, that's interesting. Judging by the sarcasm, I'm going to say there isn't much validity to any of what I heard. I knew I could get the truth around this place. lol
polisci, this is worth reading: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam's_razor.

Occam's Razor is the logical principle which says that the simplest explanation is most likely the correct one.
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Re: U.N. Prisoner Boxcars in U.S.A.


Post by Thomas »

Jaguar wrote:I cannot envision a force in this country that would willingly accept the job of doing this. Therefore I cannot see it happening here.
Today, you're right. I also cannot see a force in this country that would willingly accept the job of doing this.

However, in 30 or 40 years down the road, who knows? The German people just got done witnessing the largest loss of life in the 20th century with The Great War. 30 years later, they went from that to killing even more people in World War II. There are a lot of things that can cause people as a whole to do unthinkable things. Guess what the individual Nazi's excuse was... "I was just following orders."

I'm not comparing the two groups, but only showing the similarity in that people will do what they don't want to because of orders and the consequences for not following them.

TSA groping. Most TSA checkpoint personnel don't want to feel up people, but they will because those are the orders, and if they don't follow them, they could be out of a job. Two completely different groups, but they both "just followed orders".

In Germany, townspeople everywhere saw the trains pulling box cars. They all saw the smoke rising from the chimneys. They all saw people going in, but not coming out. But they were all silent, they were scared. Today, I don't think that could happen. There would be massive outrage and protests. But what happens when you have a police force that knows no accountability (the Gestapo)? For a movement to start, someone has to be the first (protester). If everyone is too afraid of the police to be the first, then there will never be a public outrage, and thus you could get away with anything.

We need checks and balances, we need people not to be afraid of doing the right thing. You might be able to trust someone today with power, but what about that person's replacement? You just can't give power away like that, or you'll lose it in a devastating way.
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Re: U.N. Prisoner Boxcars in U.S.A.


Post by G26ster »

Jumping Frog wrote:You need to adjust the tightness on your tinfoil hat.
Is there a tool for that? If not there appears to be a great market for one out there, what with all the tightening/loosening required based upon "reliable sources" of information. Of course it would have to be a "tactical" model, preferably in camo, and sold only on interweb sites to the "right people." Hmmmm ;-)


Re: U.N. Prisoner Boxcars in U.S.A.


Post by Thomas »

G26ster wrote:
Jumping Frog wrote:You need to adjust the tightness on your tinfoil hat.
Is there a tool for that? If not there appears to be a great market for one out there, what with all the tightening/loosening required based upon "reliable sources" of information. Of course it would have to be a "tactical" model, preferably in camo, and sold only on interweb sites to the "right people." Hmmmm ;-)
But they'll have to accept bitcoins, because otherwise the purchases will be traceable and the information will go into a secret database and they'll be at the top of "the list". :roll:

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Re: U.N. Prisoner Boxcars in U.S.A.


Post by mamabearCali »

I think the germans had mostly been disarmed though by that point.....what if those same scared townspeople had had rifles and knowing that atrocities were taking place had sniped the guards, and freed the people? What if the ex-military had been taking out the locomotives to the trains that were hauling people away with IED's. What if every SS officer had to be afraid that with his next round up he would be on the wrong end of a bullet.....I think things might have shaken out different than they did. You see, as long as we as a people have a method to defend ourselves, as long as we have a mindset to defend ourselves where there is a will there will be a way.
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Re: U.N. Prisoner Boxcars in U.S.A.


Post by Heartland Patriot »

The real trouble with killing a whole bunch of folks is that it is WORK to do so...not easy or simple. And the most "efficient" things that kill a whole lot of folks, such as germs or radiation, have a tendency to cause the KILLERS a whole lot of problems. Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, the long list of them, found ways of getting the "job" done, but it was never efficient or simple...and in the end, it simply wasn't enough, though I'm sure those evil men gave it their all. And it's NEVER enough when the bad guys have to face an ARMED POPULACE, which is why our Founding Fathers, may God bless them, knew that the Second Amendment was so important, right after freedom of speech and religion. One armed human being may not be successful at remaining free...but a whole nation of armed people have a MUCH better chance.

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Re: U.N. Prisoner Boxcars in U.S.A.


Post by WildBill »

Thomas wrote:
G26ster wrote:
Jumping Frog wrote:You need to adjust the tightness on your tinfoil hat.
Is there a tool for that? If not there appears to be a great market for one out there, what with all the tightening/loosening required based upon "reliable sources" of information. Of course it would have to be a "tactical" model, preferably in camo, and sold only on interweb sites to the "right people." Hmmmm ;-)
But they'll have to accept bitcoins, because otherwise the purchases will be traceable and the information will go into a secret database and they'll be at the top of "the list". :roll:
That's okay. I heard that the database is so old you have to use hyphens instead of spaces so bitcoins won't be recognized. :coolgleamA:
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Re: U.N. Prisoner Boxcars in U.S.A.


Post by Heartland Patriot »

mamabearCali wrote:I think the germans had mostly been disarmed though by that point.....what if those same scared townspeople had had rifles and knowing that atrocities were taking place had sniped the guards, and freed the people? What if the ex-military had been taking out the locomotives to the trains that were hauling people away with IED's. What if every SS officer had to be afraid that with his next round up he would be on the wrong end of a bullet.....I think things might have shaken out different than they did. You see, as long as we as a people have a method to defend ourselves, as long as we have a mindset to defend ourselves where there is a will there will be a way.
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” ---Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn
Rifles, shotguns and pistols work a LOT better than axes, hammers, and pokers, too!
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Re: U.N. Prisoner Boxcars in U.S.A.


Post by MoJo »

Tin foil brigade number 221 and 224 "rlol"

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Re: U.N. Prisoner Boxcars in U.S.A.


Post by Thomas »

WildBill wrote:
Thomas wrote:
G26ster wrote:
Jumping Frog wrote:You need to adjust the tightness on your tinfoil hat.
Is there a tool for that? If not there appears to be a great market for one out there, what with all the tightening/loosening required based upon "reliable sources" of information. Of course it would have to be a "tactical" model, preferably in camo, and sold only on interweb sites to the "right people." Hmmmm ;-)
But they'll have to accept bitcoins, because otherwise the purchases will be traceable and the information will go into a secret database and they'll be at the top of "the list". :roll:
That's okay. I heard that the database is so old you have to use hyphens instead of spaces so bitcoins won't be recognized. :coolgleamA:
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Re: U.N. Prisoner Boxcars in U.S.A.


Post by MoJo »

"To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them."
George Mason
Texas and Louisiana CHL Instructor, NRA Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, Personal Protection and Refuse To Be A Victim Instructor


Re: U.N. Prisoner Boxcars in U.S.A.


Post by Thomas »

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